Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 148 - 148. Tsunade In Dama City


Shiroken, Bee and Yugito Nii sat on top of a singing Chomei's head and felt the refreshing air brushing past their faces as they flew over the vast cold icy mountains, dense green jungles, and rivers. Nature was truly beautiful.

Shiroken particularly loved this sight.

"Hmm, Cities should all be made with pre-decided limited boundaries, instead of just expanding them whenever you feel like it. The world is too beautiful to be destroyed." Shiroken muttered.

"Shiro-chan, what are you going to do after you're done taking over?" Chomei asked.

"Well, after that, I will focus on developing the world, removing the differences between communities, bringing everyone together as one species. And of course, make them love all the Bijuu." Shiroken replied.

"Hehe, yeah, I would love to see a world like that." Chomei chuckled.

"Well, I already love my Bijuu... he's my bro," Bee spoke up.

"You're a good boy then." Chomei praised him.

Their journey was mostly spent in silence. Only Chomei was the chatterbox. Shiroken silently sat and closed his eyes, not sleeping, just using his Natural sense to map the world around him in his head. His max limit was 300 kilometres, so it was very helpful.



Monari was talking to Tsunade in the office. She was basically trying to butter her up since Shiroken and her were couples now. "So, have you packed your bags?"

"Why? It will take him some time to deal with everything, right?" Tsunade asked.

Monari chuckled, "Hah, dear, you still don't know him. I reckon he's already on his way back. You should pack your prettiest dress and get ready for the best vacation of your life."

"Well, I only wear these clothes most of the time, I don't have many clothes," Tsunade replied, looking at her dress.

Monari chuckled, "Then I guess I have some shopping to do. See you later, sweety."

Tsunade sighed after she left, "She looks so old yet looks so young. It feels weird when she treats me like a child."


Suddenly the whole Hokage building shook. A frown appeared on her face and she dashed out, "WHAT NOW?!"

However, when she arrived outside, she noticed a huge beast sitting on the terrace of the building, singing songs about the beauty of the village. Tsunade jumped to the top and saw Shiroken standing in front of the beast.

"Tsunade, meet Chomei, the 7 tailed Bijuu. He's a cheerful, sweet and kind-hearted being." he introduced Chomei.

Tsunade looked at the big beast curiously, while Chomei got excited, "AAAAAA... is she the one? Is she your girlfriend, Shiro? She's pretty... and... and she has huge milk monsters. WOAAAH!"


Shiroken embarrassingly corrected Chomei, "CHOMEI! NO! Bad manners, you don't say such things to other people, especially things related to their bodies."

"WHY? Saiken always talks about his cows and their milkers." Chomei curiously argued.

*Pfft..." Bee and even Yugito tried to hold their laughter.

"NO! I am talking about humans. You don't say such things to humans. That's bad manners." Shiroken corrected him.

Chomei noticed the embarrassed and annoyed face of Tsunade and realised his mistakes, "Ah, then... I'm sorry, Shiroken's girlfriend. You are very pretty. I'm Shiro's dad. At least one of the nine.. OH... but I was the first one."

Shiroken patted Chomei's body. True, if there was no Chomei, baby Shiroken would have been left to the wild probably.

Tsunade nodded and greeted, but being in front of such a legendary strong beast was still overwhelming, "I-I am Tsunade, Hokage of Konoha, nice to meet you... uh."

"Oh, call me Saint Chomei, everyone calls me this in the Dama Country. And you're the Hokage? Good, you must be strong then, hehe, nothing less I expect from Shiro's girlfriend. Okay, jump on my back, we'll go now." Chomei seemed more excited than Shiroken.

Shiroken nodded, "Yes, let's go, Tsunade. I am headed to the Dama Country. Monari, Shisui, I know you're hiding nearby. Come here, let's go."

Embarrassingly, both of them came out from a camouflage sheet on the wall. They acted as if nothing happened and jumped on top of Chomei to sit silently. They avoided Shiroken's gaze as much as they could.

"What about the village? Who will be watching over it?" Tsunade inquired.

"Don't worry, 5 of my people will take care of the administration of Konoha. There is no threat of war anymore so it's all fine. Anyway, if something happens I can always just appear here." He assured her.

She nodded and walked to him, "So... I should just jump on him?"

"Of course, just sit on my back." Chomei chirped.

Shiroken saw her fears and grabbed her waist, "Hah, there is nothing to fear, Tsunade. He's as harmless as a kitten... when the kitten is happy."

She didn't mind the touch and allowed him to be her pillar of comfort. Once they were on Chomei's back, the big flying bijuu lifted off at full speed. Of course, the naughty boy was doing it on purpose so Tsunade would hold Shiroken tight. He didn't even hide it as he chuckled loudly.

However, Tsunade wondered why people in the village were not going crazy and shouting due to the sudden beast appearing. So she asked Shiroken.

"Haha, I planned a little. My people were already spread around the whole village. The moment Chomei landed and people started to panic, my people started shouting, 'AH! It's Saint Chomei, Lord Dama is sitting on top of him. Nothing to fear, let's get back to work.' And this way, most of the people were probably only scared in their hearts. Even that fear might have vanished with us leaving silently." Shiroken revealed the great planning it took behind the scenes. This was how the world would slowly accept and get accustomed to seeing the tailed beasts.

"That... I can't even imagine the amount of planning it takes to do something like this. You truly are a sage, as most people say." Tsunade muttered, forgetting she was still hugging Shiroken's arm, to not fall off. Shiroken was not one to say no to her though.

Monari was just grinning, sitting in the back. She would also nag Shisui, "See, even your virgin lord has left you behind. You need to up your game, boy. The Uchiha clan ain't gonna repopulate itself."

"Yes, Lady Monari." He muttered, annoyed in his heart but not complaining as it was true.


It took them about an hour to reach Dama country with Chomei's speed. He could fly faster but didn't as everyone except Shiroken would fall off from his back then.

When he arrived and landed in Saiken's open farms, in an instant all the tailed beasts got out of Shiroken's seal and surrounded them. Bee and Yugito became tense, Tsunade stood much closer to Shiroken, Monari and Shisui were cool with it.

The beasts chuckled and checked Tsunade out and started commenting. Kurama was the first, "Hah, I didn't expect it to be her, a descendent of Senju and Uzumaki clan, both my abusers."


Saiken fearlessly smacked his chubby hand on Kurama's head, "Shut up, she's blonde, clearly, no Senju or Uzumaki blood is in dominance in her. And look at them, they look cute together."

"True, she can give me cute little Shiros... and she can produce and feed many... seeing the size of *BONK*" this time Chomei smacked on Son Goku's head, "NO, don't say that, Son, that's bad manners, Shiro does not like that."

Shukaku chuckled, "Heh, well, I got no problem. Your clan was able to beat this stupid fox? I think we'll be best friends."

Gyuki checked them from inside Bee and nodded, "Good, so when is the wedding?"

"WHAT?! No, we're just dating right now." Shiroken clearly corrected them.

"What's dating?" Isobu curiously inquired.

Monari explained, "Well, that's when two people like each other and want to know each other better, if they like each other for a long time then they marry later on."

Matatabi scoffed, "Huh, in the old days, you marry each other and give birth, then get to know each other."

"Are you sure that's marriage and not kidnapping?" Bee questioned.

"PARTYYYYYY! I'LL MAKE A CAKE!" Saiken however interrupted with a loud excited shout. And so, the mood became joyful. Tsunade was also slowly getting used to the beasts, though she remained careful around Kurama.


Shiroken brought Tsunade to the Royal Palace and showed her the room where she'd be living. It was very close to Shiroken's. Jin also came to greet her.

"Tsunade, he's Jin, the Daimyo of the Dama Country. He was my first human friend." Shiroken introduced them.

Tsunade greeted him officially, but Monari stopped, "Oh, don't be so formal. He's not here as Daimyo right now. Okay, Shiro will show you your room. Jin, let's go and play with Shirajin."

Monari dragged all the nuisance away to give the two space. Shiroken sighed and left her inside her room, "Don't mind them. By the way, Shirajin is their son. He's a cute little goofball."

"Umm, how many people live in this city?" Tsunade suddenly asked. She was mostly shocked by the sheer size of the Dama city, it was colossal in size compared to Konoha.

"Umm... the last census happened 5 years ago, at that time the population was half a million, I think it's more than double now since I have worked a lot on the city and it has expanded." He revealed.

Tsunade's face was awestruck, "T-This... That's more than dozens of villages in the Fire Country, with Konoha combined. This place feels like it's from some other world."

"Thanks for the compliment, Tsunade. Well, here is your room. That's your bed, that's the bathroom, and... well... you can explore. I live in the room adjacent to this, tell me if you need anything. I will be there for the coming few hours." He left her and went to his room.

Tsunade nodded, this was the attitude she expected from Shiroken, who wasn't a pervert. If it was someone else, they'd have tried to stay a while longer.

Well, it wasn't Shiroken's fault. He had just too much to do and couldn't give all his attention to one human. The world deserved it. Once in his room, he took out his notebook and started writing things, numbers, calculations about the plans to develop the world.

~*Sigh* Only the Earth Country and Iwagakure are left now among the major players of the planet. The rest of the small nations should be easy.~ He muttered.

[A/N: Bros, there isn't much left in the fic, if you all have a request to add something wholesome or other scenes, this is the time to say it. I won't change the plot though.]


[You can see annoyed Tsunade on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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