Chapter 604 Three thousand Luoshui! Two Buddhas ascended to heaven!

When a half-length human skeleton appeared, everyone was amazed.

Obviously, everyone did not expect that this ninjutsu could even be upgraded.

For this secret, only Sasuke was present.

Because of this state, he had already understood this level when he awakened [Mangekyō Sharingan] in the illusion, which is why he can become the Master state soon after entering the immediate state.

Moreover, he has seen this state in reality.

The first time Shiyu killed Orochimaru. At that time, Shiyu personally showed him the full form of [Susanoo]. At that time, he was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

At that time, he felt that this technique was extremely powerful and yearned.

However, because Shiyu’s strength was too strong, he did not overly demonstrate the ability of this secret technique in the battle with Orochimaru.

Not long ago, in a life-and-death battle with Itachi, he personally felt the power of this technique, and he was able to make its strongest tricks [Lightning Style ~ Qilin] all ineffective.

Now that he has comprehended this technique himself, he has a deep understanding.

Whether it was the thunder rate hot knife that blocked Killer Bee before, or the Tailed Beast Bomb that now resists Eight Tails, it is enough to reflect his super-power.

Sasuke was able to comprehend [Susanoo] to the second state in such a short period of time, which is inseparable from the duel at this time.

Originally, after the battle with Itachi, he had some understanding of [Susanoo] this secret technique, and it was just an opportunity to fully understand the difference.

There is no doubt that this battle is his opportunity!

And this is why Shiyu did not oppose Sasuke’s hunt for Eight Tails!

He just wanted to use Eight Tails to temper Sasuke, so that his use of [Mangekyō Sharingan] tends to be perfect.

At this moment, I finally understood the dialogue I said to him when I left not long ago.

“Each pair of [Mangekyō Sharingan] corresponds to a different kind of [Susanoo], and this unique secret technique needs to be comprehended on your own. This time, the task [Xiao] gives you may give you something to gain.

If it wasn’t for the situation in front of him that he could not understand again, Sasuke felt that he might be able to discern a stronger state.

It’s like the Jiaxiao possessed by Itachi, or it can reach the perfect body like Shiyu did at the beginning.

Seeing this scene, Xiangyu and Shigego were relieved, and Suigetsu was also stressed out and her eyes were revealed.

In the past, he still had to beat Sasuke, but after the latter awakened [Mangekyō Sharingan], he felt that this possibility became less.

But it hasn’t reached the point where he feels invincible, but the secret technique Sasuke has displayed at this moment makes him feel a little weak.

Such an absolute defense, he can’t break it at all!

In addition, Sasuke’s Lightning Style restrained him, making the possibility that it was difficult to win is extremely slim.

Of course, if he knows that Sasuke is also the Master [Amaterasu], this super Fire Style, then he will definitely give up this idea completely.

Because both Fire Style and Lightning Style are restrained from his Water Style.

Although Fire Style and Water Style restrain each other, the premise is to see who has stronger escape skills, and there is no doubt that Sasuke’s Fire Style is stronger than him.

Sasuke himself is a member of the Uchiha clan, and he is good at Fire Style. Now he has the blessing of [Amaterasu] pupil technique, which makes him even more powerful.

In such a comparison, his Water Style seems useless in front of Sasuke.

Unless he can master the strongest secret technique of their ghost lamp clan, [Water Style Three Thousand Luoshui]!

……………Please ask for flowers…

The ghost lantern clan is able to create a prestigious reputation and achievements in Kirigakure, naturally, it has the foundation and influence.

And the strongest secret technique of this clan is the “Three Thousand Luoshui”, in front of this technique, everything has to sink into it, even fire, thunder and other natural elements that are incompatible with it.

This secret technique has been lost in the ghost lamp clan, and Shui Yue’s current Master’s “Hydration Technique” is a simplified version of this “Three Thousand Luoshui”.

In the common saying: Hydration Technique is one of three thousand Luoshui!

It is precisely because of his master’s simple version of the secret technique that makes him almost immortal.


This is enough to see the power of the secret technique of “Three Thousand Luoshui”!

It is a pity that due to the outbreak of wars all the year round, the talents of the ghost lamp clan withered, and as a result, this secret technique was lost.

Later generations could only find out the simple version of “Hydration Technique” based on some of the scriptures practiced by the predecessors, and this allowed the ghost lamp family to survive and continue in that war-torn era.

But even so, the ghost lantern clan still became one of Kirigakure’s guardian families.

Yunlei Gorge, in the battlefield.

Who is the most shocked?

It must be Eight Tails and Killer Bee. The further transformation of Sasuke’s Secret Art was absolutely unexpected.

If they knew that this result was caused by their two hands, they would definitely be so angry that one Buddha was born, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and three Buddhas turned into cosmic dust.

At this moment, they were wondering if they were going to use their full power?

Because they know that only the eight-pointed Tailed Beast Bomb can no longer get the Sasuke that “Susanoo” has evolved.

But just as their thoughts just fell, the change revived.


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