Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 11 - 11. Shugah

"Hmm, I think this is the upgraded version of the Sharingan, it was called something... Ummm... Manga Sharingan? No, no... Yes... Mangekyo Sharingan. It's a very strong eye and will make you one of the strongest people in the world. This is if you know how to use its special abilities. But it will turn you blind if you use it too much." Gyuki muttered, remembering things from centuries ago.

"WHAT?!" Monari exclaimed in shock. ​​

"She will become blind? Why?" Shiroken asked worriedly.

Gyuki shrugged, "I don't know, maybe the eye is too strong for a human body, so it damages the veins. But there is a cheat. It's called if I remember right 'Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan'. I don't know how to get it though. Maybe Kurama knows, he used to stay around the Old man all the time. He knows more stories than me."

Monari felt a sense of crisis looming on her head... No, eyes. But then, Shiroken held her hand and said, "Don't worry, I will heal your eyes every time you use them, this way you will never go blind."

Gyuki was drawing some building plans on the side. He agreed after hearing Shiroken, "Shiro is right. I haven't seen anything that Shiro couldn't heal yet, your eyes should be within his capacity too. But remember, Shiro is special, normal Shinobi can't heal it most likely."

"If this eye is so strong, then why haven't the Uchiha clan won the war yet?" Monari inquired.

"Well, you are a lucky girl. I don't know how, but Shiro was able to force that eye to come out. Normally, getting a Mangekyo Sharingan is very hard, and I doubt anybody in that clan has it. On top of that, their rivals are not weak either. There is a big history behind this that I can't tell you. It's a secret." Gyuki explained to her.

Although interested, she kept herself from asking. But, one thing was clear, she needed to find out the abilities of her eyes. Gyuki said special abilities so there must be something good.

So she started to test out her eyes, trying to find what was so special about them. In normal times, it just acted like a regular Sharingan.

Shiroken tried to help her many times, so she can find out about her new abilities. There was no progress, until 2 years later when Jin and Monari went hunting deer.

During that time, a giant snake came out of nowhere, and shockingly Jin started fighting it with his bare hands. Due to his increased strength, he was able to hold it. But the snake was too big and was slowly catching Jin in its clutches.

With distress and urgency, Monari started to fight it too. After all, she was stronger than all villagers. Initially, she was successful and was able to drag Jin out of the snake's clutches.

But then the snake chased after them, and Monari was annoyed by this, so she bit her lips and focused on the snake with her right eye which now had Mangekyo Sharingan activated.

And just when the snake was a few feet away from them with its open mouth, all of a sudden a big beam of white light came out of her right eye. It was so fast and strong that now there was a big hole in the head of the snake, after which it fell down with a thud.

But the scarier part was that the white beam of light had gone for maybe a hundred feet, burning everything in its way. There were no flames, only ashes and some smoke.

Her right eye had started bleeding too. Soon, Chomei, who was on patrol, arrived to see the commotion. He seemed excited that she was able to do something so cool.

After that, they returned to the village and Shiroken healed her eyes, stopping the bleeding.

"Do you feel blind? How many fingers are these?" Shiroken cutely showed her 3 chubby fingers.

"Five?" she replied.

Shiroken's jaw dropped, "Oh no, we need to find spare eyes for you."

"Didn't you say we shouldn't take someone's eyes?" Jin reminded him.

But Shiroken countered, "Yes, but that was only for good people. We need to find a bad Uchiha and get his eyes."

"Pfft... hahaha... I was just kidding, Shiro. Those were 3 fingers, but I'm glad you care about me so much. I think as long as you are beside me I will never get blind." She hugged him like a teddy bear. She was 22 now after all, much bigger in size than toddler Shiroken.

"Will you show me that white light later?" He asked her while still in her arms.

"Sure, I think there is another ability that I am yet to find. The white light only came from my right eye, I don't know what the left one will do." She wondered loudly.

"Hey, I fought that snake too, you know. You didn't even ask me how I was." Jin complained.

"But you are so strong, Jin. You even uprooted that whole big tree that day," Shiroken argued.

Jin started scratched his head in shyness, "Hehe, it was just a small demonstration..."

"What did the snake look like?" All of a sudden Kurama's voice came.

Jin stiffened hearing this.

He answered politely, "Great Saint Kurama, the snake looked black, it was larger than the trees too."

Kurama scoffed, "Huh, those bastards of Ryuchi cave have become too proud, I guess I will eat some snake meet tomorrow."

But Matatabi immediately stopped him, "No, Kurama, don't fight them. Don't they have an abundance of Natural Energy in their cave? Maybe we should take Shiro there so that he can grow quicker."

Kurama's ears stood up as soon as he heard that. It was a very good plan, and those snakes would not dare say no to him.

"Shiro, want to come with me?" Kurama asked.

Of course, he would, as he had heard what Matatabi said, "YES! I want to grow as big as you and then play."

He hugged Kurama's paw. Kurama then just lifted him up and put him on his back, a privilege only given to Shiroken.

"Let's go..." Kurama ran at full speed, as he also enjoyed Shiroken's happy cheering.

Kurama was taller than all the trees in the forest, so when he ran, all the jungle could be seen.

Shiroken enjoyed the view and the cold breeze on the back.

"FASTER, FASTER!" he happily chirped.


Ryuchi Cave.

The Ryuchi cave was a very well-kept secret location. Only those who were actively trying to seek it could reach the place. Usually, only those willing to sacrifice anything in their greed for power comes to Ryuchi Cave.

In order to be granted audience to learn senjutsu with the White Snake Sage, one must pass three trials posed by the snakes. According to the rules, if a candidate fails at any of the trials, the snakes are allowed to devour them and consume their chakra.

But what were some puny snakes to the mighty angry Nine-Tailed Fox, representing the peak strength of the world? There were no tests that could hold him back. If the snakes talk about devouring people, he was big enough to devour them.

"Oy, slimy snakes, come out!" Kurama shouted at the entrance of the cave system.


Soon the mountain started to shake and rumble. It was obvious someone was coming out of the cave. Then, two big eyes appeared at the cave's entrance.

"What do you want?" an annoyed voice asked.

"Tell your boss to come out now, or I will destroy this mountain. One of you dared to come near my home and attack my servants." Kurama demanded.

But the snake stayed silent for a while and replied, "We can pay you in gold for your troubles."

Kurama was taken aback by this, "You think I need gold? What am I going to do with it? Eat it?"

"Then maybe you can take one of our virgins, I guarantee they are very smooth and long." the snake offered.

"FFFUUU... you are all snakes, all of you are smooth and long." Kurama raged.

The snake seemed shocked for some reason and stutteringly replied, "Ah... T-Then... perhaps... you want... M-ME?"

Kurama felt genuinely worried about this snake's mental health now, "Oye, Oye... calm down, okay, I won't eat you. Now go and tell your boss that the great demon fox is here."

"Okay, Shugah..." the snake left, leaving behind a shocked and grossed out Kurama.

"Hehehe... Kurama, I think that snake likes you." Shiroken noted.

Kurama shook his head in disappointment, "That's what I'm afraid of Shiro. That's what I'm afraid of."


[You can see the attack from Monari's eyes on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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