Chapter 803

Cornelia’s attack this time was different from the previous one. This time she held the bow with one hand, and the long curved barbed wind blade on the corner of the bow, which was curved like a crescent moon, wiped directly towards Najieshitan’s neck. .

This is because Cornelia has lost the patience to continue’playing’ with Na Jiexitan, and seeing that the other party is still watching other people in the battle with her, but this has made her feel a kind of betrayal in her heart. The anger that the other party despised.

“call out…”

Cornelia’s attack was not only very well grasped, but also the speed almost reached the extreme. With this attack, she had already exerted all her strength…

“Can’t hide! Damn it!”

I didn’t want to have such a change after observing the situation in just a moment, and Na Jie Xitan’s calm heart couldn’t stand the shock.

She really did not expect that the woman who had forced herself to dodge in an embarrassing battle just now was so strong, she hadn’t exerted all her strength just now, and the level used by this attack was even greater. In my own expectation, she even had the feeling of seeing the pressure that Esders brought to her in the other party. It was a feeling close to death…

The reason why Najieshitan had such an illusion is not to say that Cornelia’s strength is comparable to Esdes, and her strength is still a lot weaker than Esdes. But as far as Najieshitan is concerned, whether it is Esther or Cornelia, these two people can easily kill her existence, so they have such an illusion.

However, just when Najiexitan was about to close her eyes and wait for death, suddenly there was a strong wind passing behind her…


Just as the long curved barbed wind blade on the corner of the long bow in Cornelia’s hand was about to cut Najiexitan’s throat, it suddenly came from behind Najiexitan. There was a piercing sound, and then a long knife with gleaming silver light was pierced towards her chest at the same time.


The timing of this knife is very important. If one point is faster, Cornelia can dodge the past, if one point is slower, Najieshitan will definitely be killed by Cornelia and dodge sideways, but Now, if Cornelia wants to continue to attack Najeshitan, she herself will be attacked, and giving up is the same… So Cornelia is in a dilemma.

But after several years of mission career and Yuzan specially asked Yuzan to train the strength of some elites, including her, Cornelia immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

I saw that the longbow in Cornelia’s hand suddenly drew an extremely beautiful arc, and then the long curved barbed wind blade on the corner of the bow that was curved like a crescent was about to stick to Najiexi. When the neck suddenly changed its direction, it was almost so wonderful that it “hook” the long knife that struck in the blink of an eye!(Read more @

At this time, both parties discovered that it was Chitong who had rescued Najiexitan, and the two’super dangerous species’ who were fighting against Chitong had been dismembered by Chitong, but they saw that Chitong had destroyed themselves. Cornelia didn’t have an air barrier either, and continued to snorted coldly:

“Crimson Eye, you finally started to go all out! However, I must kill her today!”

While Cornelia was talking, her movements did not stop. Before the red eyes could exert force again, Cornelia’s body had already made a leaping motion in place, holding the longbow in her hand. , But with the help of Chitong’s blade, she jumped to the other side of Chitong cleverly like a bird. At the same time, she lifted her leg and turned towards Na who was next to Chitong with a whip. Jessie kicked it!


“BOOS, you go first, leave it to me here! Sister Keer’s strength is not that simple!”

Although Cornelia’s attack was heavy, Najieshitan still blocked it, although from the bloodline at the corner of her mouth and the slightly trembling left arm, she was already at the end of the force, but she was aside. With the red eyes, Cornelia has no chance to attack Na Jiexitan again, unless she wants to die together!

While the impact of Cornelia’s blow made Najiexitan retreat, the solemn voice of the red pupil came into Najiexitan’s ears at the same time.

“Red pupil, you…”

Najie Xitan has a deep understanding of the strength of the former companion of the red pupil just now. In her cognition, the opponent’s strength is a little stronger than that of the red pupil. I am afraid that there is something wrong with the red pupil and I want to say something. When she was stopped by Chitong’s serious face, Chitong’s now so serious face had only seen her once, and that time was when she persuaded Chitong to persuade her…

“call out…”

During the conversation between Najieshitan and Akihit, Cornelia, regardless of the other party’s reasons, attacked again. This time Cornelia seemed to perform some kind of’elegant dance steps’. ‘, at the moment when he attacked the red pupil, the whole person was like dancing a beautiful dance, and the long bow in her hand was continuously drawn towards the red pupil…

“Bah… Bah… Bah…”

However, the strength of the red eye is obviously not comparable to that of Najie Xitan. At the same time, the red eye is also very familiar with some of Cornelia’s moves and other aspects, so even though he attacked the opponent first, the action of the red eye But it was not slow, the whole person flashed left and right quickly, and the long knife in his hand was also slashed towards the opponent…

“Okay, so strong! Those two people are so strong, it seems that I really underestimated the regent, and yes, how simple is the only person in the empire who can stand against Ornest? Such strength is no less than Ai. Sters!”

Najieshitan, who had already retreated to the side, watched the battle between Cornelia and Akato, and there was a violent fluctuation in her mind. She really did not expect that there should be such a powerful person besides Esdes. Although she didn’t know exactly what extent Esters’ strength was due to her strength, the two fighting now are not far apart…


After another hard fight, the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding of each other and backed away. Both Aka Hitomi and Cornelia looked at each other cautiously, but at this time, suddenly Cornelia was behind. There was a sound of breaking through the air again…


“Huh? Is he free to do it too? It’s a bit troublesome now!”

Leaning to his side, Cornelia immediately saw that it was Brand who had attacked her who had also solved her opponent, and her face changed slightly.


When Cornelia dodges Brand’s attack, of course Chitong will not let go of such a good opportunity and wants to bully him again, but at this time, there is also a murderous intent on her side. The sound of breaking through the air, followed by a gunshot!

“Crimson-eye sauce, it’s been a long time since I saw you, I won’t let you and the armored man deal with Sister Keer with more bullying!”


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