The division commander didn't believe it at all. He talked to Hu Guang several times a month and said so every time. But after a few days of silence, his troublemaker wife started to make trouble again. There were many things to do in the army, and he didn't have extra time to take care of these trivial matters. The division commander sighed and said, "Hu Guang, I have to admit that you have good work ability, but apart from work, you are quite confused about other things. We are in the army here, and the discipline is very strict. If you don't handle your family affairs well, it will also affect you."

Hu Guang's heart skipped a beat. What did the division commander mean? "Division commander, give me one last chance, I will definitely handle those trivial matters at home."

The division commander said seriously, "If you don't handle the trivial matters at home well, it will affect the mission."

Hu Guang naturally knew that there was such a person in their army. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not good. When the comrade was on a mission, he was worried that his wife would be bullied by his mother. He was distracted and was shot in the head by the enemy.

"Division commander, I decided to send my mother back and then take my wife and daughter over."

Hu Guang knew that if his mind was still not clear this time, his days in the army would probably be over.

The division commander did not nod immediately, but said: "You go back first, I will think about it."

Hu Guang came out of the division commander's house in a bad mood. He looked up at the sky full of stars and said to himself: "I was wrong, I shouldn't indulge them."

While walking, he suddenly heard a familiar voice. Hu Guang immediately hid and pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

"When will you marry me?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? You are not even eighteen years old."

"When you slept with me, why didn't you bring up my age? I tell you, I'm pregnant."

The man looked at the girl blankly, as if it was a bolt from the blue: "It's only once, is it so accurate?"

He just planned to play, not to marry her.


He must run away tomorrow.

The man is not a member of the People's Liberation Army, but his brother is, and this time he came here to play on purpose.

"I'm pregnant anyway. If you don't marry me, I'll report you for having an affair."

The man's legs softened, and he was obviously scared: "Who, who doesn't want to marry me? But I don't work here, you have to go back to my hometown with me."

The man was actually just an ordinary farmer.

But he lied to the woman that he was a worker.

The girl also wanted to find a worker, and after a few times, she fell in love with the man.

Hu Guang heard the conversation between the two and was so angry that smoke came out of his head. He rushed out and slapped the girl hard in the moonlight: "Dead girl, look at the good things you have done, get out, and go back to the countryside tomorrow."

The girl was Hu Guang's sister Hu Mingyue. She had been with the army for a year, and her purpose was to find a good partner.

As a soldier, she was away from home all day, and she didn't feel safe, so she had the idea of ​​finding a worker.

By chance, she met the man, and after finding out that the man was a worker, she immediately had an idea.

Dry wood and raging fire, who can resist it?


Before getting married, someone died.

Hu Guang dragged them into the house, one by one: "Tell me, what happened?"

Seeing that his brother was angry, Hu Mingyue dared not hide anything, and immediately told him everything from how they met to when they had sex.

Hu Guang was so angry that he pointed at Hu Mingyue and trembled: "You, have you never seen a man?"

Hu Mingyue also knew that she had done something wrong. She twisted her fingers, lowered her head, and dared not say a word.

The man was the same. When he saw Hu Guang's violent temper, he was so scared that his legs went weak and he wanted to find a place to hide.

Old Lady Hu knew the man and knew that he was just a farmer. She was so angry that she beat and punched Hu Mingyue: "You stupid girl, I told you to find a soldier, but you found such a thing for me. I will beat you to death, you useless dog!"

Hu Mingyue was annoyed by being beaten and pushed Old Lady Hu away: "I want to marry him. If you don't let me marry, I will die."

Hu Guang smiled.

There was a coldness in his smile: "Marry him. I will buy you train tickets to go back to your hometown tomorrow. As for the dowry, don't ask for it."

Old Lady Hu was abusive to her daughter-in-law, but she loved her daughter. She looked at Hu Guang disapprovingly: "No, without a dowry, she will have a hard time in her husband's family."

Things had come to this point. Even if she objected, it would be useless. She could only be forced to accept it.


What a sin.

This day after day, there was no peace.

Hu Guang was determined not to care about Hu Mingyue's affairs anymore: "If you have money, you can give me a dowry. Anyway, I won't give you a penny."

Old Lady Hu glared at Hu Guang: "What do you mean?"

Hu Guang said in a light tone: "It's what you heard, mother, go back home."

Old Lady Hu was so angry that she almost jumped up and hit Hu Guang: "Asshole, are you going to drive me home?"

Hu Guang: "If you don't go back, I will go back to my hometown to farm. The division commander just called me again. He said that I can't even handle the family affairs well. It's not suitable to stay in the army. Let me retire.

This is just the result of the things you made.

If the division commander knew that Hu Mingyue had physical intimacy with others before getting married, I'm afraid the consequences would be more serious."

This scared Old Lady Hu. Hu Guang was her most promising son. She could walk sideways in the village because of this son's ability. If she retired, she would definitely be laughed at.

"No, I can't retire. Okay, I'll go back home."

Hu Guang continued, "I will bring Hui Niang and the five daughters over."

Old Mrs. Hu's eyes turned red with anxiety: "No, Daya is already sixteen years old and can earn several work points a day. Why does she come to the army?

And Hui Niang, too, she and the five money-losing women must stay at home."

This time, Hu Guang rarely listened to Old Mrs. Hu: "You also know that Daya is sixteen, and she can get married in two years.

There are so many bachelors in the army, there must be someone she likes."

This made Old Mrs. Hu's shameful heart move.

Seeing that Old Mrs. Hu hesitated, Hu Guang continued, "I'm not here to discuss with you, but to inform you. I will send a telegram home tomorrow to ask them to come earlier."

The matter is a foregone conclusion.

It's useless for Old Mrs. Hu to object.

The matter of Hu Guang's wife and the five daughters was settled.

As for Hu Mingyue.

Hu Guang really didn't want to care. After washing his face, he went into the room and saw Hu Yitao sitting on the bed shivering. He said coldly: "Next time you fight with someone, you will go back to your hometown."

Hu Yitao was really scared this time. He glanced at Hu Guang and saw that he was emitting cold air. He whispered: "Dad, I don't dare to do it again. Don't hit me, okay?"

Hu Guang looked at Hu Yitao wrapped in gauze and said: "The last time."

Hu Yitao knew that Hu Guang was serious this time, and nodded like pounding garlic: "Dad, I will definitely be obedient in the future."


The next morning.

Hu Guang went to find the man's eldest brother.

Tell him about him and Hu Mingyue.

The man's eldest brother was so angry that he wanted to slap him twice.

He was afraid that his brother's affairs would affect his future.

He took out two hundred yuan and gave it to Hu Guang: "This is the betrothal gift. Don't tell people that you two have sex before you get married. This is not good for you or me. I'm going to buy tickets now and send them back to my hometown."

Hu Guang took the money and said: "Buy tickets for Hu Mingyue and my mother as well. I'll give her all the betrothal money. How she lives in the future depends on herself."

He really doesn't want to care about his sister.

He introduced her to a partner, but she didn't like this one or that one.

She was just an ordinary village girl, and I didn't know why she was so proud.

Back home.

Hu Guang handed two hundred yuan to Hu Mingyue: "This is the betrothal gift from your man's brother. It's all yours. You go back to your hometown with him today."

This is the first time that Hu Mingyue has received so much money since she was a child. She counted it again and again and said excitedly: "These are all mine, hahahaha... I will be a rich person in the future."

Hu Guang shook his head: "Go and clean your clothes."

At this time, Mrs. Hu came out from outside: "Is it so urgent?"

Hu Guang nodded and brought up the division commander again: "Yes, if you don't leave, I can't go back to the army at all."

Mrs. Hu gritted her teeth: "Okay, let's go today."

The man Hu Mingyue found is from the same town as her, but in a different village.

So the three of them are on the same train.

Sent him away.

Hu Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

The division commander should be satisfied now.


This day.

Old Lady Zhang, who was shopping with Old Lady Xu, came with gossip: "Old sister, I have good news for you. Your annoying neighbor, Old Lady Hu, was driven back to her hometown by her son."

Although Old Lady Xu had just come to the family compound not long ago, she was very familiar with Old Lady Hu. She was quite surprised to hear what Old Lady Zhang said: "Didn't her son say that she couldn't do anything to her? Is she willing to go back?"

Old Lady Zhang put her head close to Old Lady Xu and said mysteriously: "She has to go back. If she doesn't go back, her son will face retirement."

Old Lady Xu nodded, indicating that she understood.

Then, the two old people chatted for a long time.

Old Lady Zhang is really good at chatting.

She doesn't need to rest and can chat from morning to night.

Old Lady Xu really admits defeat: "Old sister, you talk so much, aren't you tired?"

Old Lady Zhang

Tai was stunned: "Not tired, there are gossips to listen to, how can I be tired."

When Xu Jiajia came back, Mrs. Zhang was still at Xu's house.

She brought back a watermelon, and just as she cut it, she heard Mrs. Zhang say she was leaving.

She tried to stop Mrs. Zhang: "Mrs. Zhang, eat a piece of watermelon before you go."

Mrs. Zhang waved her hand and said: "No, no, there is at home."

In fact, there was no watermelon at home.

Mrs. Zhang said that on purpose.

This watermelon is very expensive.

She was embarrassed to be greedy.

She was afraid that Xu Jiajia would chase her, so she ran very fast.

The more Xu Jiajia chased, the faster Mrs. Zhang ran.

Xu Jiajia was afraid that she would fall, so she had to stop, looked at Mrs. Zhang's back, smiled, and returned.

When Old Lady Xu saw the watermelon in her hand, she knew that she had not given it away: "Although Old Lady Zhang talks a lot, she is very clear-headed, unlike other old people who just want to take advantage."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "It's really good."

The two had just finished eating a piece of watermelon.

A woman appeared at the door, she looked inside and asked: "Is this Xu Jianguo's home?"

Xu Jiajia had seen the woman and knew who she was: "Are you looking for my father for something?"

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