The baby was born in a big way, but the baby was born in a big way.

When the due date was more than half a month, Xu Jiajia's stomach finally responded.

Her lower abdomen tightened.

A pool of water flowed out.

Xu Jiajia wanted to go to the toilet, but her stomach suddenly hurt. She was always calm and panicked: "Milk, milk, I think I'm going to give birth."

Mrs. Xu had had several children and had experience: "Jiajia, don't worry, there will be labor pains when giving birth, and it won't be born for a while."

Xu Jianguo, who was next to her, heard that Xu Jiajia was going to give birth, and he wanted to run to buy firecrackers to set them off. Oh my god, it's finally coming out, it's not easy!

Seeing Xu Jianguo still standing there in a daze, Old Lady Xu kicked him and said, "What are you doing? Go call a doctor!"

Xu Jianguo was startled and ran out, "Doctor, doctor, my daughter is giving birth. She is finally giving birth."

Xu Jiajia, the pregnant woman, has become famous in the hospital.

There are even a few nurses who bet on it.

Some people bet on it being a week past the due date, some bet on it being ten days past the due date, but no one bets on it being half a month past the due date.

Because twins are usually born early, rarely beyond the due date.

The doctor came over and checked Xu Jiajia. He found that her cervix was dilated to five centimeters. She was surprised: "You are so fast! I have been delivering babies for more than 20 years, but this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. You can go to the delivery room now."

Mrs. Xu was shocked: "What? Go to the delivery room? Isn't it just starting to hurt?"

Doctor: "Every pregnant woman is different. Some give birth quickly, some slowly. Your granddaughter is the fast one. No, it should be the very fast one."

Shen Yuebai went to the rental house to cook and came back. His wife went into the delivery room: "Grandma, I want to go in too. I'll go in to accompany Jiajia. If it hurts, she can bite my hand."

As soon as these words came out, the door of the delivery room opened.

"Shen Yuebai, Shen Yuebai, your wife has given birth, the first one is a boy."

Shen Yuebai did not go to hold the child, but asked the nurse: "How is my wife?"

The nurse did not know how to describe it: "She is fine, she gave birth in less than three minutes after entering, this speed is not like the first child at all."

Old Mrs. Xu was also stunned, and after reacting, she immediately hugged the child, her face was red, her hair was black, and it was small, like a fragile glass cup.

The nurse closed the door, and in less than three minutes, another one came out: "The second one is also a boy, and the two children weigh the same, both are 4.8 jins."

Seeing that Shen Yuebai did not react, Xu Jianguo immediately went to hold the child: "Oh, grandpa's good grandson, you finally came out to see grandpa, grandpa prepared a red envelope for you, I will give it to you later, when Xiaobao grows up, you can buy candy."

Shen Yuebai thought he heard it wrong, he confirmed it again: "Doctor, are both boys?"

Nurse: "Yes."

Shen Yuebai: "Could it be that you took the wrong one?"

The nurse almost got angry Laughing: "Your wife is the only pregnant woman in the whole maternity area, how could she be the wrong one?"

Xu Jianguo knew what Shen Yuebai was thinking, and he said speechlessly: "Accept the fact, you don't have the life of a daughter!"

Shen Yuebai looked at Xu Jianguo with a face full of resentment: "Dad, do you want to piss me off to death?"

If there was no baby in his arms, Xu Jianguo would definitely punch Shen Yuebai: "Don't be so cheap!"

It was windy outside, and Mrs. Xu asked Shen Yuebai to stay here and wait for Xu Jiajia, and she and Xu Jianguo took the child to the room.

Shen Yuebai stood in the corridor and waited for a long time before Xu Jiajia came out. He went forward and held Xu Jiajia's hand, looking at her with a distressed face: "Wife, it's my fault. If I hadn't gone to cook, I would definitely accompany you to the delivery room."

After having a baby, Xu Jiajia was in good spirits: "The doctor didn't let me go, and my mother wanted to go, but the doctor didn't let me either. Have you seen the baby?"

Speaking of this, Shen Yuebai felt very aggrieved: "They are all boys, no girls. The wool I bought is all bright colors, which is a waste."

Xu Jiajia wanted to laugh, but in the end she still I held back: "It's okay, boys can wear it too."

Shen Yuebai: "This is for my daughter."

Xu Jiajia almost rolled her eyes: "Ayue, is it because you are always thinking about your daughter that the child is against you and you turned the girl into a boy?"

Shen Yuebai was stunned and actually believed what Xu Jiajia said: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have been thinking about it."

The nurse next to her couldn't listen anymore, she curled her lips: "Make way, let the mother enter the ward first, you can talk whatever you want later!"

Arrived at the ward.

Shen Yuebai asked Xu Jiajia again: "Does it hurt?"

Xu Jiajia had almost no labor pains when giving birth, and the birth was fast, only a few minutes of pain, and the degree of pain was also

Within the range she can accept.

But of course we can't tell Shen Yuebai this: "It hurts. There is no pain in giving birth. It's really not easy for women!"

Shen Yue's eyes were red and he choked, "I won't have any more babies."

Xu Jiajia was surprised when she heard this: "You don't want a daughter anymore?"

Shen Yuebai held Xu Jiajia's hand and pressed it against his face: "If you have one more child, you will be in pain again. I don't want you to be in pain."

The other two pregnant women in the ward looked at Xu Jiajia with envy.

"Your man is so kind to you. It's not like the one in my family who gave birth to five children and still let me give birth. My belly became loose and my health deteriorated after giving birth."

Another also said: "My family is the same. They also said that these days, no one has five or six children. We women have no human rights at all."

Xu Jiajia: "..."

After giving birth to so many children, my figure has also changed!

Xu Jiajia had just come out of the delivery room and was in good spirits. She chatted with Shen Yuebai for a while, but she was out of energy and a little tired: "You take the baby to play, I'll take a nap first."

Shen Yuebai: "..."

How can the child play when he is so young?

Mrs. Xu was afraid that Xu Jiajia would be hungry when she woke up, so she told Shen Yuebai: "Xiao Shen, go back and cook some brown sugar."

Shen Yuebai nodded: "Okay-"

As soon as he reached the door, Xu Jianguo spoke: "Why don't you take a look at the two little ones?"

This guy really doesn't like boys.

I haven't even looked at the children for so long!

Shen Yuebai also wanted to say that he seemed to have missed something, but it turned out to be this. The foot he stepped out retracted again. He looked at the two children on the bed and felt that they were only one small.

He looked at Mrs. Xu in astonishment: "Num, she's so small, will it be easy to take care of her?"

When the young man saw the baby for the first time, Mrs. Xu could understand: "Of course, these two children are not small. When Jiajia Niang gave birth to her, she was not four pounds or eight taels, only four pounds and five taels. Not so tall!"

Shen Yuebai suddenly realized that it turned out to be like this: "Milk, I'll boil the brown sugar first."


Xu Xiaoyao and He Hua came to report.

Since Xu Jiajia was hospitalized, the two of them have visited her once a day.

When they saw the two babies on the bed, they were stunned.

After a long time, Xu Xiaoyao asked: "Milk, is Jiajia giving birth?"

Mrs. Xu smiled: "Well, she gave birth to two boys. She gave birth quickly and didn't have any labor pains. She gave birth within a few minutes of entering the delivery room."

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