The captain didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of brain-sucking: "If you think you have too few sons, just stop working and ask your man to give birth to sons every day!"

The onlookers couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

The captain was so humorous!

Wang Da Niu was embarrassed and cried angrily: "I just want Xiaoyao's address, you all bully me, wuwuwu... I don't want to live anymore!"

Matchmaker Li turned around and pointed at the pond in front: "There is no cover in the river. You will drown in less than three minutes if you jump in, and you won't feel uncomfortable."

Wang Da Niu pointed at Li Matchmaker tremblingly: "You, you murderer, you will die!"

Wang Lao Da wanted to fight back, but Li Matchmaker glared at him, and he immediately shut up.

After glaring at Lao Da, Li Matchmaker looked at Wang Da Niu again and said calmly: "You said you didn't want to live anymore. I just put forward my opinion. You can adopt it or ignore it."

Wang Da Niu: "..."

Cold-blooded bitch, no wonder her man is having an affair with someone else!

After such a commotion, the villagers had a worse impression of Wang Da Niu.

At night.

Wang Da Niu went to the toilet and was beaten with a sack. She fainted from the pain, and the cruel man left.

Wang Daniu woke up the next morning.

She opened her eyes in the sack and saw nothing but darkness.

She thought she was abducted and sold, and her face was full of fear.

She took off the sack and happened to see the man who was studying it.



Her man covered her mouth and frowned and asked her: "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Daniu's mind flashed through the scene of last night, and she gritted her teeth and said: "I was put in a sack. It must have been done by Matchmaker Li. She was the only one who had a conflict with me yesterday."

Her man looked at her bruised face and asked coldly: "Do you have evidence? Or is it just a guess?"

It was pitch black last night, and it was hard to see clearly: "Guess."

Her man shook his head: "You can only sue if you have evidence. If you don't have evidence, you will be beaten in vain."

Wang Daniu will not let others bully her. If Matchmaker Li can put a sack, she can do it too.

Three nights later.

The sky was pitch black.

There was not even a star.

Wang Da Niu came to matchmaker Li's house to wait for her.

She waited for a long time, but no one came, and she fed mosquitoes all night.

Wang Da Niu gritted her teeth and had to give up.

If it didn't work once, she would do it twice.

Anyway, she had to wait until someone came.

She didn't sleep well for several nights in a row, and she was not in good spirits when she went to work. She dug the hoe and directly dug her toes.

"Ah ah..."

Wang Da Niu threw away the hoe in pain, lifted the foot that was dug, and jumped and turned several circles.

The villagers who were in the same group with her saw that the straw sandals were stained with blood, and their faces changed: "Wait, I'll call your husband over."

After a while.

Her husband came over.

He didn't look at her injured toes, but carried her on his back and walked away.

He walked too fast.

His right foot twisted.

The two fell to the bottom of the ridge.

As luck would have it, her husband just stepped on her injured toe.


Wang Daniu cried in pain: "It hurts, it hurts, how can you walk?"

Her husband got up and continued to walk with her on his back.

The barefoot doctor in the village went to the town.

He could only borrow the team's ox cart to go to the town hospital.

Arrived at the hospital.

He took off his straw sandals, and the three toes in the middle were almost hoeed off.

The doctor shook his head, looking regretful: "It's too serious, we can't do it, we can only cut off the injured toe."

Wang Daniu couldn't believe what she heard: "Yes, do you want to cut it off?"

The doctor nodded: "Yes, you don't have to cut it off, stop the bleeding first, but it will be difficult to wear shoes in the future."

Wang Daniu couldn't accept such a result, she cried and begged the doctor: "Doctor, I don't want to cut it off, help me."

The doctor sighed lightly: "With my medical skills, I can't do it, otherwise, you can go to the city, the doctors there are much better than those in the town hospital, maybe it can work."

Wang Daniu stopped crying, she asked the doctor: "How much does it cost for such an operation here?"

Doctor: "More than ten yuan, it's more expensive in the city."

Wang Daniu couldn't bear it, she looked at her man: "What do you think?"

"It's in the city."

Arrived in the city.

The doctor also told Wang Daniu that it couldn't be connected, and it could only be cut off.

Wang Daniu was panicking: "Is there no other way?"

"You can go to the provincial hospital."

From town to city

It takes two hours to drive from the city to the provincial capital.

It takes even longer to get from the city to the provincial capital.

Wang Da Niu didn't want to go: "Forget it, just cut it off."

She was afraid that if she went to the provincial hospital, the doctor would ask her to go to a big city like Kyoto.

She was just an ordinary farmer, how could she dare to go so far.

Wang Da Niu stayed in the hospital for three days and spent 25 yuan.

She was very distressed.

"It's all because of Matchmaker Li. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have to dig my toes."

Back home.

Wang Da Niu asked her man to take her to Matchmaker Li's house.

"Matchmaker Li, you bitch, get out of here!"

Matchmaker Li came out of the house and slapped Wang Da Niu in the face: "Keep your mouth clean, next time I hear you scold me, I'll beat you to death!"

Wang Da Niu was so angry that she wanted to pounce on Matchmaker Li, but Matchmaker Li dodged her.

She pounced on nothing.

With a plop, she fell flat on her face.

The injury had not healed yet, and the fall was even more painful.

Wang Daniu thought of what she had experienced during this period, sat on the ground and pointed at Li Matchmaker and cried: "I was injured by the hoe, it was all caused by you, you pay me, if you don't pay me, I will sit in your yard until you pay me."

Li Matchmaker sneered: "You are crazy about money, I won't pay you even if you die in my yard."

"Boss, boss, go to the captain's house, call him, and tell him that there is a mad dog in our house."

Wang ran away in a flash.

The captain already had enough to do, and he had to deal with these trivial matters. He was in a very bad mood and wanted to drive Wang Da Nv out of the village: "Wang Da Nv, you drag your man to make a son every night, you are not in good spirits at work during the day, you dig yourself to your toes, and you blame others!

Do you think no one can control you?"

Wang Da Nv shook her head: "No, it was matchmaker Li. She beat me with a sack some time ago. Look, my wounds haven't healed yet! It's her fault."

Wang Da Nv rolled up her sleeves and showed the scars on her hands and neck to the captain.

Seeing that Wang Daniu had wronged her, Matchmaker Li jumped up and scolded her: "You are talking nonsense. When did I put myself in a sack? When I want to beat someone, I never do it in a shady way. I always do it in an open way. Only sinister people do it in a shady way."

The captain believed in Matchmaker Li's character. He did not favor any party: "Do you have evidence?"

Wang Daniu shook her head: "No, it's hard to see people in the middle of the night, but we had a conflict during the day, and I was put in a sack at night. If it wasn't her, who else could it be?"

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