Chapter 802

At this time, amidst the exclamation of everyone present, Cornelia’s body had appeared above Na Jiexitan’s body! ! Except for Brand and Crimson Hitomi, Black Hitomi and Taeko, no one can see exactly when Cornelia flashed on her body!

But Najiexitan is also worthy of being a former imperial general who has experienced many battles. Although her command and strategic planning far exceed her own combat strength, her combat effectiveness is not low, especially experience. on.

Therefore, before Chitong spoke to remind her, she had already felt the killing intent from the air.

“call out…”


Although Najiexitan’s reaction was fast enough, she had tried her best to leap to her side, but because of the speed difference, she did not completely avoid Cornelia’s attack from the air, and on her left arm A blood stain was left…

Najiexitan gave a painful snorted, then glanced at the wound on her left arm and immediately flew back.

“Want to run?”

A joking smile appeared on Cornelia’s face, and then he bullied himself again, showing the ghostly speed again…

“Damn, her speed is too fast! There is no way, fight it!”

Seeing the opponent disappeared into her sight again, Nagyetan also knew that she would definitely not be able to run away at the opponent’s speed, and even had a big problem with dodge. She gritted her teeth in her heart, feeling the pressure from the opponent, her right hand That mechanical arm suddenly punched…

On the Red Eye’s side, her opponents are two super dangerous species’corpses’ controlled by Black Eye. Although these super dangerous species were all 9th-level strengths before they were alive, in their current state, it is impossible for them to flourish. The strength of the period, it is very good to be able to display the strength of 8th level, and because it is controlled by the black pupil, and the black pupil controls the eight behemoths, its mental power is also very exhausted, which also made the red pupil catch it. flaw……


One of the two monsters that Chitong was dealing with was small but very fast, while the other was a huge but slower type. Such a match would be a complete deal when dealing with ordinary people. But now the opponent is Chitong. Seeing the battle between Cornelia and Najiexitan, Najiexitan was teased by the opponent. After all, Chitong couldn’t bear Najiexitan’s death here, and suddenly no longer retained her strength. ,Erupted……


With a soft sip, I saw the aura of the red pupil spreading out, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared and appeared in the slower super dangerous species before the attack of the extremely fast super dangerous species hit her. In front of me…

“I’m sorry, Black pupil!”

There was a silent word in his heart, and immediately after the demon knife “One cut kills Murakami” in Chitong’s hand, it slashed on the neck of the larger super dangerous species.

“Hey…”(Read more @

Before she attacked these two super-dangerous species, even if they hit the other side, they only caused some skin injuries to the other side. This time, her attack can be described as heavy and heavy. A bone-visible hole was cut out, and the blood was even more severe. It’s Cyclonus…


Because they are controlled by the black pupils, even if they cast tricks, these super dangerous species are different from the ones they did before they were alive, but they have to be brewed for at least three seconds… and it is when the red pupils attack the large super dangerous species. At that time, the smaller super dangerous species was also brewing tricks…but three seconds seemed to be enough for a master like Chitong.

“call out…”

“Om… Om… Om…”


If the red pupil’s eruption was a little abrupt, and the morale of all NightRaid members was shocked, then Brand’s eruption is great news.

Brand originally got into a bitter battle in the battle with two super dangerous species. What’s more, Cornelia’s penetrating light arrows interfered with him before, even if he had “devil-ridden” “Operation Armor”, the armor-type imperial tool’s defense also made him shackled, Chitong’s side was fine, after all, Cornelia didn’t want to kill Chitong, but she didn’t leave Qing at all.

But now because of Najieshitan, he has no threats from Cornelia for the time being, but Najieshitan herself is in crisis, which also makes Brand, the original southern army of the empire, have a hundred people. The man named Brand ran away.


“Bah… Bah… Bah…”

A series of attacks like rain drops, even the super dangerous species can only temporarily avoid the edge…


Even if they are dead, the ‘dignity’ of the super dangerous species makes the two super dangerous species that Brand is facing instinctively on the verge of provoking and exploding, and they are all preparing for their own big moves.

However, at this time, Brand suddenly disappeared from the sight of everyone in the field. It seems that Brand has activated the hidden ability of Teigu’s “Evil-ridden Operation Armor”…

“You are already dead, so you shouldn’t come out and jump!”

When Brand’s roar reappeared, his people had appeared above the two super dangerous species, holding the spears in both hands and smashing them at the super dangerous species…

The picture returned to Cornelia again.

“You can’t run away, let you have thousands of calculations, but the gap in strength is irreparable. You should never take the risk yourself, and according to the data, your Digu seems to have given the red-haired little girl! Without Digu you have no chance of winning!”

Looking at Na Jiexitan who was dodgeing under her own attack and was embarrassed, Cornelia laughed tauntingly, and her actions did not decrease at all, but there was a tendency to become more and more swift…

“Huh! Stop talking nonsense, it’s unclear who will kill you!”

Even though she was downwind, the loser did not lose, even though Na Jiexitan admitted in her heart that it was their Night Raid who lost this time.

But she would not admit it, and she also secretly observed the situation in the field. Except for the red pupil and Brand II, the other people also fell into a hard fight and even began to lose.

Although Hill and Leonai did not have the attack of Cornelia’s Light Arrow, they could only protect themselves against the super dangerous species alone, while Taeko Main and Lubbock were suppressed by Taeko. , Even Lubbock’s Teigu can be inferior in addition to the strongest “Boundary Disconnection”. Many other threads have been broken, and Tazmi was injured and unable to participate in the battle because of the previous battle with Zanke. Even participating in the war is of no avail…

However, just as Najiexitan was observing the situation in the blink of an eye, Cornelia’s voice came again and her complexion changed drastically.

“Hmph, you still have time to worry about others when you are against me. If that’s the case, then I’m starting to take it seriously!”

“call out…”



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