The doctor said that Xu Xiaoyao would not agree, "Your letter of introduction has expired. Besides, the doctor did not say that you must come to Su City Hospital for the follow-up examination. You can go to other hospitals for the follow-up examination." Wang Daniu took Xu Xiaobao to the county hospital. When the doctor heard that Xu Xiaobao was dying of stomach pain, he did not dare to admit them and immediately sent them to the city hospital. After this incident, Wang Daniu did not trust the county hospital at all. "That won't work. The county hospital's medical skills are not good. You can't joke with Xiaobao's health."

Xu Xiaoyao said coldly: "The county hospital won't work. Don't you know to go to the city hospital? It takes several days to get from my hometown to Su City by train. It not only takes time, but also costs a lot of money.

There are many pickpockets and human traffickers on the train.

If you encounter one of them, you will be unlucky.

It only takes a few hours to get to the city hospital. Can't you do the math?"

Thinking that the pickpocket would steal all the money, Wang Daniu shuddered: "Then, what about What should I do?"

Xu Xiaoyao said impatiently: "Go back, and go to the city for the next checkup. Don't go so far. These days, it's not as safe as you think. When you go for the checkup, remember to show the doctor the checkup sheet this time."

Xu Xiaobao didn't want to go back at all: "I want to stay here."

Xu Xiaoyao's tone was very bad: "If you stay here, where will you sleep? Sleep on the street? The Red Guards will find you and arrest you."

Xu Xiaobao said confidently: "You rent a house, and I will live with you."

Xu Xiaoyao said, "Pah!" "Where is your face? You shameless dog, I didn't beat you up, I'm good-tempered, but you still want to live with me.

Who gave you the face?

Xu Xiaobao, don't think that you can suck my blood just because you are the only man in the family.

I tell you, it's impossible.

You'd better be honest with me, otherwise, I will beat you up so hard that your parents won't recognize you!"

Xu Xiaobao is still young. If he is older, and Xu Xiaoyao talks to him in this tone, he will definitely beat her up: "Money-loser——"

Three words just When he came out, Xu Xiaoyao slapped him in the face: "You are the one who loses money! Because of you, the sisters are not doing well, but you take it for granted to enjoy the things they give you.

Useless dog, I feel sick when I see you."

Wang Da Niu was so angry that this damn girl dared to hit her baby son in front of her. She reached out to hit Xu Xiaoyao, but she dodged: "I see you are in good spirits, so I won't buy tickets for you."

After saying this, Xu Xiaoyao left quickly without looking at Wang Da Niu's distorted face.

Wang Da Nv pointed at her departing figure, shaking with anger: "Black-hearted bitch, I came to Suzhou and she didn't even treat me to a meal, but she got angry first."

Xu Xiaobao urged Wang Da Nv: "Mom, you can go to the machinery factory to find her."

Wang Da Nv didn't dare: "I heard there are three machinery factories in this city, I don't know which one she is in!"

Xu Xiaobao was determined not to go back to his hometown. Wu Ya disagreed, so he went to her factory to make a scene, making it known to everyone and making it impossible for her to go to work: "Look for her, look for her one by one, you will find her eventually."

Wang Da Nv's eyes lit up, thinking this was a good idea: "Okay--"

Wang Da Nv was afraid of getting lost, so she ran to the Public Security Bureau to ask for directions, and then took the bus to Factory 1.

Factory 1 is relatively large and is located in the north of Suzhou.

She got off the bus.

Wang Da Nv asked all the way according to the address provided by the Public Security Bureau, and finally found Factory 1.

She asked the people in the security department if there was a person named Xu Xiaoyao in the factory.

"No, you've found the wrong place."

Wang Da Niu took Xu Xiaobao to the second factory again.

The result was still disappointing.

Wang Da Niu left the second factory and took a deep breath: "There is only one factory left."

Xu Xiaobao: "She is in the third factory."

Arrived at the third factory.

The security department still said that there was no such person.

Wang Da Niu was dumbfounded: "It is impossible that there is no such person, comrade, please look for her again."

The comrade in the security department shook his head: "I am an old employee. I know who are the people in our factory better than the factory director. It is impossible to remember them wrong."

Xu Xiaobao revealed another name: "Then is there a person named Xu Hehua in your factory?"

The male comrade still shook his head: "No, you've found the wrong place."

Wang Da Niu looked like the sky was about to fall: "I have looked in three factories, and they all said that there is no such person."

The male comrade saw that Wang Da Niu looked so distraught, and he couldn't bear it. He comforted her: "Don't worry, go to other places to look, you will find her eventually."

Wang Daniu was very sure that Xu Xiaoyao worked in the machinery factory. She had searched all three factories but couldn't find her. This meant that the damn girl had informed the security department.

She was unfamiliar with the place.

Others said that there was no such person, so she didn't dare to make a scene and ask them to find someone for her.

If there was only one factory, this might work, but it would definitely not work for three factories.

Wang Daniu's shoulders slumped, and she looked like a body without a soul: "Xiaobao, she really doesn't care about our lives. Let's go back and stop looking for her."

Xu Xiaobao was unwilling, so he could only buy a ticket and go back home.

Xu Xiaoyao was relieved only after she was sure that Wang Da Niu and the other person had left. She pulled He Hua and complained, “I’m so annoyed when I see her. She comes to us when she needs us, but when she doesn’t need us, she calls us money losers every day, doesn’t give us food, and makes personal attacks all day long.

After this, she shouldn’t torture me again, right?”

The words personal attack were learned from Xu Jiajia.

He Hua was not very confident about Wang Da Niu: “I don’t know, what if she comes to you again? But even if she comes, she won’t be able to find you, don’t worry.”

Xu Xiaoyao had been on guard against Wang Da Niu. She told the security department that if a stranger came to her, she should say that there was no such person in the factory.

This was also the reason why Wang Da Niu asked three factories but didn’t find anyone.

Xu Xiaoyao grinned, “Jia Jia is still careful and reminded me of this. Otherwise, I would definitely not have informed the security department.”

Back home.

Xu Xiaoyao told Xu Jiajia the news that Wang Daniu had returned to her hometown. She danced with excitement and wanted to buy firecrackers to celebrate: "After a few days of hard work, she finally left. I'm so happy."

Xu Jiajia rolled her eyes at her: "She was lucky to meet us on the road. If she hadn't met us, I don't know how many detours she would have taken.

However, even if she hadn't met us, she would have come to the factory to find you. By then, you wouldn't have been so relaxed."

Xu Xiaoyao patted her thigh: "Yes, if she knew which factory I was in, she would definitely go to the factory every day to make trouble, And they will threaten me. "

Comparing the two, Xu Xiaoyao felt that she was quite lucky. She took out the twenty yuan that Grandma Xu had lent her and handed it over: "They didn't spend my money this time. These twenty yuan are the two bills you gave me."

Grandma Xu took the money and said: "That's right. Your mother is a fool. She doesn't think about it.

She thought that everything would be fine if she had a son.

She didn't think about your brother. Will he take care of her in the future?

You can tell a person's future from a young age.

Your grandmother's vision is not bad.

Your brother will not have much future."

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