The old man was sick and lying in bed.

Xu Xiaoyao's mind flashed with the image of Wang Daniu lying sick in bed at an old age, and she smiled shamelessly: "Don't look at Xu Xiaobao's young age, but he is very selfish. Many times, he is the one who instigated my mother to target us. He always says that he is the only son in the family, and his parents can only rely on him for their old age."

Old lady Xu just thought it was ridiculous: "Your mother is old and can't make money. By then, your brother will definitely not even look at her."

What a person.

No matter what era, you can only feel safe if you have money.

You can only listen to the words of relying on your son for your old age and don't take them seriously.

Having money and filial children is icing on the cake.

If you encounter an unfilial child, you will not be afraid in your old age if you have money.

If you have no money and your child is unfilial, it will be miserable.

Xu Xiaoyao agrees with this sentence: "Well, she will suffer in the future."

Xiaobao heard a lot of voices in his ears, and he also pricked up his ears to listen to the adults talking, and occasionally made a sound of "hmm".

Xu Jiajia smiled with a doting face: "Xiao Xingxing, do you understand it too?"

Dabao's full name is Shen Jiachen, and his nickname is Chenchen.

Xiaobao's full name is Shen Jiaxing, and his nickname is Xingxing.

These two names were given by Xu Jiajia, the only high school student in the family.

Xiaoxingxing drooled and responded to Xu Jiajia's words with babbling.

Xu Jiajia didn't understand, but she continued to say: "Xiao Xingxing, you are amazing. You are so young, but you can understand what adults say. Mommy gives Xiao Xingxing a thumbs up."

Xiao Xingxing seemed to understand. His little face showed a bright smile. He kicked his feet excitedly and babbled his baby language.

Seeing his excitement, everyone's mood also improved.

Xiao Chenchen was more aloof. Seeing that everyone's attention was on Xiao Xingxing, he raised his eyelids and continued to sleep.


Five days later in the afternoon.

Wang Daniu appeared at the entrance of the village with messy hair and pale face.

Xu Xiaobao's situation was not much better. His two feet were shaking, and he looked as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

The villagers who were chatting under the sycamore tree thought that two strangers had come. When they got closer, they saw that it was Wang Daniu and Xu Xiaobao.

The villagers were stunned: "Big girl, are you here to escape?"

Some villagers thought Xu Xiaobao was about to die, so they came in to comfort her in a different way: "Little Bao's mother, you are not yet fifty, and you still have your period, so it's not a problem to have another baby!"

On the way back from the train, Wang Daniu was robbed of all the money in her pocket by a pickpocket.

She almost killed someone.

She returned to the village, still in shock.

She looked at the familiar faces and burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly, crying so hard that the gossipers felt very uncomfortable.

"Oh, tell me, what's wrong with you?"

"Is your little Bao's disease incurable?"

"What a pity!"

Xu Xiaobao thought of everything that happened on the train, and her eyes were red. She would never go out far again, the outside world was too scary.

Wang Daniu cried for a long time before she stopped crying. She burped and said incoherently: "I, the money on me was taken away by a pickpocket."

Some people felt it was a pity, but some people felt that if they lost the money, they could earn it again, at least they were still alive: "The money has been lost, crying is useless, cheer up and work hard, and strive to get more by the end of the year."

That's several hundred dollars, all the family's property is there, Wang Daniu felt distressed as if someone cut a piece of meat: "Wuwuwu... My little treasure has a chronic disease, it will recur again and again, what should I do now!"

"He is fine, how could he have a chronic disease? Did the doctor say he was so sick, how did he get it?"

Wang Daniu choked up and said: "The doctor said that he didn't pay attention to the common cold, and the acute disease turned into a chronic disease. The doctor said that acute diseases can be cured, but chronic diseases are difficult to cure and will recur again and again."

Everyone was dumbfounded and learned a lot. He was actually sick! It seems that I have to pay attention in the future. If I feel uncomfortable, I must see a doctor immediately, and I can't delay, lest it become a serious illness.

"Well, how much does your Xiaobao spend on medicine in a month?"

"This time, the inspection cost more than 20 yuan, and the medicine cost is estimated to be more than 10 yuan."

Everyone gasped when they heard this number. My God, more than 10 yuan a month, more than 100 yuan a year.

Their whole family earns work points, and they only get a few dozen yuan a year. If the harvest is good, they can get about 100 yuan.

My God.

Xu Xiaobao spends so much a year

Money, can this family still live well?

Wang Daniu saw the shock in everyone's eyes and realized that they had misunderstood something, and then explained: "The doctor didn't say to take medicine every day, he just said that it would come and go, go for a checkup in two months, if it returns to normal, you don't need to take medicine, but you should pay attention to it at ordinary times, don't catch a cold, once you catch a cold, it will be easy to relapse if you take other medicines."

One of the women patted her chest with lingering fear: "That's not bad, if you take medicine every month, you can go bankrupt even if you have a fortune."

Someone also asked about Xu Xiaoyao: "Is your Xiaoyao doing well in Su City?"

When it comes to Xu Xiaoyao, Wang Daniu is full of anger, she said coldly: "That kind of conscienceless person, no matter how well he does, he will What's the use!

You don't know the benefits of your natal family now, but when you get married, you will know how hard it is to be in your husband's family without the support of your natal family!"

Matchmaker Li replied with a smile: "Your Xiaoyao has never regarded you as her natal family. Her natal family is Xu's family. If you don't believe it, just wait and see!

When she gets married and goes back to her natal family, she will definitely go back to Xu's family."

Wang Da Niu stared at Matchmaker Li with bloodshot eyes: "Why are you everywhere?"

Matchmaker Li raised her chin: "I said, what can you do to me! If you have the guts, come and tear me apart!"

Wang Da Niu hadn't eaten for a day and was so hungry that she was dizzy. How could she possibly go and fight with Matchmaker Li?

She took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, turned to look at the pale Xu Xiaobao: "Son, let's go back."

Wang Da Niu was afraid that Xu Xiaobao would fall, so she supported him: "Walk slowly, there's no rush."

Xu Xiaobao slapped her hand away: "I can walk without your help."

Wang Da Niu was worried: "Your feet are shaking like this, what if you fall?"

Xu Xiaobao didn't have the energy to argue with Wang Da Niu, so he just let her do what she wanted.

Back home.

Wang Da Niu opened the cabinet for collecting grain, and there was nothing inside. She was stunned.

When she left, the family left 50 kilograms of grain. She had been out for a short time, and there was not a grain of rice left: "Xu Laoer, Xu Laoer, where have you been?"

She shouted for a long time, but there was no response at all.

Unable to find anyone at home, Wang Da Niu went outside to look for him: "Xu Lao Er, Xu Lao Er..."

The villagers heard her looking for someone and told her: "Your man went to your eldest daughter's house."

Wang Da Niu was confused: "Why did he go to your eldest daughter's house?"

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