The mother's belly was full of tears, but she was still very happy.

Xu Xiaoyao stared at Xu Jiajia's belly and felt incredible: "Mothers are so great. This small belly actually gave birth to two little lives."

Her wallet was going to be deflated again.

He Hua also calculated silently in her heart that the two children would buy more things.

If this goes on, she can hardly save a few dollars a month.

But the job opportunity was given by Jiajia.

It would be bad not to buy something for the children.

He Hua thought for a long time and finally decided to buy it.

When Xu Jiajia was five months pregnant, she received the first payment from the newspaper. Although it was only two yuan, it gave her great confidence.

On the day she received the payment, she sent out the manuscript she had recently written.

This time she wrote a short story, a total of 100,000 words.

She only sent part of it.

If it is selected and the response is good, she will send the rest of the manuscript later.

When the editor saw the manuscript sent by Xu Jiajia, his eyes lit up: "Good, very good, the plot is novel, the rhythm is tight, there is no excessive and complicated narrative, and it goes straight to the topic. I have a feeling that this article will be popular."


Half a month later.

Xu Jiajia received a manuscript fee of 50 yuan, and also received a lot of cloth coupons, sugar coupons and so on.

Old Mrs. Xu was stunned: "Oh my god, Jiajia, how can you be so amazing! You are so good at everything you do! This is more promising than being a police officer!"

After reading the letter, Xu Jiajia folded it up and said, "I didn't expect the response to be so good. The editor asked me to send the rest."

When Xu Jianguo got home from get off work, he learned that the newspaper had sent Xu Jiajia 50 yuan in royalties. He danced with excitement: "The most successful thing in my life is that I have a daughter like Xu Jiajia, hahaha... My daughter really makes me proud. No, I have to show off."

The newspaper also sent Xu Jiajia five newspapers.

Xu Jianguo took one and walked out of the house. He came to the sycamore tree in the family compound. There were many people sitting there. Some were sewing shoe soles, some were knitting sweaters, and some were eating melon seeds.

Someone saw Xu Jianguo coming and joked, "Oh, busy man, how do you have time to come here? Aren't you preparing for the exam?"

Although Xu Jianguo had little contact with people in the family compound, he would occasionally chat with them when he met them.

He opened the newspaper in his hand, pointed to the part in the middle, grinned and said: "Do you know who wrote this? This is written by my daughter. The manuscript she wrote was collected and she received royalties."

These days, it is not easy to be in the newspaper. If you can be in the newspaper once, you can brag about it for the rest of your life.

When everyone heard this, they put down their work and looked at the newspaper together.

"There is no photo of your daughter on it. Who knows whether what you said is true or false?"

"Xu Jiajia works in the Public Security Bureau. If she is not powerful, how can she work there?"

"Xu Jianguo, how much royalties can your daughter get for writing once?"

There are almost no thieves in the family compound, so Xu Jianguo did not intend to hide it: "Two yuan for the first time, fifty this time."

Everyone took a breath when they heard this number.

"Fifty? How much is that for writing a manuscript?"

Xu Jianguo was so Versailles: "Is it too much? My daughter complained that it was too little, saying that it cost her a lot of brain cells, and that using the brain to make money is more tiring than using physical strength to make money."

"Get lost, get lost, you are not from the same country as us." Damn, fifty is not enough, why is she not going to heaven.

Xu Jianguo almost laughed out loud: "It's not me who said it, it's my daughter who said it, I'm just repeating it."

"Isn't it impossible to take the college entrance examination now? Is studying still useful?" The family member who asked this question has a ten-year-old granddaughter at home. He wants to send her to school, but thinks it's a waste of money and is very hesitant.

Xu Jianguo laughed at their ignorance: "Studying is useless, why do you need a high school diploma to apply for a job in the factory?"

"Oh, don't say it, it's true! Our army will also arrange jobs for family members, but those who are arranged are all educated. Those who have not been educated can only take care of the children at home."

"The key is that they haven't taken care of the children well. Every day, they either beat or scold the children. They are not like those educated people who teach their children in a gentle way."

"Send your daughter to school, and the wedding gift will be higher."

These words really touched people.

For those who are not educated, the wedding gift ranges from thirty to fifty.

For those who are educated, when they get married, they not only have several hundred gifts, but also three turns and one ring, which is a big show.

"Send it, as long as you want to study, you must send it." The old woman who favors boys over girls seemed to see a stack of money waving at her. She patted her thigh, her eyes full of

Be firm.

Xu Jianguo just wanted to show off, but unexpectedly, many family members changed their view that studying was useless.

Short follow-up.

Xu Jiajia received another 60 yuan in royalties.

Mrs. Xu beamed with joy: "Jiajia, if you don't work in the Public Security Bureau from now on, you can still make money by writing manuscripts."

Xu Jiajia doesn't like working in the workplace.

I don’t have free time and I have to listen to the boss beeping, which is very annoying.

Xu Jiajia put her chin on her hands and said with a smile, "That's what I planned too. It's boring to go to work."

Of course Mrs. Xu strongly supported it: "As long as you are happy."

March 25, 1973 was Xu Jiajia’s due date.

Because they were twins, Shen Yuebai was worried that the children would be born early, so he asked Xu Jiajia to stay in the hospital early. He even found connections to rent a house next to the hospital specifically for cooking and other purposes.


He never thought of it.

Xu Jiajia, who was pregnant with twins, did not delay her pregnancy earlier, but postponed it. Even the doctor was surprised: "Generally, you have to give birth to twins earlier, and the chance of delay is very small.

However, everything is normal for pregnant women and babies, so there is no need to worry. "

When Mrs. Xu learned that both the children and the adults were in good health, she slowly let go of her worries. She smiled and said, "Maybe the children want to stay in the belly for a few more days and are reluctant to come out!"

The doctor agreed very much: "Yes, it must be so."

Everyone waited and waited.

After waiting for another week, Xu Jiajia's stomach still didn't respond. The mothers in the same ward as her were changing one after another.

Every time the doctor does a routine check-up, the first thing he says is: "Are you feeling anything today?"

More than half a month before the due date, Mrs. Xu could no longer sit still. She walked around the ward anxiously: "Why aren't you coming out yet?"

Shen Yuebai also stared at Xu Jiajia's belly and began to threaten the unborn child: "If you don't come out, dad will spank you!"

The children seemed to be responding to Shen Yuebai and kicked Xu Jiajia hard in the stomach.

Seeing the curvature of Xu Jiajia's belly, Shen Yuebai was stunned: "What's going on with them? Do they not want to come out, or are they coming out right away?"

Xu Jiajia looked at Shen Yuebai's side face with a smile: "My client is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry!

When it's time to come out, it will come out. "

As soon as these words came out, the child in the belly started to move again, as if to say, Mom is right!

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