Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 629: Kohei Soma's solo show

Yukihira Souma stretched out his hand and said, "These are a little small, I need a few...the same size as that plate." He pointed to a kind of plate where the cutlery was.

Nakiri Erina nodded, and ordered someone to go to the logistics department to notify and send a few pumpkins of the requested size.

Because of the real problem of Kohei, others turned their attention to him. It's really hard to tell if the size of the ingredients is required for cooking. Is it really a real layman in cooking, or does he have any special ideas.

Yukihira Soma really picked and selected, and finally settled on all the ingredients. In fact, it wasn't that he was too grumpy in the process of choosing the ingredients, it was just that he was thinking about the cooking method while choosing the ingredients, and all kinds of thoughts collided in his head for a while. Being caught in a brainstorm, he was already highly focused, but after all, he couldn't help but come up with ideas one after another.

The combination of each ingredient is constantly shaped and matched in Kohei Soma's mind... After cleaning all the ingredients, Kohei Soma takes a deep breath slowly, inhaling, exhaling, inhaling, exhaling... From brainstorming come out of the state.

Selecting from a pile of kitchen utensils, Xingping Chuangzhen found a knife of the right size and weighed it in his hand. The weight was suitable and the handle was comfortable...

With a twist of his wrist, Soma Kohei threw the knife in his hand vertically upwards, and the thrown knife flipped a few times in the air before falling vertically and quickly again.

Xingping Chuangzhen raised his hand, his eyes caught the spinning knife, he grabbed the handle of the flying knife suddenly, and wiped the back of the knife with the fingers of the other hand, and his eyes changed in an instant!

The knife throw just now wasn't for being handsome, it was just a habit of Kohira Soma. Every time he tempered his cooking skills, he was used to throwing the knife into the air and then taking it with his bare hands. At the moment when the knife is thrown, the whole person will be nervous because of the instinctual fear of being hurt by the knife, and all attention will be focused on the flying knife. In order to be able to catch the speeding tool, you must concentrate all your attention, capture every frame of the tool's movement, and even predict the next path of the tool.

In this way, after a process of throwing and catching the knife, Kohira Soma's nerves tightened in an instant, and his attention was concentrated in an instant.

In effect, this action is like a physical password. After the password is given, Soma Kohei, who is trained instinctively, will instantly enter a state of complete concentration on cooking. Get rid of all distractions and devote yourself to cooking.

Yukihira Soma held a round carrot in one hand and a knife in the other, and cut off the head and tail of the carrot, leaving only about two inches in length, and cooked a few carrots in the same way.

Holding the carrot in his left hand, he placed almost the entire ingredient in his palm, and bent down halfway down on the cooking table. The tip of the knife made a beautiful curve, leaving a few deep or shallow marks on the carrot. The action quickly plucks out a small section of the carrot, making it appear to be in a slightly curved shape.

"Xiaoping Chuang is really dealing with carrots, right?" A voice sounded from the onlookers, with a little doubt in his words.

Since only Soma Yukihira has not finished cooking, he has become the center of attention.

"Yeah, but it looks like... I don't know what he's doing at all? He looks like he's going to spend a lot of time on a carrot."

"It's too much of a grind."

Yukihira cut out more or less a small section of several carrots, so that each carrot was bent, but the degree of bending was slightly different. Holding the handle of the knife in his right hand with a little force, he cut out knife marks horizontally on the carrot, depicting the shell mold of the shrimp, and then hooked the tip of the knife, and the smart eyes were also carved. On the head of the shrimp, making the whole shrimp look like the real thing.

The light of the knife flashed, and the abdomen, back, and head of the shrimp slowly formed under the shadow of the flying knife. When Kohei Soma put down the carrot in his hand, the carrot had already turned into an orange-red shrimp.

Everyone's eyes followed the tip of Koping Soma's knife, as if they were afraid of missing any detail. When others saw the sculpted shrimp, they all sighed, and even slightly changed their opinion of Kohira Soma.

"This is? What a high-level carving skill!" Erina Nakiri's voice contained some surprises, and she looked at the few carrot-carved shrimps placed on the cooking table with burning eyes.

There was also a heated discussion among the onlookers.

"Wow! Kohei Chuang's craftsmanship is really beautiful, and the swordsmanship is amazing!"

"Indeed, great."

"This kid's carving skills have become much better than before."

Nakiri Erina was a little interested, but still said with some cold water, "However, no matter how well you carve, it's useless if I don't have the appetite to eat it."

Kobayashi Rinda heard the voice here, put his hands on the cooking table, looked in the direction of Nakiri Erina, then turned to look at Soma Yukihira, and said casually, "It is indeed a very powerful swordsmanship, and it is indeed beautiful. .UU read However, after all, the food still has to be eaten."

Soma Kohei, who was immersed in cooking, didn't pay attention to the discussions of the people around him. No, it should be said that he didn't hear the voices of these people at all. At this time, he was in a state of devotion, with only cooking in his eyes, sight, taste, smell, hearing, and various senses being flooded with his own cooking.

Then, Koping Soma put these "shrimp" aside, and laid out the peeled potatoes one by one. Playing with the knife in his hand, measuring the potatoes on the cooking table, holding the knife with one hand on the potato and the other, leaving deep or shallow nicks on the potatoes wherever the blade goes. Soma Yukihira was very careful to pay attention to the force of the tip of the knife, even more so than when he was just carving carrots and shrimps.

Potatoes and carrots have huge differences in carving. The hardness and density of potatoes make them less suitable for carving than carrots, so you need to be more careful when carving them.

The round potatoes were gouged out from the periphery, and the prototype of the "fish" gradually emerged. The smooth potatoes were slowly engraved with patterns like fish scales, and the patterns were neatly arranged. Yukihira carefully sketched some slight fine marks on the tail of the fish as fins, and dug small holes in the position of the fish's eyes, making the potato-carved fish seem to be blind.

After that, he casually reached out and grabbed the prepared red radish, and cut out a few small **** the size of sesame seeds at the red heart of the radish, which happened to be the size of a fish's eye, and embedded them in the position of the eyes vacated by the fish carved by the potato.

When all the carving work was ready, Soma Kohei calculated the time, put the carved raw materials into the steamer, and put some washed vegetables into the juicer. Naruto Big Foodie

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