Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 790: fried dough sticks

When it comes to breakfast, I am afraid that many people will think of fried dough sticks.

Think about it, get up early in the morning to go to school, line up in front of the breakfast stall in front of the school, pack soy milk and fried dough sticks and leave, then gobble down the dough sticks one by one, swallow the soy milk again, and rush to class.

Even though many years have passed and I have been far away from school life, as long as I pass through such a breakfast stall, I will think of the glorious years again.

Fritters definitely play a pivotal role in breakfast. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, fried dough sticks, with soy milk, bean curd, clear porridge, and a plate of pickles, are the standard breakfast for many people. After eating, wipe the oil stains on the corners of the mouth with a paper towel to welcome a busy day of work and study. It feels very solid.

Regarding the origin of fried dough sticks, the longest-running story is that after the traitor Qin Hui framed Zhongliang Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty hated him deeply, so they made dough into the appearance of Qin Hui and his wife and fried them in a hot oil pan to relieve their worries. Hate, some people tasted it and thought it was delicious, so there were stalls specializing in frying this food, and they called this food "fried juniper". It is said that this name is still used in some places. .

The "Qing Barnyard Notes" also records the origin of the fried dough sticks: "The fried juniper is as long as one person, and it is thin when it is beaten on the face. The upper hand and the lower foot... The Song people hated Qin Hui's misunderstanding of the country, so the pictograph was like killing him."

"Trivia Xianlu" recorded many names of fried dough sticks: "Fried noodles are like cold utensils. All provinces in the north and south eat this snack, or call it fruit, or call it oil embryo, and in Henan province it is called hemp sugar, which is oil. Mo, that is, the fried ghost in the capital." Tanzi, fruit, oil embryo, sesame sugar, oil bun, the names of these fried dough sticks have been used in many places until now.

And now, Yang Ming is about to start frying fritters.

The ingredients for fritters are very simple, just need flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, eggs, oil and water.

Here are some things to say, baking powder and baking soda are the key to the fluffy fritters, this is the key. Salt can increase the gluten of the fried dough sticks, add a little oil, the noodles will be smoother, and the fried dough will be more crispy.

In the process of kneading the dough, Yang Ming seems to have decades of experience as an old master. He did not slack off in the whole process. He did it in one go, as if he had practiced it countless times.

It is worth noting that don’t put the oil first, wait until the other ingredients are kneaded into a ball, and then put in the oil and knead it evenly. This process will be a bit disgusting, because the whole ball of dough is like a lump, whether it is appearance or feel, it can make People are disgusting all day, but for Yang Ming, these are just trivial things, just stick with it for a while.

Cover the kneaded dough with a piece of gauze, or plastic wrap, and let it rest for two hours. It can be a little longer. Yang Ming woke up early in the morning for this. He made it early, put it in the refrigerator, and just waited for now.

The proofed dough is very small, about the size of the mouth of a bowl. It is not like making steamed buns or breads. After the dough is proofed, it will become very big and big, even as big as some washbasins.

In comparison, the dough of the fried dough sticks is really small.

This comes to the question of how the dough is fluffy.

In order to avoid hard taste and not easy to chew, many pastries must be fluffy first, such as bread, steamed buns, biscuits, cakes and so on.

Steamed buns and breads use the biological fluffing method, that is, live yeasts. During the process of proofing the dough, these yeasts respire to produce carbon dioxide, which makes the dough fluffy. Therefore, the steamed buns and bread dough will become larger after proofing.

The cake is physically fluffy. It is quickly stirred to make the egg white into fluffy lower air bubbles, and then mixed with the flour to form a batter, so that the batter is also fluffy.

The biscuits, as well as the fritters, use the chemical fluffing method, that is, sodium bicarbonate and ammonium bicarbonate, which react at a high temperature to produce carbon dioxide, which makes the dough fluffy.

Therefore, the dough of the fried dough sticks will not expand now, but after a while, it will expand.

Yang Ming brushed a layer of oil on both the panel and the dough, then rolled the dough into long strips, slightly flattened them into long strips, and cut them into small rectangles with a knife. . Press again with chopsticks.

Stack every two long squares together, and press firmly in the middle of the long square dough with chopsticks, the pressed dough presents a beautiful four-petal flower shape.

At the same time, Yang Ming poured vegetable oil into the pot, heated and turned to low heat to maintain the temperature, gently pulled the pressed dough at both ends and slowly stretched it, put it into the oil pot, and kept turning it with chopsticks until the fried dough sticks Expansion molding, clip out and drain the oil.

As soon as the fritters were put into the pot, they suddenly made a crackling sound, and splashed a lot of oil, and even a little splashed on the body.

During this process, Yang Ming always held both ends of the fried dough sticks with both hands, pinched them tightly, and gently put them into the pot. This was a big secret. It is worth noting that in the process of stretching the fritters, the two ends must not be too hard, otherwise it will affect the expansion of the fritters.

The fried dough sticks will soon float to the surface, so you need to keep stirring with chopsticks, otherwise the frying will be uneven. Just until completely fluffy and golden on the surface.

Anyone who has eaten fried dough sticks knows that a dough stick is made up of two pieces of dough. The outside is golden and crispy. Big holes, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

So why do you fry two pieces of fried dough sticks together?

Like cakes and breads, fried dough sticks are porous foods formed by the expansion of gas bubbles. The expansion agents of cakes and breads are yeast and egg whites, respectively, which expand slowly at a suitable temperature.

The fried dough sticks are different. The hot oil with very high temperature will make the dough sticks quickly take shape before they have time to expand. With the shape of two pieces of dough together, the soft and unshaped contact surface in the middle can continue to expand outward and become larger. Turn it over to make the fritters plump and delicious.

To put it simply, the reason why two sticks are fried together is because the fried dough sticks will not expand if a single one is fried!

The proofed dough is just a ball, put it into the oil pan at one time, and at least ten fried dough sticks can be fried.

Don't underestimate this small fritter, and don't underestimate the people who sell fritters. In fact, the sellers are rich, and they can earn at least 20,000 yuan a month. Making more money, he is a real stealth rich man, which makes the author even want the **** to fry fried dough sticks.

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