In the blink of an eye, several months have passed, and the new year is about to come.

Konoha did not celebrate the New Year because of the war.

On that day, Uchiha Makoto left Uchiha Itachi and Shisui to Uchiha Fugaku, and he secretly returned to the Land of Fields.

Originally, he wanted to give them a surprise, but they gave him a surprise. Now the Land of Fields has gone from being desolate at the beginning to prosperity.

Looking at the land he bought at the beginning, a sign has been put up at the gate.

"Otogakure? Haha, is Lord Orochimaru here too?"

As soon as he stepped into the village, several ninjas appeared in front of him.

Uchiha Yan led the way and drew out the knife in his hand to intercept them.

"Those who trespass will die. Didn't you see the big words?"

Uchiha Makoto glanced at a pigeon egg-sized stone at the door. There were four words written on the stone, and his eyes twitched.

"I really didn't see it," Uchiha Makoto slowly took off his hood, revealing his handsome face, "I haven't settled the score with you for teaching Shisui to curse, Yan!"

Uchiha Yan's eyes widened instantly, and he said excitedly: "Sir, sir, ah ah ah ~ Brothers, the sir is back!"

This roar could be heard throughout the street.

"Sir, Tomokazu reported to the Daimyo of Tianzhikuni some time ago that our village was established, called Sound Village, and Lord Orochimaru also said it was good, and there is also a forehead protector, hehehe~"

Uchiha Yan's image of a cold Uchiha just now suddenly disappeared, and he turned into a lackey, constantly introducing the origin of Sound Village.

"Did Lord Orochimaru name the village?"

He originally intended to give it to Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao, and they accepted any name they gave, but he didn't expect that it would still be Sound Village in the end, and the plot direction did not change at all.

"Orochimaru only helped choose the symbol of Sound Village. The name was discussed by me, Sanshui and Da Diao together," Uchiha Yan said proudly, "Konoha is so wicked. We dream of scolding it. In order to choose a meaningful name, we have read a lot of books in the past two years and made up a lot of knowledge. We think Sound is the most suitable. Stand and scold it!"

Uchiha Zhen:......

So Sound has this meaning.

Your reading all these years is not in vain.

"Where are your ancestors and Zhihe?"

Based on his understanding of the two, it is still strange that he did not run out to scold him immediately.

"The ancestors took Zhihe away for a long time. Our village is getting better and better now, but after Orochimaru proposed to divide the Land of Fields into regions, there was a shortage of funds. It is said that he went to the Land of Lightning to make money."

"What regions are divided?"

Uchiha Zhen raised his eyebrows. He was always willing to listen to the opinions of Orochimaru, and he would get different inspiration every time.

"I don't understand it either, but the ancestors and Tomokazu think it's very good and are very excited," Uchiha Yan scratched his head, "They said... the Land of Fields is divided into three circles, ninjas, nobles, and commercial areas... all of which must be under the control of the Sound Village, and the daimyo and ninjas have equal interests... There are many more, but there is not enough money to build the commercial area."

Uchiha Zhen understood the general idea. Orochimaru wanted the Sound Village to dominate the Land of Fields. They could provide food, drink and entertainment for the daimyo, but they could not interfere in the politics between the villages.

It's a good idea, but if it is expanded like this, capital turnover is indeed a problem. Did Izuna and Tomokazu go to the Land of Thunder to rob?

Nara Tomokazu, who is proud of being afraid of death, actually left the Sound Village. Could these two people want to provoke a war and take advantage of the fire to rob?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. He originally thought that everyone would get together for a rare New Year, so he rushed back without stopping.

At this moment, the voices of Izuna and Nara Tomokazu came.

"It's just the right time, just in time for the New Year. Lord Izuna, go back early and get together with the Uchiha juniors."

"Hmph, what's the point of getting together with a bunch of brats."

Izuna became arrogant, and Nara Tomokazu was helpless, mostly because she could eat, but he couldn't eat all kinds of delicacies.

The most developed industry in Tianzhiguo is the food industry.

The second is the customs industry, which is also the source of information.

"Then let's have dinner together, it's rare to get together during the New Year."

Uchiha Makoto smiled, and felt relieved when he saw the two of them getting along happily. What he was most afraid of before was that these two people would fight.

If two reckless men fight, it will only cost some money. If two smart but immoral people don't fight, then they may even have to hide the coffin lid in advance.

"Uchiha Makoto?"

Izuna and Nara Tomokazu were both stunned.

The person is right in front of them, but they didn't notice his existence.

"Long time no see, great grandfather, Tomokazu."

Nara Tomokazu picked up a handful of stones from the ground and threw them at Uchiha Makoto, "DogThings, the donkeys in the production team are not squeezed like this, where have you been these years? "

Uchiha Makoto slightly turned his face and dodged lightly.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Uchiha Makoto's return added some color to the entire Sound Village. Because he was in a good mood, he booked a large restaurant and personally went to the kitchen to direct the preparation of meals.

The Hatake clan, including Kurama and Hinata, were all called back to celebrate together.

"Hey, I applied to the daimyo for the village and it was approved. I reported the name of Yinying to you."

Nara Tomokazu said while following Uchiha Yan and others to grab food.

"What? Why are you reporting my name? Why don't you report Lord Orochimaru? "

Uchiha Makoto raised his voice and stared at Nara Tomokazu in disbelief. They had reconciled, so why did he do such a thing to hurt himself?

Nara Tomokazu glanced at him and said with disdain: "I asked Lord Orochimaru, he said that you built the village, you deserve to be the first generation of Sound Shadow!"

"Bullshit!" Uchiha Makoto almost put the bowl in his hand on his dog head. When the Shadow was so busy, how could he have time to stay in the laboratory, "Then why don't you fill yourself in? "

The members of the Hatake clan quietly watched the people at their table, arguing about being the Kage.

In Konoha, everyone fought for power to the death, but here, no one wanted to be the Kage, and everyone despised it.

Hatake Jie smiled, they didn't know how easy it was to live here. When there was something going on in the village, they helped to carry out tasks, and they were not idle at other times, mining in the mines, with a stable salary, and their lives were many times richer than Konoha. The important thing was that no one was thinking of doing anything bad to them.

The houses were all allocated, and although they were not Japanese-style villas, they had a different kind of elegant style, and it was also very comfortable to live in.

After Orochimaru, who came in late with a group of subordinates, came in, his eyes were always on Uchiha Makoto, and he could no longer see the disciple he hadn't seen for a long time.

Everyone except Izuna stood up and shouted, "Lord Orochimaru. ”

The population of Otogakure is small, but everyone is particularly respectful to Orochimaru, even more sincere than when they were in Konoha.

"Long time no see, Zhen, your strength has grown to a level that is hard to fathom."

Orochimaru was excited after he sat down. He didn't want to participate in such a waste of time, but when he heard that his filial disciple was back, he put down his experiment and took time out from his busy schedule to attend their gathering.

Uchiha Zhen looked at the slightly thin Orochimaru and said softly: "Lord Orochimaru, are you in the laboratory all day again?"

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