"No, I was recovering from my injuries some time ago, but I have a new idea recently. The laboratory experiments cannot be done without people."

Uchiha Zhen looked at the secret guards following Orochimaru. He had seen many of them in Orochimaru's mansion before. Now Orochimaru can do experiments openly in Sound Village, and he doesn't need so many people to monitor in turn.

Changing the subject, Uchiha Zhen asked: "Lord Orochimaru, do you have any arrangements for these secret guards?"

"No, I can send you if you need." Orochimaru was not very interested in their stay or departure.

"Then let them live in the sun officially. Anyway, Sound Village has just been established, and some are busy."

Uchiha Zhen arranged dozens of secret guards clearly. The secret guards trained by Orochimaru are all elites, and resources cannot be wasted.

"When you become the Shadow, they will all be your helpers."

The dish that Orochimaru had just picked up was hanging in the air, and he looked at Uchiha Makoto, "You are the best candidate for the Shadow."

It was not easy for him to do the experiment openly. Whoever wants to be the Shadow can do it. What does it have to do with him, Orochimaru.

"No, how can a disciple do such disrespectful things? No matter what time, you are my most respected master."

Uchiha Makoto said seriously, as long as he is not allowed to be the Shadow, everything can be discussed.

The two people shirked their responsibilities, and many people were ashamed.

It is rumored that Orochimaru did not defect because he failed to run for the Fourth Hokage. Although their village is small, there are many strong people. Orochimaru does not care about the position of Shadow. The master and the apprentice are giving way here.

No, it is disgust! !

At this time, Hyuga Tuhou said weakly to Uchiha Yan next to him: "Isn't Lord Izuna the ancestor of Uchiha? It is rumored that when he assisted Lord Uchiha Madara, he could let him fight at ease in the front..."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Izuna, who is staring at the table full of food and smelling the food to satisfy his appetite.

"What are you doing? You don't even let the dead go?"

After realizing their intentions, Izuna stared at them all in disbelief.

He was helping his brother back then. If it weren't for his brother, he would have given up long ago!

"Grandpa, all of us here are juniors, and there is no one more suitable to be the sound and shadow than you." Uchiha Zhen turned into a big Uchiha liar and began to make big promises to Izuna, "The reason why Madara didn't become the Hokage was because they were blind, but the people in our Sound Village all have bright eyes..."

"Look, there are Byakugan, Sharingan, brains, combat power, and illusions... There may be more ninjas in the future, so you are not interested in leading them?"

"No interest!"

Izuna raised his chin proudly. He was only interested in how to eat these delicacies, and he was not interested in anything else.

Besides, his brother was not here, who would he work so hard for?

Orochimaru followed up, fearing that the shadow would fall on him and disturb his experiment.

"I heard that Izuna-sama managed the Uchiha clan in an orderly manner during the Warring States Period and was praised by people. As for the food you want to eat, I just got some clues here. I believe it won't be long before you can eat whatever you want."

Cruel, still Orochimaru is cruel!

He immediately controlled Izuna.

What Izuna heard became Aba Aba Aba Aba... You can eat delicious food! Small cakes! Marshmallows!

"Okay! Since you are not competent, I will help you with reluctance."

Izuna became arrogant. These things are not difficult. He did it for his brother to have a home in the future, definitely not for food.

Uchiha Makoto and Orochimaru raised their eyebrows when they looked at each other. Master, always Master.

But he soon remembered that Orochimaru said he was recovering from his injuries?

"Lord Orochimaru, were you injured on the way out of Konoha?"

"There was an accident, but fortunately Tomokazu brought Hinata and Kurama to pick us up, which saved a lot of trouble, and we also collected some experimental materials by the way."

Orochimaru licked the corners of his lips. He could openly talk about the experiment at the dinner table. If he had known that his filial disciple would be so comfortable here, he would have let him be filial to himself earlier.

"With Lord Orochimaru's strength, he doesn't need our help at all, but as the master of the Lord, we should go to pick him up." Kurama Shunichi was dealing with those nobles while performing, and his words were very artistic.

"Who knew that he would meet Kakashi, that stubborn donkey, who didn't dare to move his hands and wanted to catch people. Kurama threw him into the illusion and tortured him for a few days. I hope his edges will be smoothed!"

Nara Tomokazu is very lazy. Although he scolds, he still has to do his work. If Orochimaru really gets into trouble during his defection, Uchiha Makoto will be very happy.I don't know how to treat him like a donkey in the production team when I come back.

Although Uchiha Makoto pretends to be gentle and polite to everyone, he only respects and admires Orochimaru from the bottom of his heart. When he accidentally saw Uchiha Makoto's name in the experiment done by Orochimaru in the laboratory, he realized that the two of them were the same kind of people.

Uchiha Makoto thought of Orochimaru who was injured during the defection, but when Kakashi faced the injured Orochimaru, just a glance scared him so much that he dared not move.

Although I don't know why my cheap master defected in advance, it's better to stay in Tianzhiguo to do experiments with him, so as not to sneak around in Konoha.

How big is his laboratory here? There are several in a row, and the equipment is the best. There are also resting places, libraries, and databases. The distribution of laboratories is more perfect than that of Orochimaru's mansion.

At night, Uchiha Makoto asked everyone to have a holiday. He was in the village, and every move could be sensed by him. Let them have fun during the New Year!

Uchiha Makoto followed Orochimaru to the laboratory. They had not seen each other for many years, but they did not feel strange. He did not disrespect Orochimaru because of his strength.

"Lord Orochimaru, do you think it is necessary for Otogakure to establish a ninja school?"

Orochimaru sat on a stool, holding his chin, because he drank a few more cups during the meal and had a bit of alcohol.

"School is the most convenient way to train ninjas in batches, but when I see you, I think schools are unnecessary and a waste of time."

Uchiha Makoto agreed with this point. Most of the ninjas trained in batches will be lost after becoming Genin. The luckiest ones are those who can train geniuses like Kakashi.

"Konoha's school is too frivolous. Only ninjas who graduate from schools and battlefields are real ninjas." Uchiha Makoto made up his mind that schools should still exist, but they should be managed in a militarized manner and they should not be allowed to live a lazy life.

"The experience your great grandfather has accumulated since the Warring States Period is extremely valuable. If he teaches us, even if we produce in batches, most of the people will be elites."

First, I went to Izunai, curled his lips, and suddenly felt a little aggrieved. Isn't it said that grandparents and grandchildren love each other?

Look at Izunai, don't expect to love him too much, just don't let him worry.

"But... you have seen his attitude of giving up, can you help me persuade him?"

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