Chapter 605 Yunlei Palace! Domain Ultimate!

With the transformation of Sasuke Susanoo, Eight Tails released that the Tailed Beast Bomb could no longer pose any threat to them.

Upon seeing this, Sasuke took the lead.

He didn’t know if this was the limit of Eight Tails’ power, but he would never take a big risk.

Once Eight Tails gains strength again, the situation may return to the previous situation, even if he knows [Susanoo’s second state], he may not be able to stop it.

So, Sasuke took advantage of the fact that Eight Tails and Killer Bee were cloned because of their accidental transformation, and solved this hidden danger first.

Under his control, the Tailed Beast Bomb that still had some power left directly separated from their defense, but it clearly deviated from the original track, making it unable to cause damage to the phoenix and Shigego behind.

Although the current “eight-eight-three” Sasuke can say that the power in this Tailed Beast Bomb is exhausted, if he does that, the situation will be quite passive.

Moreover, afterwards, he and Shuiyue will exhaust Chakra exhaustion.

By then, the few of them can only be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered, leaving the Eight Tails and Killer Bee fish.

Killer Bee is not stupid. Once in this situation, he will never let Phosphorus get close to Sasuke and Shuiyue.

Having learned from the past, he naturally would not make such low-level mistakes again, which is why he would attack him after he had insight into the ability of the incense phosphorus.

In the ever-changing battles, sometimes the auxiliary medical ninjas are more important than the combat ninjas.

This is why every village must imitate Konoha’s team form, and the team must be equipped with a medical ninja.

When the two masters fight to the point where they can no longer fight, the auxiliary role is reflected.

This is one of the reasons why Tsunade is famous in the Ninja world!

Many powerful ninjas do not respect Senju Hashirama because she is the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama. She can be recognized by the strong because of her impressive medical ninjutsu.


Even the Tailed Beast Bomb, whose power is less than one-third, still erupted when it fell on the mountains and rivers, causing a mountain and forest in Yunlei Gorge to be destroyed, and the ground was sunken hundreds of meters. Long pit.

This blow is enough to penetrate the sky and make the world slow down!

It was also because of this attack that the two Cloud Shinobi guards who were patrolling far beyond Yunlei Gorge were finally alerted. They were secret guards in this area.

Looking at the dilapidated place with smoke and dust, one of the men was shocked.

“That direction is Yunlei Palace!

Yunlei Palace is a palace in Yunlei Gorge, where Killer Bee lives almost all year round.

It can be said that this is a residence specially built for him by Cloud Shinobi Village!

Killer Bee doesn’t like living in the village very much. He likes to practice outside, and he likes to deal with some small animals.

Of course, part of the reason is because of Eight Tails!

Because when he first became Eight Tails Jinchūriki, he was not seen by the name of the village, so on the surface, he seemed indifferent, but his heart was inevitably bitter.

Therefore, he chose this Yunlei Gorge.

This place is remote and located in the secret place of Cloud Shinobi Village, so the village high-level officials did not reject this proposal.

Because in this way, Jinchūriki does not need to be exposed to the eyes of the world, and the best protection can be carried out.

But everything that happened later surpassed everyone’s expectations, and Killer Bee turned out to be a perfect Master of the power of Eight Tails.

In addition, he guarded the village and repeatedly made military exploits, which changed everyone’s view of him.

That’s why.

The villagers independently launched fundraising and built a palace for him, this is the “Cloud Thunder Palace.”

“What caused the movement in the distance?”

A young man who didn’t know the situation said that he obviously didn’t know the secret base of Yunlei Gorge.

This place is secret in the entire Cloud Shinobi Village, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary ninjas to know.

The reason why the other man knew about this was because he was a younger brother one grade below Killer Bee, and was fortunate to get an advice from Killer Bee.

And the location at that time was exactly that Yunlei Gorge!

Because Killer Bee is now powerful, Cloud Shinobi Village basically does not worry about what will happen to the latter

Therefore, the number of ninjas who know the location of Yunlei Gorge has also increased!

For this reason, Killer Bee also asked to withdraw those who protected him, because with his current strength, no one in the village can surpass him.

Not even today’s Fourth Raikage!

Maybe Killer Bee itself is not as powerful as Fourth Raikage, but with the power of Eight Tails, it can definitely defeat the latter, or even better.

After all, although Fourth Raikage and Third Raikage are father and son, the gap between the two is not even the same.

Regardless of the strongest spear and the strongest shield, the former is just learning a little bit of fur.

But he is not useless, his attainments in the field of speed can be described as unmatched in the Shinobi world.

If it weren’t for the appearance of [Flying Thunder God Technique], who would dare to surpass him in the Ultimate field of speed?

Although there was no before, now there is.

It’s not that he doesn’t, it’s Shi Yu!

With Shiyu’s understanding of Lightning Style now, he has already turned himself into lightning, and even created two Ultimate escape techniques, [Thunder Flash] and [Thunder Flash] comparable to [Flying Thunder God Technique].

But compared to Flying Thunder God, these two techniques have a shortcoming.

That is: they can only reach the teleport speed of 3.3 Flying Thunder God in a small range. If the distance span is too far, it can’t be compared.

However, the advantages and disadvantages naturally have their advantages.

That is: their Chakra consumption is less than Flying Thunder God!

Flying Thunder God Technique needs to span space, but Lightning Style does not.

It can only be said that the two have their own advantages, and it is not the same type of escape technique that cannot be compared in a strict sense.

Just like the strongest “Water Style Sanqianluoshui” and the strongest “Fire Style Amaterasu” known today, no one can accurately define which one is strong and weak.

Everything grows and restrains each other, and it has its own field Ultimate.

It is difficult to compare escape techniques that are not in the same field!

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