Chapter 580 Blood succession banned! What a genius!

Jiraiya paid very little attention to Shi Yu because of his long-time external adjustments.

It is excusable not to think of him in the first time!

However, Tsunade, who had been sitting in Konoha, heard Kakashi’s words, and immediately knew who was in the former’s words?

The next moment.

Whether it was Tsunade, Naruto, or Kakashi and others, they all focused on Tokiwa.

Jiraiya is not stupid, he noticed the abnormality in a moment.

“Kakashi, did you mean the beginning of Yu?”


Kakashi nodded, and then said: “Presumably you also know that the “Seven Nine Seven” Tao Shiyu had already awakened [Mangekyō Sharingan] more than two years ago, but if it is only based on this, naturally there is still something lacking. ”

“Just not long ago, Shi Yu continued to be eliminated and banned in succession!”

“What! Shi Yu is the Master and he is eliminated?”

Jiraiya was a little uncomfortable in shock, obviously he didn’t expect that Toki was already a master with such a powerful method at a young age.

He is over half a hundred years old and has a wealth of experience. In addition, he has been around the world for more than two decades, and his understanding of blood succession is naturally far better than others.

According to his understanding, in today’s ninja world, apart from Iwagakure’s Third Tsuchikage Onogi, there is no Master who has eliminated this powerful ninjutsu.

You know, Oh Nogi mastered this ninjutsu only after Second Tsuchikage’s knowledge.

But what about Shiyu?

If nothing else, he definitely figured it out on his own!

Because there is no such person in Konoha, not to mention that the Master’s Blood Succession is eliminated, even the Blood Succession Boundary are few and pitiful.


Most of them are inherited by innate blood, rather than acquired by their own talents.

After some consternation.

Jiraiya suddenly realized one thing, that is, there are four words in it.

Blood Succession Banned!

He is very unfamiliar with this title. Even though he has traveled around the world and visited countless ninja villages, he is still unheard of.

However, this is also reasonable.

Because this name was given by Toki himself, and no one has been able to integrate the four Chakra attributes since the creation of the Ninja World.

Although Sage of Six Paths and others can do it, they did not create a corresponding technique.

With doubts in his heart, Jiraiya also asked directly.

“I know that the Blood Succession is eliminated, but what is the matter of the Blood Succession ban?”

Although Jiraiya couldn’t figure it out for a while, he could also think that this must be a “blood succession Technique”.

Moreover, it is very likely to be a means that is not weaker than blood succession elimination!

Jiraiya’s voice fell, and Tsunade took it directly.

“You don’t know that this blood succession ban was created by Shi Yu himself, and it is a means of transcending the integration of the three attributes of blood succession elimination.”

“It is a ninjutsu combining the four attributes of Chakra!”

While talking, Tsunade’s eyes when looking at Shi Yu were also full of deep admiration and admiration.

Because he was shocked when he learned about this at first!

A little guy who has officially become a ninja for only three years can actually do this, and he created a ninjutsu that surpasses the elimination of blood.

Even Senju Hashirama, who is revered as the god of ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen of ninjutsu professor, Orochimaru of ninjutsu scientist, etc. cannot do such a thing.

But now it was done by Shiyu, who was only sixteen years old!

This shows how the latter’s talent in Nindo Road is heaven-defying

as predicted.

Even with Jiraiya’s arrogance, it is extremely moved at this moment.

Originally, he thought this was just a ninjutsu title that could be comparable to the elimination of blood succession, but he never thought that he still underestimated Shiyu’s enchanting level.

Combining the four attributes of Chakra, how heaven-defying it is!

Anyway, he had never heard of it in the entire history of Shinobi!

Third Tsuchikage’s blood following the elimination of dust and dust, although he has not personally learned, but its reputation has already resounded through the five major countries, making all the strong jealous.

And now?

Shi Yu actually created a kind of blood succession ban that is stronger than blood succession elimination. This is undoubtedly surpassing the powerful former sages. This move can be described as shocking the past and the present.

At this moment, he finally understood why Kakashi and others thought that the latter could have the capital to fight Penn head-on.

Jiraiya knows the physique of time feathers, and now that the Master has such a powerful ninjutsu 3.3, he definitely has this qualification.

At this moment, Jiraiya looked at Shiyu’s eyes, besides admiration, it was more of a kind of hope.

In his opinion, Shiyu is likely to be the “son of destiny” predicted by Toad Sage to change the pattern of Ninja.

Just when Jiraiya had such an idea, the sound of Naruto’s voice made the idea in his heart firmer.

“Pervy Sage, you may still know everything.”

“Shi Yu not only created the Blood Succession ban, but also developed a Sage Mode suitable for our human cultivation.

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