Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 789: delicious jelly

When you pick up the picturesque and beautiful jelly, open your eyes and observe carefully, and then eat it in one bite, the crystal trembling is clear, spicy to the point of your mouth, the tip of your tongue smashes and the mouth is full of coolness, yet you have not tasted the taste, meticulous It has penetrated into the stomach, the heart is moistened, and even the mind has melted. There is only a long and timeless and transparent moving, which makes you can't wait to take another sip.

That's the beauty of jelly as breakfast.

This morning, Tsunade got up from the house, and as usual, she stretched first, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and groped for the clothes she had taken off the bed. The immortal figure that even the gods would be jealous of was covered up.

"It's so annoying, I have to go to work again today, I really don't want to go to work, I really want to take a gamble!"

Tsunade tidied up his clothes, walked to the bathroom to wash, looked in the mirror, and saw the bags under his eyes that were gradually deepening, shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, what's so good about being Hokage, I really don't understand why Naruto's idiots like this job so much!"

Tsunade was washing and tidying up after a night, her hair was messy like a chicken coop.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

After a while, her stomach made a muffled sound.

Tsunade shrugged his eyelids, looked listless, and sighed.

"Ah~ I'm so hungry~ but I don't want to cook!"

Tsunade washed up listlessly, and complained, "It would be nice if it was silent, but unfortunately she went out on a business trip."

Tsunade finished tidying up extremely decadently, and dragged his tired body to work in the Hokage Building. When he passed by Yang Ming's shop, he suddenly found that Yang Ming's shop had actually started business.


Tsunade asked a question, then stepped forward and took a closer look. It turned out that Yang Ming's small shop started breakfast service today.

"It just so happens that I haven't had breakfast yet, so let's try it first! I haven't eaten breakfast made by Yang Ming, so I don't know if it's delicious!"

With a hint of curiosity, Tsunade walked into the small shop and found a place to sit down.

Careful, she soon discovered that a series of breakfasts were introduced in a new menu.

"Oh, it looks interesting."

Tsunade picked himself up a little, flipped through the menu, and read the pages attentively.

Tsunade pondered for a while, then beckoned and said, "Bai, give me a jelly to try."

"Okay!" Bai walked over in small steps, nodded, recorded it, and returned to the kitchen.

For Yang Ming's jelly, the best peas are used, cooked meticulously, ground meticulously, and meticulously made into strips; I choose the best chili, grind it into powder by myself, and fry it with the best vegetables to make it fragrant. .

After a while, Bai came out with a bowl of jelly and placed it on Tsunade's table.

Tsunade's beautiful eyes were wide open, twinkling, staring at the bowl of jelly.

I saw that this cool pink color was thin red and slightly transparent. At first glance, it looked like Huangtian jade with moist texture, and the almost transparent snow-white jelly looked like Hetian suet jade. This bowl of jelly is crystal clear, trembling and full on the white porcelain bowl.

Just looking at it, Tsunade immediately disappeared in the early morning because of the slightly nauseated feeling he had just woken up from.

"Hope you don't let me down!"

It can be seen that there are all kinds of seasonings on top of this jelly. Tsunade smiled slightly, picked up his chopsticks, and stirred these seasonings into the jelly, so that the tasteless and white jelly absorbed the deliciousness.

Shoutout! Shoutout! …

With the constant stirring, the color of the jelly became reddish and deepened, which made the mouth feel full.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

Tsunade took a sip of water and smacked his lips, then he picked up the jelly and ate it.

As soon as you enter it, Tsunade can immediately taste the aroma of peas, the spicy peppers are fragrant, and the jelly is smooth, which is very enjoyable to eat. The jelly is smooth and the sauce is fresh and fragrant. Just taking a bite, it immediately stimulates the taste buds on the tip of the tongue.

"'s just the taste! It's cool!"

Tsunade's eyes lit up, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, letting go of the chili oil at the corners of his mouth and inhaling them one by one.

Whoohoo! Whoohoo!

Tsunade hadn't noticed it when she first ate it, but after eating a lot of jelly, her lips became redder and more flamboyant, and the breath she exhaled became more intense, which seemed to be not lightly spicy.

But it's strange that Tsunade was very decadent when he woke up in the morning, especially not wanting to work, but he was defeated in front of this small bowl of jelly, and all of a sudden he regained his excitement!

As a contemporary Hokage-sama, Tsunade tasted this jelly in Yang Ming's shop, and it suddenly became a beautiful scene. Tsunade opened her peach-like lips, like a red-billed jade. This is a bird with a bright red beak and green feathers. It seems to have become a poetic beauty that will be permanently fixed at this moment. .

The strips of jelly entered the stomach, and Tsunade only felt cool and cool in the viscera, and the whole body was sour and refreshing, which was difficult to describe with one-tenth of the words.

It can be seen that besides her, there are other small square tables with bottles and jars of condiments on them, and a bamboo sieve, padded with clean cloth, holds a whole piece of fragrant jelly.

The waiters in the small shop carrying the jelly, the common people or ninjas of all levels, washed their faces with pure white pulp, and greeted Tsunade with enthusiasm. This kind of scenery has been seen everywhere since they stepped into the store.

For all this, Tsunade saw it in his eyes, and was happy to share the joy with the people, and responded enthusiastically.

But for Tsunade, UU reading All of this should not disturb her to taste the food in front of her. The unique natural fragrance of the jelly wafts recklessly in the air of this small shop. Just smelling it is enough. Mouthwatering.

The jelly is delicious, suitable for all ages, and loved by all ages.

The process of making jelly seems simple, but it is very knowledgeable. First of all, the selected peas are soaked one day in advance. If they are broad beans, they must be crushed into granules for easy soaking. Grind the soaked peas, then filter the bean dregs with gauze, add the remaining starch with an appropriate amount of water and simmer in a pot, stir with a spoon while cooking, and then pour it into a basin or bowl, wait It can be eaten after it cools and solidifies.

Making jelly is very particular, including grinding, filtration, ratio of water and starch, heat, etc., all determine the pros and cons of jelly. Every step is sloppy. Take the heat as an example, one more point will make the jelly too much. Old, the color will be much duller, and the taste is not so delicious, like chewing wax; if it is less than one point, it is too tender, the jelly is not strong, and the taste is not much inferior.

In fact, being a human being is the same as making jelly. Every step must be taken down-to-earth. If the jelly is broken, you can make it again. But in this life, it is too late to regret the wrong things and the wrong way.

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