Chapter 579 Last stand? Amazing achievement!

Konoha Shinobi Village, the sun is high.

When Naruto learned of Six Paths Penn from Jiraiya, his face was surprised and exquisite from time to time.

“Is that called Payne that strong?

Naruto felt a little unbelievable. He obviously couldn’t believe that a being as strong as Jiraiya was not even the latter’s opponent.

The most important thing is that this guy named Payne-seems to be his brother?

“Very strong!”

Jiraiya spit out two words heavily, and then added another sentence: “Even in [Sage Mode], it is very difficult to deal with-it is extremely difficult.”

“Sage Mode?’

Naruto chanted, his expression shocked.

Obviously, he didn’t expect that Jiraiya also mastered this method.

But when I thought about it, he was relieved. After all, the latter had already signed the Summoning blood contract with “Mount Myōboku”, and it made sense to be able to master the magic.

Because of this, it shocked his heart even more!

Because he is now a Master [Sage Mode], although it is only a preliminary Master, he deeply understands how heaven-defying this method is.

This is a fairy technique that can skyrocket several times in one’s own strength!

But even so, Jiraiya still lost.

From this, it can be seen how strong is Penn?

Needless to say, it must be a level that is still heard!

Originally, Naruto was still complacent because he had initially mastered the “Sage Mode”, but now that he wants to come, he still needs to further improve his strength.

In other words, better control of Sage Mode!

Coupled with the “Nine Tails Status” he can use and knowing the weakness of Six Paths Payne, it may be a battle.

Although he knows that Shiyu is very strong and can definitely fight that strong mess of Six Paths Payne, he doesn’t want to rely on Shiyu for the facts.

What if a powerful enemy visits when the latter no longer Konoha?

Therefore, he wants to fight Penn on his own strength!

Because he wants to become Hokage’s man, it is naturally impossible to hide behind Shi Yu all the time, as he cannot be recognized by others.

Although he knew that Shi Yu had no intention of being in the position of Hokage, he had to have the corresponding strength if he wanted to sit in the position of Hokage. External forces can never deter others, nor can they convince others.

“Since that Penn came against me, let me fight him!”

As soon as Naruto said this, Tsunade was the first to speak.


“His goal is you, how can he expose you directly? This is too risky.”

“Yes, this is not appropriate.

Jiraiya agreed, and then said: “Now I probably know the secret of Six Paths Payne. If I fight with him, even if I can’t beat him, I won’t want to be as embarrassed as the last time.

“Furthermore, in Konoha’s battle, this is our home court.

“With Tsunade and others cooperating with me, we may not be defeated!”

Since Jiraiya is not yet what Shiyu’s strength is now, there is no idea of ​​letting Shiyu fight.

There is no doubt that he wants to do his best to fight back!

…For flowers…

But at this moment, Kakashi spoke.

“Master Jiraiya, I think you seem to overlook someone.”

“So who?”

“A person who might be able to fight the Six Paths Payne you call it!’

As soon as Kakashi said this, Jiraiya was shocked.

Because no one knows the strength of Payne better than him, even if he now knows the weakness of the latter, he is not sure of victory.

Could it be that Konoha has a stronger presence than him?

If anything, Orochimaru wouldn’t let Orochimaru be so presumptuous in the first place.

But the problem is that he didn’t seem to have heard of Konoha any powerful people appearing in the past few years, or unknown old guys returning in the dark.

It’s no wonder that Jiraiya couldn’t think of one at a time, because even Tsunade didn’t target Tokiwa.

The reason why Kakashi would say this is because he had personally seen Tokiwa when he was in the battle between Hidan and Kakuzu.

The so-called Chen Dun was only second, but that Fen Dun really scared him.

That’s the “Blood Succession Seal” that is stronger than the Blood Succession Boundary and the Blood Succession Elimination!

This kind of heaven-defying ninjutsu came from Toki’s hand, and it has to be doubted what heaven-defying is in Toki’s strength today.

If only because of this, the key is that Shi Yu also signed the Summoning blood contract with the three holy places in the Summoning beast world, and personally created a “Sage Mode” that is most suitable for human cultivation.

With such an achievement, its current strength is absolutely terrifying! Big.

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