Chapter 805

Three days later, ten kilometers north of the imperial capital city, there was a dense jungle of Yamanaka, and the headquarters of NightRaid in the depths of the forest.

After three days of self-cultivation, almost all of the NightRaid members have completed their training. Except for the most injured Tazmi and Leo Nai, almost everyone else has no serious problems.

Today, Najiexitan once again summoned everyone in NightRaid.

“Everyone, after three days of training, your injuries are almost healed! Although our action failed three days ago, Zanke’s scourge was finally eliminated. This is also a blessing in misfortune! Tazmi, you must have seen our battle three days ago. Now, do you understand the abilities of the Emperor and the power of the Emperor?”

Although Najiexitan’s complexion was impermanent, Brand and others still revealed the worry and fear in their eyes when Najiexitan mentioned the word ‘mission failure’.

“Well, last time BOOS you told me about Teikoku, such as the knife in the hands of the red pupil, the silk thread of Rabo, the belt of Sister Leonai, the armor of the older brother, the scissors of Hill, and the gun of Main, I We also know that they are all Tegu, but their abilities are not too clear, but this time we can see from the battle with those former fellow Red Eyes that the Teigu envoys are indeed extremely powerful. , And Tegu is also…”

Tazmi still remembers Black Pupil’s “Eight Rooms” until now. The ability of “Eight Rooms” is really too powerful. There are eight super dangerous species. If this is on the battlefield, that would be exactly what he wanted. Squinting…

“Then, that, BOOS, me, when can I have an imperial tool?”

At this time, Tazmi looked towards Najiexitan in anticipation of sudden anticipation. After seeing the power of Tegu, he really had a yearning for Tegu…

“Huh? Just your strength? Do you still think that you can also be assigned to Emperor Gu?”

When he heard that Tazmi also wanted Emperor Gu, the poisonous tongue powder Lori Mae on the side immediately ridiculed.

“This…no, no?”

Tazmi was obviously given a small blow.(Read more @

“Tazmi, in fact, not all emperors are so powerful. Although emperors are part of their strength, their personal abilities are also different. For example, the same emperor can match the two. In the hands of the people, the power exerted by them is also different!”

At this time, Brand on the side spoke. He obviously saw the power of Teigu from Tazmi’s eyes, for fear that the other party would become dependent on Teigu. This is not a good sign…

“Hahaha, yes, although Tegu is very powerful, talent is the most important thing. Moreover, Tegu is originally a very precious thing. It takes luck to get it. There are not many in the Revolutionary Army headquarters. Almost all of us at NightRaid were Digu ambassadors, which is already a very’magical’ thing.

Although we are an elite unit with full combat effectiveness and the trump card of the revolutionary army… this time, we failed to kill Zanke and seize the imperial equipment in his hand, or even destroy it. It shows that our NightRaid itself is also flawed! Okay, Tazmi, don’t worry, as long as you have the heart, you will definitely be able to obtain your own emperor’s equipment. Now you can read the content recorded on this so that you can get familiar with it…”

Najiexitan took out a book and handed it to Tazmi.

“Okay, it’s amazing, there are so many, is this only part of it? Uh, that, by the way, what is the strongest imperial tool?”

Looking at the thick book in his hand, Tazmi asked suspiciously.

“This depends on the respective uses and compatibility of Tegu, but if you have to reluctantly say…”

Having said this, Najiexitan, who originally answered Tazmi’s words calmly, looked more cautious, and said solemnly:

“I personally think it should be the imperial tool that controls the ice, but fortunately that person is not in the imperial capital now, but has gone to conquer the turbulent northern alien race!”

“An alien in the north?”

Seeing the doubt in Tazmi’s eyes, Najieshitan continued:

“Well, the northern aliens, the powerful ethnic minorities living on the northern grasslands of the empire… The brave man of the north, Numaseka, the prince of the northern aliens, has never failed with a gun in his hand, and possesses terrible military strategies. The people of foreign nations on the northern grasslands deeply trust it, which can be said to be a major external threat to the empire! Since the death of the former Great Khan Shaladin of the foreign nations in the north, the prestige of Numa Seka has been growing! And he He is a man full of ambitions! His elite troops, based in the steppe fortress Landuras, have once again launched an aggressive war against the empire!

Originally, this matter should not be dealt with by the empire. After all, the North and the West are both the territory of the Regent, but this time, the Regent has condoned the northern crusade troops in the empire! I was puzzled about this. How could he tolerate Ornest’s actions based on the rumored power of the regent. Now I understand that he is looking for an excuse to return to the imperial capital… and from a few days ago I also thought about the incident, I’m afraid that now our NightRaid may be reduced to a pawn for the regent against Ornest’s team! Although this is our original intention, the feeling of being used by others is really…”

“Don’t worry! It’s too early to say this. No matter how powerful the regent is, when our revolutionary army launches a full-scale uprising, the regent will be the one we want to overthrow! And that woman, even if No matter how strong she is, it will take at least a year to conquer foreign nations in the north!”

At this moment, looking at Na Jiexitan’s somewhat sullen expression, Lubbock immediately understood what the other party was thinking, and immediately comforted.

“Rabo! You underestimate the Regent! BOOS, here I have to remind you! The Regent is not that simple. I think you all had an impression of my previous companions three days ago! They are! Isn’t the strength very strong? But what I want to tell you is that the strengths of those people were not fully utilized at the time. They were all strong at the level of me and Brand, and these people were not under the regent. The strongest, the strongest under his hands, you must have heard of the name, the absolute sword known as one of the three strongest in the empire!

Moreover, I also think that the strongest emperor will never be the emperor and Esders that control ice. At least I had heard of it when I was under the regent, that Absolute Sword is stronger than Esdous ! ”


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