Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 149 - 149. The Date And Reunion

*Knock Knock*

Shiroken stopped planning and thinking and went to open the door. Tsunade stood there, looking as gorgeous as ever. She asked, "Where can I get food?"

Shiroken facepalmed himself, "Ah, I forgot to take you out. Let's go, I will show you the city. It's about to turn night and the city looks beautiful at nighttime."

Tsunade nodded and walked with him. They didn't wear any special clothes, just their normal daily ones. As they left the Palace, Tsunade was flabbergasted. The view was breathtaking.

Since the palace was created on an elevated hill, they could see a large area of the city. There were countless lights illuminating the city, there were also many tall and small buildings, and they all looked beautiful. And there were many signboards, shops, and activities on the streets. People buying things, children roaming with their parents, or someone eating at some stall. The rivers were also decorated with light lanterns.

"This... are you sure it's not a festival today?" She asked, bewildered.

Shiroken chuckled proudly, "Haha, this is what the city looks like every day, Tsunade. And it's not just you, the entire city loves this. The community is very serious about maintaining this view actually, in fact, this view is one of the reasons why many tourists come here. We are also constructing nine 100 metres tall statues of the 9 bijuu.

People will be able to climb to the top of it to take a view of the city, as each statue will be situated at 9 different locations."

"I... I used to think Konoha was prosperous, but this is an entirely different meaning of prosperity. How does this city even run, it's hard to imagine." Tsunade muttered.

Shiroken took a step forward and held his hand out to her, "Well, it's time for you to experience it then."

With a slight blush on her cheeks, she held his hand and walked with him. She was not as conservative around him anymore, since they were already touching each other a lot "mistakenly".

Shiroken also tried to decrease this awkward distance between themselves, after all, if they stayed so shy with each other, how would they get to know each other better.

He brought her to MilkMade. A shop owned by Saiken. It was his brand of cakes and all things made with milk. The recipe belonged to Saiken, the people made them on a large scale. And seeing the crowd, it seemed the people loved Saiken's recipe.

~How rich is Saiken?~ Shiroken wondered seeing the crowd outside the shop. As the boss of the shop, he went inside the store from the backdoor straight into the bakery.

The sweet aroma of baked bread and various cakes attacked their noses. It was mouthwatering for Shiroken, the monster eater. This was his nickname as every time he went to a shop they were sure to run out of food.

But today he was not going to be shameless. "Let's taste all the cakes here."

Tsunade however was not so excited, "I... I will gain weight."

"Haha... come one, Tsunade. You drank so much sake for so many years and yet look as good as you are now. Just let yourself go and enjoy the night." He insisted and soon they ended up eating a lot of cakes. It was for sure a weird date, as most would normally go to some sort of romantic and expensive place. But here they were, laughing and eating cakes.


Kakashi had left Konoha a long time ago. He should have arrived at the Dama Country much earlier as well. But, in his way, he was being constantly attacked by a weird black and white entity. All the way until he entered the Dama Country borders, he was being chased.

He had no idea what that thing was, but by the end, he knew what it wanted. It wanted his eye, the Sharingan. He had no idea what reason it had.

Slowly and carefully he traversed the lands and tried to stay on the most crowded roads. But, still, he had to take some rest at night, that's when the major problems would begin.

And after nearly a month of his travel, he arrived at the Dama Country. The moment he entered the border, nobody came to attack him. He connected the dots and concluded that it must be scared of Lord Dama.

"Child, you look tired, here, drink this tea." An old lady came to him and handed him a glass of tea. He was just sitting outside the shop to rest.

~People sure are kind here.~ He thought and drank it.

After eating, he headed to the Dama City, hoping to meet Rin and see for himself if his regrets were worth keeping.

The path to the Dama City was filled with too much activity, the road was also wide and made for carriages to run fast. Seeing this, he even bought a ticket to Dama City. There were things called Passenger Carriages. These carriages could transport about 10 people and be pulled by two horses.

On the way, he saw the various landscapes of the country. Nowhere did he see poverty, nowhere did he see any kind of violence, and every few minutes he would see men dressed in what he considered modified Jonin vests, and he reckoned that these were the security forces.

After a few hours of the speedy and slightly bumpy journey, he arrived at the Dama City, and boy oh boy, it was a sight to behold. However, he had no time to appreciate the views, he just ran straight towards the Palace.

At the palace gates, he was obviously stopped, but he waited and told the guards about the reason for his visit. And instead of naming Shiroken, he asked them to tell Lady Monari that he was here.

Eventually, he got to enter the palace and met Monari directly. "I... I came to see Rin. Where is she?"

"GRANDPA PIRATE!" Shirajin all of a sudden jumped out of Monari's lap and jumped onto Kakashi's back and hugged his head cutely.

Monari chuckled, "Haha, he's neither a grandpa nor a pirate, Shirajin, get off of him now, it's bad manners."

"NO! He's a pirate, he came here to play with me." Shirajin insisted.

Kakashi felt confused about how to deal with this little devil. "I am Kakashi from Konoha, I am just a Jonin."


"Aaaargh... I knew that already, but I wanted to play. Hmph... you're no fun. Mom, I am going to find Uncle Shiro." He quickly ran outside.


However, Monari caught him in time, "Where do you think you're going? I won't let you spoil Shiro's date. Don't you want to play with the little babies of Shiro?"

Shirajin's eyes shined, "I WILL BE A BIG BROTHER?"

She let Shirajin rejoice and talked to Kakashi, "Come with me, she's probably training her body. It's not easy to just start walking and running around after getting out of such a long coma. She needs to learn to walk all over again."

"Is... Does she remember me?' Kakashi inquired.

"Yes, she does, and she also remembers her other friend, Obito. Oh, you don't know, right? Obito is also here, he's alive. Shiro caught him a while ago." Monari dropped the bomb.

Kakashi's jaw was left hung open by this revelation. "What... a-are you saying? How is that possible? I saw him die with my own eyes."

"Exactly, you saw what your eyes showed, but there was so much more going on behind the scenes. Well, someone bad was able to save him and also brainwash him. But he's fine now and is trying to repent." Monari briefed him with the least amount of words.


As soon as they entered the training yard, they saw Haku and Rin training with each other. Haku was helping her learn to throw Kunai again.

Kakashi's face froze as soon as his eyes fell on her form. The same face, the purple strip marks on her cheeks, her vibrant eyes and kind smile. It was all the same, it was all real.

His heart beat faster, he had no romantic feelings for her, but he did consider her his true friend like Obito was. "R-RIN!" He called her.

Rin stopped from throwing a Kunai midway and looked back. Immediately her eyes filled with tears, but the smile didn't leave her face. "Kakashi..."

Kakashi had the same reaction, he hastily ran after her, stumbled once or twice as well, wanting to make sure this was not an illusion. And soon, he touched her face, "Y-You're real... YOU'RE REAL!"

She nodded, "I am... Kakashi... glad to see you again. *Sniff*"

"*Cough* I'm here too," Obito voiced then.

Kakashi turned to look towards the unfamiliar voice, but just one glance told him everything. The storm in his mind only intensified by ten.


[You can see the city and the horse bus on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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