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The captain was speechless: "You are talking nonsense! What matters is evidence, not random guesses.

Besides, you have offended more than just her with your mouth. You have offended 90% of the villagers. In this situation, it's hard to find out who the murderer is! "

Wang Daniu's intuition told her that it was Matchmaker Li: "It's her, it must be her, there can't be anyone else except her."

Matchmaker Li pouted: "Bullshit, you deserve me to get up in the middle of the night and beat you up!

I'd rather have a good night's sleep than waste that time!"

The captain also felt that Wang Daniu was being unreasonable: "Go back to your own home, and then If you keep making such a fuss, you might as well just leave Shifeng Village.

Our Shifeng Village is too small to accommodate a great god like you. ”

Wang Daniu had no evidence, and no one believed her no matter how much she talked.

In the end, she had to limp away. Turn around and go back.

After the people left.

Matchmaker Li looked at the other people in the family: "It was you, who did it?"

Her sons shook their heads and said in unison: "It wasn't me."

Matchmaker Li's eyes finally fell on Wang Changsheng, and she said in a positive tone: " It was you."

Since he was alone, Wang Changsheng did not hide it: "I did it. Who told her to say there was no meat."

Wang Changsheng was choked because his eldest grandson slipped his tongue when he was playing with others. It was spread out.

That day he was beaten by the mixed doubles team at home.

He screamed in pain.

"This is the fact, what's there to worry about! There were no eunuchs in ancient times, and they lived happily." Matchmaker Li didn't know that he What are you worrying about?

Wang Changsheng looked at Matchmaker Li with a sinister look on his face: "It's all your fault. If you hadn't chopped off my bones, I wouldn't be like this." Matchmaker Li didn't think it was her fault at all: "Why didn't you say that you Having an affair outside? If you don't have an affair, will I chop you off?

Li Changsheng, you have no shame, but your son and grandson have to have dignity.

If I don't chop you off, you will continue to have affairs with others.

Only chopping, no That thing won't cause any trouble. "

Her sons subconsciously clamped their legs together when they heard this.

Oh my god.

So scary.

But it's wrong for dad to have an affair.


Xu Xiaoyao, who was far away in Su City, didn't know Know what happened in my hometown.

She held ten yuan in her hand and pointed at the baby clothes on the counter: "Hehua, do you think this one looks good?"

This is a very practical baby clothes.

The fabric is pure cotton, Soft and comfortable.

The design of the clothes is simple and elegant, without too much decoration.

The color is not bright, nor old-fashioned, it looks good.

"It looks good, Jiajia will definitely like it."

"Comrade, how much is this set?"

"Five dollars and sixty cents, this is a job from the sea market, a little expensive, but I know it's real "Good."

"Pack it up for me." Xu Xiaoyao now earns 40 yuan a month, half of which she gives to Xu Jiajia, leaving her with 20 yuan. She has been working for three months, and apart from what she has spent, she still has about 50 yuan.

A set of clothes It’s definitely not enough.

But Xu Jiajia couldn’t bear to buy it all at once.

“Hehua, I plan to buy one set every month, and when the baby is born, I will have nine sets.”

Hehua also wants to do this, but she still needs to send ten yuan every month. When she got the money back, she only had 10 yuan left.

Plus, Jiajia asked her to save more money, saying it would be useful in the future, which scared her even more and made her afraid to spend lavishly.

"I don't have as much money as you do, so I can't buy like this."

"You don't have to buy like this , you just need to buy some. "Xu Xiaoyao said schemingly.

She is the one who wants to be the godmother.

The more she buys, the more the little one will like her.

Perhaps Lotus also thought of this, so she made up her mind and did the same thing: "I will buy some for the child every month until the day he is born."


Time Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it is October.

Xu Jiajia is already four months pregnant.

Old Mrs. Xu stared at her bulging belly and felt something was wrong: "Jiajia, when I was four months pregnant, my belly was not They are so big, I think you are twins, how about asking Xiao Shen to take you to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. "

Xu Jiajia hadn't been to the hospital for a long time: "Okay -"

When the couple heard the doctor say it was twins Shen Yuebai rubbed his hands excitedly: "Doctor, you, you said it's twins?"

Doctor: "Yes, twins are much harder than single babies, and nutrition must keep up."

Shen Yuebai held Xu Jiajia's Hand: "I know, I will watch her eat more."

But Xu Jiajia is really


No matter how much you eat, it will only grow on your belly, not on your face.

Come out of the hospital.

Shen Yuebai's feet felt as light as stepping on cotton. He looked at Xu Jiajia's side face with burning eyes and grinned: "Daughter-in-law, thank you for your hard work."

Xu Jiajia suffered from morning sickness during pregnancy, slept well at night, and did not feel tired. However, in the first three months, she kept lying in bed and felt like a useless person.

However, she would definitely not say these words: "I am willing to give birth to a child for you no matter how tired I am."

These words made Shen Yuebai's eyes flush with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind!"

Xu Jiajia patted the back of Shen Yuebai's hand: "You are my man. If I don't treat you well, I will treat you well."

In the past, Shen Yuebai felt that his life was miserable and no one cared about him. After marrying Xu Jiajia, he felt that he was particularly happy. Not only did his wife care about him, but his father-in-law and grandmother also cared about him. Their care made up for what he lacked as a child.

After Xu Jiajia and his wife went to the hospital, Mrs. Xu couldn't sit still at home, so she went to chat with Mrs. Zhang.

Chatted for an hour.

Thinking that Xu Jiajia might be coming back, she quickly came to the gate to pick her up.

She waited for half an hour before she saw anyone.

"Jiajia, what did the doctor say?"

Before Xu Jiajia could speak, Shen Yuebai happily told Mrs. Xu the result: "Mistress, you guessed it right, Jiajia is pregnant with twins."

Mrs. Xu's heart was beating like a drum with excitement and her blood was burning: "Twins are good, twins are good, it hurts to give birth to two at a time, it's worth it."

Mrs. Xu was in a good mood and hummed while cooking.

It's just that she's tone-deaf.

Some ear grinding.

Xu Jiajia really wanted Mrs. Xu to stop.

Seeing how happy she was, she held back.

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