The family had no food, so Wang Daniu had to borrow some.

After washing the rice and cooking, she was cutting vegetables when a panicked voice came from outside: "Xiao Bao Niang, it's bad, your husband is dead."

When Wang Daniu heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue. She loosened her hand and the kitchen knife fell heavily to the ground, almost injuring her foot.

She walked out with weak legs and shook the man's shoulders with both hands: "You, what did you just say?"

Wang Daniu was distraught, her eyes were red, and tears kept rolling inside.

Seeing her like this, the man felt reluctant to announce the death, but she had to tell him about it. She swallowed her saliva and said, "You, your husband fell down the ridge of the field, and his head hit a stone. He bled a lot, and he is dead."

After the messenger said the last word, Wang Daniu's legs softened and she fainted.

The man quickly supported her, and his other hand pressed her philtrum without any method: "Ouch, don't faint!"

Xu Xiaobao came out of the house and stared at the messenger: "You, what happened to my father?"

The man looked at the pale Xu Xiaobao and said, "Your father is dead."

Xu Xiaobao was stunned.

His father died, and his mother was the only labor force in the family.

Can one person working support two people?

While Xu Xiaobao was in a trance, Wang Da Niu slowly opened her eyes. She was filled with grief: "Oh my God, I have never done anything immoral. Why do you treat me like this!

Old Second.

You left so early, leaving us mother and son behind. What should we do in the future?

Ahhh...Old Second, why did you leave? Why didn't you wait two years before leaving? Oh my God... How are we going to live in the future?"

Wang Da Niu cried heartbreakingly, tears gushing out like a spring, and the wailing of grief tore through the night sky, as if the whole world was shrouded in her sadness.

The messenger's eyes were red. She patted Wang Daniu on the shoulder and sighed: "You must cheer up. You still have a thirteen-year-old son. If you don't cheer up, how can you let him live?"

This sentence woke up Wang Daniu. She looked at the pale Xu Xiaobao, walked over and said: "Xiaobao, mother will raise you up. You must strive to be admitted to high school and enter the factory.

Mother, now there is only this one request."

Xu Xiaobao: "..."

He also wants to take the exam.

But those characters recognize him, he doesn't recognize those characters!

Xu Laoer passed away.

The four sisters of the Xu family are back.

"Mom, what's going on?"

Wang Da Nv stared at Xu Daya with her eyes wide open: "Did your father give you food?"

Xu Daya was confused: "No, I haven't seen my father for a long time."

Wang Da Nv didn't believe it: "People in the village said they saw your father looking for you with food, and you said they haven't seen your father for a long time?

Xu Daya, has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

Xu Daya was so angry that her chest hurt: "Mom, can I lie about this? My family lives in the center of the village. If my father went to look for me, the villagers would definitely see it. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people in our village to see if I lied!"

Who spread it!

It's so mad!

Wang Da Nv was half-believing and half-doubting: "He really didn't go to your place? Then who did he give the food to?"

The four sisters of the Xu family shook their heads and said in unison: "I don't know."

Wang Da Nv knew that these daughters dared not lie, so she ran to the captain's house and begged him to make a decision for her: "Captain, my second son died tragically, you have to make a decision for me, wuwuwu... God damn it, this is not leaving us a way to live..."

The captain thought of Wang Da Nv's usual behavior and was a little unhappy: "I know your second son died tragically, but you said you would not leave you a way to live, what is this What happened?"

Wang Da Niu cried and said, "Liu Li said that my husband took food to Daya's house. I just asked Daya, and she said that she hadn't seen her father for a long time.

Da Ya's father took 50 kilograms of food. Now he is dead, but I don't know where the food went?

You are the captain, you have to make the decision for me!"

The captain felt that the matter was a bit tricky when he heard it. He frowned and said, "You go back to handle the funeral. I will ask other people about this matter."

After Wang Da Niu left, the captain immediately called the radio to ask Liu Li to come to his house.

Liu Li put down the work at hand and came to the captain's house with doubts: "Captain, you are looking for me?"

The captain said straight to the point: "You said Xu Laoer took food to Daya's house?"

Liu Li nodded: "Well, Xu Laoer said it himself,

I just passed on the message. "

The captain asked again: "Did he take a lot of food?"

Liu Li nodded again: "The big snakeskin bag was half full, about 50 to 60 kilograms.

At that time, I was curious, why was Xu Laoer so generous, and he actually gave Daya food!"

In the whole Shifeng Village, it is obvious that Xu Laoer's family favors boys over girls. Not to mention giving food, I'm afraid they won't even give their daughter a handful of wild vegetables.

The captain asked Liu Li again: "Who has Xu Laoer been close to recently?"

Liu Li shook her head: "I don't know, ask other people. "

After Liu Li left, the captain asked several people again, and learned from Xiao Ankang that Xu Laoer and Wang Changsheng had been very close these days.

The captain originally wanted to call the radio to ask Wang Changsheng to come to his house, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to go there in person.

The captain came to Wang's house and said bluntly: "I heard that you have been very close to Xu Laoer recently. Did he tell you who the fifty kilograms of food were given to?"

Wang Changsheng raised his orchid finger, twisted his buttocks, and looked at the captain with resentment: "How should I know? He is close to me because he is in a bad mood. He said that his wife is too domineering, like a shrew, crying and shouting at every turn, and she is not a woman at all."

Wang Changsheng's actions were so hot that the captain almost vomited. He took a deep breath and scolded him with a cold face: "Talk nicely, but you act like a woman. What's it like? "

Wang Changsheng's eyes were red, and he looked at the captain aggrievedly. His voice was thin, as if it was stuck in his throat: "Captain, those two taels of meat are gone, what's the difference between me and a woman!"

The captain shuddered. My God, this pervert wanted to scare him to death: "Stop, stop, I don't want to talk to you."

The captain couldn't stand Wang Changsheng's tricks, so he went to find Li Matchmaker: "Before Xu Laoer died, he was very close to your Wang Changsheng. Go and ask for me if Xu Laoer said anything!"

Matchmaker Li didn't know that the captain had just been poisoned by tea, so she asked: "Why don't you go?"

The captain looked at Li Matchmaker unhappily: "Who can stand him like that! Go quickly, ask carefully, and get useful information, and you will be given five work points. "

Work points are money. If you hesitate for a second, it means you are disrespectful to money: "Okay--"

Matchmaker Li came to Wang Changsheng with a step that did not recognize any relatives: "Tell me what Xu Laoer said to you without missing a word."

She spoke crisply and her gestures were free and easy, like a man.

Looking at Wang Changsheng again, as the state of his defects changed, he became more and more feminine. In front of Matchmaker Li, he looked like a little wife.

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