The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Wen Xiulian looked like a victim, her eyes red and filled with tears: "Xu, Xu Jianguo, he, he was a hooligan to me."

Xu Jiajia thought she had heard it wrong, and looked at Wen Xiulian in great surprise: "I didn't hear it clearly, please say it again."

Wen Xiulian said it again.

Without waiting for Xu Jiajia to speak, Old Lady Xu came out of the house and looked Wen Xiulian up and down, and said, "Shameless, don't throw all the dirty water on my son. My son doesn't want an 18-year-old virgin, so why would he act like a hooligan to a 40-year-old woman like you?"

Wen Xiulian thought Old Lady Xu would be scared, terrified, and swallow her words, but she didn't expect her to react like this: "I'm only 35, not even 40."

Old Lady Xu pointed at the white hair on Wen Xiulian's temples: "You have more white hair than me, a 60-year-old old woman, and you have the nerve to say you're only 35.

I know my son is good-looking and has a good job, and there are many people who want to beat him up. I agree, but I tell you clearly that he will not marry again in the future. "

In the first part, Mrs. Xu belittled Wen Xiulian as worthless. She was so angry that she trembled all over and her eyes were full of anger. When she heard the second part, she was dumbfounded: "Impossible, how old is he, how can he bear not to marry?"

Mrs. Xu looked at Wen Xiulian coldly: "If you don't even have this little self-control, what kind of man are you?"

When Xu Jianguo came home from get off work, he saw Wen Xiulian and was very angry: "Why are you here? Get out, get out, you are not welcome in my house."

In the past few days, Wen Xiulian found the right opportunity to get close to Xu Jianguo. No matter how slow Xu Jianguo reacted, he knew what she was thinking.

"Don't bother, I don't like you."

Old lady Xu glanced at Wen Xiulian and smiled sarcastically: "Old Third, this female comrade said you were a hooligan to him."

Xu Jianguo was so scared that he stepped back with his arms folded, but his mouth was very venomous: "What a joke, I was a hooligan to her? She is so ugly, and I am not blind, how could I be a hooligan to her?

She was more like a hooligan to me, leaning on me whenever she had something to do. I told her several times, but she seemed to not understand what I said."

Wen Xiulian didn't expect Xu Jianguo to be so disrespectful, and her chest was uneven with anger: "You, you, how can you say that to me? You're too much?"

Xu Jianguo sneered: "I was too much, what can you do? If you have the ability, go to the police station! You don't need to report it, I will go, I will tell the public security comrades that you wronged me and were a hooligan to me."

Wen Xiulian just wanted to find someone to rely on, but didn't want to get involved. She saw Xu Jianguo's seriousness and ran away in fear.

Xu Jianguo chased for a few steps and shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey, don't run, wait for the police comrades with me!"

The more he shouted, the faster Wen Xiulian ran.

"Plop--" Wen Xiulian didn't see the road clearly because she ran too fast, and fell flat on her face. Although it hurt, she quickly got up and continued to run.

Xu Jianguo was dumbfounded: "This speed can be compared with athletes."

Xu Jiajia admired Xu Jianguo's ability to make up for the enemy. She gave him a thumbs up and praised him generously: "Dad, you are so good at talking. After this time, I'm afraid that woman will never come to you again."

Xu Jianguo raised his chin with a look of disdain: "I just want to take the exam, and those beautiful girls better not come."


On Monday, on the way to work, Xu Jiajia heard a faint cry for help.

She rode her bike over to the sound and saw five gangsters touching a young girl.

Xu Jiajia frowned and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

The leading thug saw that Xu Jiajia was the only one there. He wiped his chin with his thumb and smiled obscenely: "Oh, another beauty is here, we are blessed!"

Chen Rou looked up and saw that it was Xu Jiajia. She was so scared that she shouted: "Run, don't worry about me!"

The short man closest to her slapped her in the face: "Bitch, shut up!"

Chen Rou's skin was pale. After the slap, her face turned red instantly. She grimaced in pain, her facial features were distorted, and tears flowed down: "You dare to be a hooligan to me, my father will not let you go."

The short man raised his hand and wanted to slap her again. Xu Jiajia squatted on the ground, picked up a few stones, threw them up, and threw them at the short man.

"Ouch, bitch, you dare to throw stones, I'll kill you!" The short man was hit on the forehead several times, his eyes flashed with ferocity, and he rushed over to attack Xu Jiajia, but was kicked to the ground by Xu Jiajia.

He also stepped on the short man


The short man screamed in pain and wanted to roll on the ground.

The other four trembled in fright when they saw Xu Jiajia's kick. Then they felt that Xu Jiajia was just a woman. No matter how powerful she was, there was only one person, but there were several of them.

The four people who had the same idea focused all their firepower on Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia raised her fingers at the four of them: "Come here? What? You're afraid of being beaten! That's all, you only have so much courage!"

These men were all at an impulsive age, and they couldn't bear being aroused by Xu Jiajia. They all rushed at Xu Jiajia at the same time.

Chen Rou's anxious heart hung in the air: "Comrade Xu, be careful, Comrade Xu, stay behind."

These gangsters only have strength and no moves.

Xu Jiajia beat the four gangsters to the ground in a few strokes.

Chen Rou went from initial worry to final shock: "Comrade Xu, okay, so awesome!"

No wonder Comrade Shen Yuebai chose her.

If she were a boy, she would choose too.

Xu Jiajia turned her head and saw Chen Rou staring at her with an infatuated look on her face. Several black lines were drawn on her forehead: "Why are you standing there stupidly? Come find a rope!"

After receiving the mission, Chen Rou suddenly said, "Okay, I'll go look for him now."

The five people who were beaten to the ground by Xu Jiajia begged their father to sue their grandmother and ask Xu Jiajia to let them go.

Xu Jiajia looked down at the few people with a very cold tone: "Let you go? I think you are quite beautiful, but it's a pity that you are not beautiful at all."

Chen Rou quickly found a rope.

Xu Jiajia tied up the five people using a special technique: "Follow me, if anyone dares to be careful, I will chop him up!"

The five of them were frightened by Xu Jiajia's beating. How dare they have any small thoughts!

Chen Rou guessed and knew what Xu Jiajia wanted to do: "I'll go too."

Xu Jiajia glanced at her: "You are the victim, of course you have to go."

After saying that, he thought of something and his eyes fell on Chen Rou again: "Do you know me?"

Chen Rou was stunned: "I, I am from the art troupe, and I have met you once from a distance before."

Xu Jiajia saw that she was lying, but she didn't continue to ask, "Let's go."

Xu Jiajia held the rope and took the five people into the police station.

When my colleagues saw this scene, they immediately came over and asked, "Xu Jiajia, what's going on?"

Xu Jiajia glanced at the five people who had been beaten to death with bruises and swollen faces, and said: "They not only acted like gangsters but also stole money. I caught them."

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