The old lady Hu looked at Xu Jiajia angrily: "How could you do this? Fifteen, fifteen, I won't cut anymore."

If she keeps cutting, she might cut more and more.

She's still a police officer!

With such a petty temperament, what can she accomplish!

Originally, Old Lady Hu wanted to extort money, but in the end she got fed back, which made her look unhappy all day.

Hu Yitao was also a person who could read people's faces. Seeing that Old Lady Hu looked like she was about to explode at any time, he didn't dare to get close to her.

She spent the whole afternoon fooling around outside.

When it was getting dark, a child from the family compound ran to the Hu family: "Grandma Hu, your Yitao had a fight with someone and got his head broken. He bled a lot."

Hu Yitao was the lifeblood of Grandma Hu. When she heard that her grandson was in trouble, her face changed drastically and she asked the child anxiously: "Where is Taotao? Take me there."

The child led Grandma Hu to the fight scene.

There were many people gathered there.

Exclamations could be heard from afar.

"Oh my God, what hatred, they actually used stones to hit!"

"Neither of them is good, one used stones and the other used a knife."

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, wake up, wake up!"

"Why are you shouting? Take him to the hospital!"

The woman wiped the tears from her face, picked up the child and ran to the hospital in a hurry.

She ran too fast.

She didn't look at the road and bumped into Grandma Hu, almost throwing the child out of her arms.

She saw the man clearly, and her eyes were filled with hatred: "I won't let you go!"

Old Mrs. Hu was frightened by the hatred in her eyes, but she felt puzzled: "What does your son's accident have to do with me?"

The child leading the way interrupted: "Grandma Hu, her son Xiaobao was injured by Hu Yitao. Hu Yitao has a knife and cut him several times."

Old Mrs. Hu was so scared that her legs were weak. Damn it, where did he get the knife!

Old Mrs. Hu squeezed into the crowd and saw that Hu Yitao had a cut on his head, blood was flowing down his cheek, and a large area of ​​his clothes was soaked red.

She almost fell to the ground: "Taotao, Taotao, hurry up, get up, grandma will take you to the hospital."

Hu Yitao was so scared that he seemed to have lost his soul, and he was stupid and dazed: "Grandma, grandma, I killed someone, wuwuwu... Grandma, I'm scared, I'm so scared."

Grandma Hu was afraid that he would talk nonsense, so she quickly covered his mouth and helped him up: "Don't talk, go to the hospital with grandma."

Grandma Hu saw that the blood was still flowing.

She tore off a piece of Hu Yitao's clothes and pressed the wound.

After the old man and the child left, others began to talk.

"This kid must have been frightened. The other one just fainted. He thought he was dead."

"These two kids, if they are not properly disciplined, will probably get shot when they grow up."

"Have you noticed that the adults in both of their families favor boys over girls, and spoil their kids to be lawless and unreasonable."

"Yes, there are so many families with boys, but they don't spoil them like this. Alas, the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls is killing people!"


The other child was stabbed a few times.

It looked scary.

But no vital parts were hurt.

This is a blessing in disguise.

After treating the wound, the woman sent the child home and ran to Mrs. Hu's house angrily: "Old woman, get out of here."

Mrs. Hu had just arrived home with Hu Yitao after treating his wound when she heard someone shouting. She walked out of the house and saw that it was the family member living in Building 2. She said: "Your son also injured Taotao. If you want compensation, you should compensate my Taotao first."

The woman said: "It was your bastard who started it first. My son was hit several times by him before he fought back."

Mrs. Hu asked Hu Yitao, but it was not the case at all. She also said: "You are talking nonsense. They were playing a game and had a disagreement. They started fighting at the same time. If you don't believe it, you can ask the other children."

The woman didn't believe it and rushed up to fight with Mrs. Hu.

The neighbors heard the noise and rushed over to separate them.

The two were too involved in the fight.

The one who separated them was also hit a few times.

The person trying to stop the fight knew that he had limited ability, so he simply stepped back and went to find someone else to help.

After a while, many people gathered in the corridor.

Li Xiaoyu, the commander's wife, was afraid that someone might get killed, so she hurried over. Seeing that the two were still fighting, she sneered, "Stop it. If you don't listen, go back home!"

This sentence was very lethal.

The two stopped fighting at the same time.

Mrs. Hu had several cuts on her face, and her hair was messy, like a crazy woman.

The woman's situation was not much better. She was red-eyed.

Li Xiaoyu had already understood the situation on the way: "Both parties are at fault in this matter. If compensation is required, it won't be paid by just one party. Give me the bills for each of your expenses." With Li Xiaoyu mediating, the two dared not disobey. They obediently took out the bills issued by the hospital and handed them to Li Xiaoyu. She added it up carefully. The expenses of both parties were exactly the same. "The expenses are the same. I don't think you have to pay." The woman felt that her child was at a disadvantage: "It can't be counted this year. My son has scratched several places." Li Xiaoyu glanced at her and said, "Hu Yitao's injury was on his head. I have checked the places where your son was scratched. It's nothing serious. He was unconscious at the time and fainted from fear." The woman choked. Old Lady Hu thought the other party's fee would be much higher, but now she heard that it was the same amount. She rolled her eyes and said, "Master's wife, my grandson's head is injured. I heard that if he doesn't get nutritional compensation, he will get into trouble later. Should she pay some compensation?"

Li Xiaoyu was very smart. As soon as she saw Old Lady Hu, she knew what she was thinking: "Sister-in-law of the Yuan family, go to the hospital and ask the doctor about Hu Yitao's condition and see what the doctor says."

Zhu Yilian is the wife of Yuan Heye, and everyone calls her Sister-in-law of the Yuan family.


Old Lady Hu's face fell instantly. How could the Master's wife do this and leave her no chance of survival?

Zhu Xiaolian came back soon: "The doctor said that Hu Yitao just needs to rest for two days and eat some meat, and then he doesn't need to worry about it. The doctor also said that it looks serious, but in fact it's just a piece of skin broken."

Old Mrs. Hu's wishful thinking didn't work. She was so angry that she snatched the money from Li Xiaoyu and started to drive her away: "Go, go, go, my grandson needs to rest."

Li Xiaoyu had never seen such a confused person. She shook her head gently. Hu Guang was too confused. He left his wife in his hometown to earn work points, but asked his troublemaker mother to follow the army. His only son was probably useless.

When the division commander came back from the army and learned about what happened in the family compound, he specially asked someone to call Hu Guang.

Hu Guang was uneasy all the way.

The division commander saw the man and went straight to the point without beating around the bush: "Comrade Hu Guang, your mother has been with the army for a year. During this year, she has caused so many troubles in the family compound. Do you need me to list them one by one and tell you?"

Hu Guang's face turned pale: "Division commander, I, my mother is old and uneducated, she doesn't understand these things, don't worry, I will talk to her when I go back."

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