Chapter 804

When the gunshot sounded, Chitong had already noticed it, and dodged the attack.

Although this shooting was flashed by Chihyo, it also blocked her intention to cooperate with Brand to attack Cornelia.

“Hey, Chitongchan, it’s been a long time since I saw you, but I won’t let you and the armored man deal with Sister Keer with more deception!”

At this time, the familiar voice of Chitong came into her ears from not far away, but what made the NightRaid people in the field a little confused is that the direction of the bullet coming from the gun was clearly on the left, but the sound was coming from the right. Come.

“Sure enough, it’s you, Tsukushi!”

From sensing the murder again to hearing the gunshots, Chitong’s heart sank. She knew who the person was. Although the opponent was far from herself in close combat, the strength of the opponent was nothing. Not bad, it can even be said to be one of the most difficult people among the friends who grew up together, because the other party is the same as the Main in NightRaid, they are both gun users, but Tsukushi is better than Main, not Because her tongue strike ability is stronger, but because her speed is faster, her own strength is stronger, and her life-saving means are more…

“That’s not right, Chitongchan, not just me, but also the boss!”

As Tsukushi spoke in the second sentence, everyone discovered that this was another cute girl who looked about the size of black pupils, with a hint of innocence on her face, she looked like a little sister next door…

“Shut up, Trash! You are a good teammate for exposing my whereabouts like this!”

But before Zhuzi had finished speaking, a man’s voice that seemed very arrogant came out behind Zhuzi, and at the same time, Naha Xiu’s figure appeared in the sight of everyone.


Seeing that Naha Xiu appeared, even Crimson Eye had retreated, let alone Na Jie Xitan.

The current Najiexitan has lingering fears about the group of masters under Yuzan. Although she does not know the strength of the new two of the other party, it can be seen from the slight change in the expression of the red pupil after seeing the two appear. One or two, and even if the strength of these two people is not as good as the previous ones, they must not be much worse, and she also heard a few people’s conversations just now. The latter man is obviously the’boss’ among the few people. If you have the strength to become the’boss’, then its strength…

Although Najiexitan thinks well, Nahasiu’s strength is indeed the strongest among the few people. Even if the red pupils burst out with all their strength, the relative victory is only five to five, but Nahasiu does not have it right now. Tegu, therefore, this factor has been removed, which also makes him and Tsukushi the lowest of the few… You must know that in such a master duel, weapons and other factors can indeed determine the outcome… …(Read more @

“Cornelia, the movement of the outer city caused by the fluctuation of your battle is really too great, now your Royal Highness orders you to go back with me, don’t worry about them!”

As soon as Naha Xiu arrived, he let Black Pupil control the Eight Rooms to recover the remaining super dangerous species, and said to Cornelia.

“What? Why? Your Highness, he…”

“Well, sister Keer, since your Highness ordered us to do this, then there is a reason for your Highness! Let’s go!”

When Cornelia heard that Nahasiu was about to refute but was persuaded by Tsukushi, she was immediately unwilling to reconcile, but there was no way. Since this was Yuzan’s order, she could only execute it. … immediately snorted to the people of NightRaid:

“Hmph, luck for you! Taeko, Black pupil, Tsukushi, let’s go!”

There are reasons why Yuzan evacuated several people. One is that he does not want to fight with NightRaid prematurely. It is not that he is afraid of the other party. He also needs to use NightRaid to solve some of Ornest’s minions and let NightRaid. Fight with Ornest, so that he can maximize his interests.

After all, even if he had full confidence in these people under his men, but the battle changed rapidly, in case of an accident, it would be a waste of the talents he cultivated for many years, and he still has the purpose of guiding Night Raid through the red pupils in the future.

Moreover, they have been fighting for so long, and the noise here is so loud, why there are no people from the security force coming, the reason is that Yuzan asked Charles to go to the security force headquarters to put pressure, otherwise NightRaid will definitely lose a lot tonight. After all, among them, there is no such “enemy of thousands” as Yuzan.

“Hello, BOOS, did we just let them go like this?”

On the NightRaid side, Aojia Lolima is obviously not convinced. She thinks that they have the advantage in terms of number. Now, even if the other party comes again, what happens if the other party comes again. She and others will not necessarily lose, and the black pupils Can that ability be activated continuously or there are no restrictions…

“Okay, Main, let them go. If we continue to fight, it will be us who will lose! Now we are in the imperial capital, well, now we should leave, otherwise we will wait for the guards to come, we will…”

Although Najiexitan herself was not too reconciled, she was relieved to persuade her after hearing the other party’s retreat.

As he said, he ran in one direction first, and the others in NightRaid also looked at each other and followed each other…

An hour later, in the imperial city, Yuzan was in the study room of the imperial residence.

At this time Cornelia and others were there, and Cornelia was reporting to Yuzan about the battle.

“It’s probably like this, Your Highness, why did we retreat? With our strength, we can…”

Cornelia asked unconvincingly, but before she could finish her words, Yuzan smiled softly:

“Okay, Cornelia, it doesn’t have to be that way, NightRaid can’t be destroyed now, they are still useful! Okay, give me the emperor that you snatched from Zanke!”

“Yes! Your Royal Highness, the ability of this Emperor is based on my previous observations of Zanke’s battles with Chitong and her companions. This thing has at least the ability to see through the hearts of others, see through, farsightedly, and short-term predictions!”


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