Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 10 - 10. A Pretty Sharingan

Unaware of everything that's been happening around the world, the adventures of little Shiroken were endless. But, slowly as he grew up, he started to realise that he was very different from his friends.

As they all grew taller than him, he stayed small. He asked Saiken, whom he sees as his nanny, why was he so small? ​​

"Awww... because smol is cute, Shiroken. And, you are just like me, Kura- chan and the rest. You are made of Chakra, so your body needs this pure chakra to grow. That is why it takes extra time for you to grow." Saiken told him.

"Then... This means one day I will grow as big as you?" He inquired.

Saiken didn't know this, "Umm, that is yet to be seen. I remember when I was also small, it took me so long to grow this big. But don't worry, we can control our size, and if you grow too big you can get smaller."

"NO! I will grow as big as you. Then we will play together." Shiroken innocently said.

"Hehe, we can play right now," Saiken replied and started tickling him.

5 more years had gone by now. Jin was now 15 and Monari was 20. Both of them were too old to play with Shiroken, who looked like a 7-year-old kid right now. But they never left his side, as that would make him sad.

The village of Dama had a makeover, now it didn't look like a slum anymore.

It was now more like a resort with ponds and lakes, pretty architecture, and tiled roofed homes.

But, a very strange thing has happened in the village. Some kind of mutation occurred in everybody's body there, and this made them physically super strong. For example, they could punch holes in stone walls and bend steel like it was nothing. And it was steadily increasing.

The village elders and Tailed beasts talked about this. The Tailed beasts then checked their bodies and found that although they were still not a Shinobi, their physical bodies had gotten stronger. Hell, the old village chief that seemed to be on death bed was still alive and now even had a body that would make young men feel ashamed. He had muscles and biscuit-like abs.

They hypothesised that this was because of all the tailed beasts and Shiroken being around them. Because of these 10, the intensity of natural energy in the

village was astronomical, which was bound to have some effect on the people. And this was the result. They guessed that as long as they keep on living like this, one day the villagers might even become stronger than Shinobi.


Monari sat near Shiroken and Jin, who were playing Shogi. Fumiko had brought it for him when she had gone to buy some items from outside.

She was not interested in it, instead she just silently looked at the sky. A smile was on her face because something had happened. She had not told anybody though, but her memories had returned when she was 18.

Monari remembered everything that happened before she came here. It was her own clan that was after her life, all because she had heard someone talking about a plan to kill the current Lord of the clan and take his place.

She was chased and nearly killed until she fell into the river. Then Fumiko found her. She knew that by now her real family was probably dead. Killed by the same people who were after her.

Did she want to go back and check? Yes. Was she dumb enough to do it? No. She had decided that this village is the place where her family is now. Besides, she loved being around Shiroken. She had also gotten stronger than before and was even the strongest person in the village as she is a kunoichi.

Now, her duty was to at least train the villagers so they know how to use their increased strength. Initially, they were angry at her, and she didn't know why, but later when she learned that it was the Uchiha clan that destroyed their whole village and killed many relatives, she understood their resentment.

To stop this resentment, she tried her best and stayed friends with them. Now, she could proudly say that she was an integral part of the village and everyone saw her as a family.

The village now has a population of 200, an increase of 50, which was acceptable. They had placed a 2 child policy anyway so that the population does not grow quicker than their ability to feed themselves.

The village didn't lack anything, they had everything they needed. From all kinds of food crops to fruits. They had enough clothes, tools to make new things, and animals to fulfil all their dairy and meat needs. Other than this, they even had a lot of money and it was all in the form of gold. Sometime in the past, they had

found a small gold deposit. At the time they just took it and turned it into coins. But they had nowhere to use them so it was just sitting there.

The villagers also had too much free time, so they were forced to find different hobbies for themselves. Some had taken painting, some sculpting and some dancing. There was no lack of talent in the village. At the end of every month, they would hold a talent festival, and in this, all villagers will show their finest creations or talents. Some did comedy sketches, some danced, and some showed their art. The judges, of course, included the beloved Saint Beasts and Shiroken.

The people of Dama village loved the tailed beasts, although some of the tailed siblings were a little too quick to get angry, they never harmed the people. They also protected them from some shinobi who had wandered too close, and even from natural disasters.

To them, these Saint Beasts were gods. And where do Gods live? In shrines. So the people with too much free time had built 9 beautiful shrines around the village. Although they were too small for them to live in, they still held value. As each had a sculpture of the relative tailed beast, and people sometimes would go there to pray.

Shiroken didn't get a shrine. He had a big house in the village, but he didn't live there. After all, he still loved sleeping on the back of Kurama, and sometimes on Son Goku too as he also had fur.

Talking about Son Goku, he, like the rest of the tailed beasts, had taken a job. He was responsible for growing fruits. But he'd eat most of the banana himself.

Shukaku had taken the job of keeping the soil in the land fertile. He worked with Isobu and Kokuo who watered the fields.

Matatabi had cat-like tendencies and liked hunting, so she sometimes brought meat to the village. Gyuki was the master strategist, and he liked constructing things which lead to him designing the whole village. He was also responsible for maintaining the building structures.

Chomei could fly, so he was responsible for making sure nobody comes too close to the village. Saiken was, as all know, busy with his animal farm.

Kurama was the worthless one. As he spent most of his days sleeping. He'd say he's guardian Shiroken. So the rest just made him guard the whole village.


"More and more Shinobi have started to come close to this village. There were 20 just this year. Why do you think this is happening?" Chomei was talking to Gyuki.

"I don't know, maybe something has happened on the outside." Gyuki thought.

"Yes, the war has intensified. Now they are fighting to establish their country. Each clan wants land, and they fight for the best piece." Fumiko told them.

She had gone out not long ago and learnt all this.

"So they are trying to find more land in the jungle?" Chomei wondered.

"Huh, that's what humans do. They destroy nature. I'll kill them all if they decide to mess with this place." Kurama scoffed from a distance.

"Should we move somewhere else?" Chomei asked.

"No, not this time. We have spent so much time and resources on this place, and we won't leave it now. If they come here, we will fight back. What can they even do? Scream at us?" Gyuki replied. He also liked this place after all.

"YES! We will fight." Chomei enthusiastically cheered.


"Those fools couldn't even reach the village, let alone investigate. I must find another way to check that boy." A black blob spoke to itself while being hidden in the ground.


Suddenly, another blob appeared. It was white and expressionless. "QUICK! Come to the land of mist. 'THEY' have arrived."

"Who?" the black blob asked.


This was enough to make the black blob shiver in fear and sweat like it was going to die. "But, this... this is too early..."

It quickly disappeared from the village, leaving behind a white blob to keep an eye on everything.


"SHIROOOO... LOOK, LOOK! MY EYE!" Monari all of a sudden ran across half the village and came to Shiroken. Her eyes were red, and blood was oozing out of them. But, there was something different.

"Look, it changed!" She exclaimed.

Shiroken looked and saw a different pattern now, much different from the previous three dots. It looked very beautiful and he felt slightly jealous.

"It's so pretty... what does it do? AH! You're bleeding, let me help." He quickly stopped her eyes from bleeding.

"Thank you, Shiro, you're the best." She gave him a sweet hug. She and Jin were the only ones allowed to call him just Shiro now.

"Hehe, thank you. Tell me, what does this eye do? Is it different from before?" He inquired.

But Monari didn't have any idea either, "I don't know, it just feels a little heavier now."

"Hmm, let's ask Gyuki, he knows everything. He told me the story about how Chakra and Shinobi came into the world. But I have promised not to tell anyone." He started blabbering while walking with her, and holding her hand. She was his big sister after all, even though he was decades older than her.

[A/N: We are very close to the climax of this starting part. After that, there will be a time skip, bringing us somewhere near the end of the 3rd Shinobi War.]

[You can see the Bijuu Shrine and the Mangekyo Pattern on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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