The dragon boat has been traveling on the Grand Canal for a long time, and the banquet on the boat is halfway through.

Listening to the melodious flute sound coming from the cabin below, Shang looked very comfortable. He closed his eyes slightly, and a finger was tapping the tabletop rhythmically, obviously sinking into the music, and the sound of the flute Sisi’s mental shock seemed dispensable to him.

Similarly, although Cornelia and Tsukushi in the room were a little reluctant to fight the mental impact of the flute, they did not fall asleep because they were on the sidelines.

“The sound of the flute is not bad. Although it is due to the effect of the “Military Dream Scream”, the performance of the emperor is still worthy of appreciation! I can’t think of the one under Esders. The boy named Niwu, who looks like a girl, has such a good artistic quality! This makes me feel a little bit tempted to take this guy under his command and play it for me specially!”

Even now, there are still some surprises.

Although Shang has not been taken seriously since he was a child, his education in various aspects of art and humanities is also one of the required courses of the royal family. This also makes him not a professional artist himself, but he still appreciates art. Hearing the sound of the flute suddenly now made him think about Niu.

At the same time, Shang’s words also caused a grotesque Chikushi to laugh.

“Heh, my lord, what you said is really interesting. We also investigated that Niu! He himself was from a wealthy imperial family. Although he has no inheritance rights, as the youngest son of the family, he is also very much in the family. He is loved, and he himself has no idea about the power of the family, and he has shown great talent in music and art since he was a child…especially because he is now an emissary, your majesty, you want to make a special performer for you. I have to say your thoughts, your Highness, um, it’s very interesting…”

“Oh, Xiaozhuzi, is this idea of ​​me strange? For me, I have reached the highest in the entire empire in power. Although it has not yet reached the highest in the entire continent, I think it is not far away, and strength On the top, although I still have room for improvement, even with my current strength, I can influence some major battles. If it is not for the old guys who are not sure about the old guys, even if the empire’s internal and external troubles are in trouble, I still have to. I have started my final plan, but this is coming soon… So Tsukushi, this Niu is not very strong, but only his identity as the emissary is worthy of playing for me…”


Such an elegant tone matches this ship very well!” At this moment, in the cabin below Shang and the others, Niu and Liva, who are playing the flute, are sitting opposite each other. Regarding Niu’s flute, Liva is the same. Give a high praise.

But then, Liwa also knew the mission of the others, looked at the scenery on both sides of the window, and continued:

“It has been a while since the ship left the port, and now no one on both sides of the land will be paying attention to this big ship. , Now is a good time for us to do it!”

“I have been playing for a long time, even if I stop playing now, people on the boat except us will be weak or fall into deep sleep for a while!”

Nodded, Niu also agreed with Liva’s judgment, but then Liva continued:

“However, I think we should be a little more cautious. It is important to know that the lion must fight the rabbit with all its strength, in case there are a few on the boat. You may not understand the sound of this elegant flute! You can’t care about it! So, Niu, you should play for a while. It just so happens that I can’t get tired of listening to your flute!”

“Okay, it’s a great honor!”

Niu Obviously, Wu was very pleased with Liva’s appreciation of his flute sound…

At the same time, as the melodious flute sound continued to echo on the deck, the people who were attending the banquet on the deck fell to the ground one after another, or Has fallen into a deep sleep, or is drowsy, or…


Compared to these people, Tazmi’s willpower is obviously stronger.

Even though his eyelids started to fight because of the flute sound at this time, he relied on his strong willpower to support it, but now his condition is not very good, and he knelt on the ground with one foot on one knee. , Supporting the ground with both hands.

“What the hell is going on! I can’t afford to find my eldest brother now! It started when the strange sound of the flute sounded just now, is it because of it? Damn it! I even covered my ears. It doesn’t work at all! Sure enough, is this Teigu !”


At this moment, Tazmi was gritting his teeth and insisting not to fall, stood up and walked towards the bow of the ship. , A rough voice came into his ears.

“Oh! In this situation, there are still guys who are struggling!”


This voice came, but Tazmi felt that the influence of the flute’s sound on him had been weakened, but it was At this time, and he had already determined that he was making such a mocking sound at the presence of the emissary of Tegu, it would certainly not be a good person, Tazmi thought about it in his heart, and at the same time began to look at him.

The visitor was a muscular man with a big build, his face was as rough as his voice, and the other party walked and explained:

“Obviously, as long as the hypnotic monster with the flute sound has received the flute sound, I will be able to sleep for a while. Let you go, but now, the only thing that can move at this time is… I’m sorry, please go to death!”

“Really? So, you are the fake NightRaid!”

Although Tazmi seemed a little dull in normal times, he was not a fool, and he quickly heard something of his concern from the other party’s words.

“Ahaha, so you are the real one! This is really great, it doesn’t take much effort! Now, go on!”

Dajdala was also slightly taken aback, but he was overjoyed at random. During this period of time, although he has had many opportunities to fight the guards of the murdered officials, the strength of the opponent is not of the same level as himself. Almost every time. Being killed by himself, he is already a little tired of this kind of battle. Now that he heard Tazmi’s words, he suddenly became interested. You know that he is a fighting freak…

“Huh? What do you want to do?”

Tazmi I was surprised that the other party threw the sword that was originally his own, thinking that the other party might have some conspiracy, and asked cautiously.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I just want to improve my experience through constant battles. In order to become the strongest, kid, just let go! And, now we are fighting here and it won’t be affected. Others, then you will have no worries!”

“Really! In this case, then I will give you some more experience points, so that you can experience a beautiful Mi Ao journey, but this is a journey to hell !” The

other party’s answer made Tazmi breathe a sigh of relief in his heart. At the same time, his anger in the headquarters after hearing the so-called actions of these counterfeit goods was also aroused again, without even saying hello, directly An accelerated impact leaped high, the sword in his hand was also pulled out and his hands clenched tightly towards the opponent’s head and slammed it down!

“Very good! It is this kind of

aura that makes me feel worthy of destruction!” Dajdala is completely excited now. Although the opponent looks like a teenager, Dajdala’s aura makes Dajdala know about him. The guards he had dealt with before were not at the same level. Although there may be a gap with himself, he hasn’t met an opponent for a long time. Suddenly, his aura changed, and the whole person gave Tazmi’s feeling. Like a scourge, he raised the big axe in his hand and slashed towards Tazmi very quickly…

“This guy is a master!”

The expert knew if there was any, and the opponent’s aura was completely aroused. Tazmi immediately noticed that the opponent’s strength was no less than that of the decapitated Zanke, although Zanke’s strength was more than half. Exerting the observation power bestowed by his Teikoku, Zanke’s body reflection speed is also extremely high, but the guy I am facing now is completely different from Zanke. If Zanke is If he is agile, this guy is a power type!

Therefore, Tazmi also judged that it was impossible for him to outperform the opponent with the strength he had just vacated and dived, and instantly made a decision that he was invincible, and the sword in the air directly changed its direction to block.

Bang !” “Bang!”

Sure enough, Tazmi’s judgment was very accurate. I saw that he was knocked over a distance of more than ten meters. Although he was not shot by the opponent, he was in the dangerous situation just now. But it still made Tazmi’s heart a cold sweat.

“Haha, good, very good, even if it is weakened by the flute, you can still avoid my blow, kid, it’s not easy for you! Then…I see how you can hide with this trick!”

Dayi Dara’s emotions became more excited, but he also knew his shortcomings in dodge and agility, so he decisively separated his big axe under Tazmi’s surprised eyes and moved towards Tazmi. The tongue threw over!

“Shoo…” The

thrown axe came to Tazmi’s eyes like a whirlwind in the blink of an eye, as if it was about to cut his whole person apart, and Tazmi also showed his Xiaoqiang who is strong when he meets the strong. property, reflecting the rapid squat, he felt even whistling ax from his scalp grazed him away strands of hair, so he cold sweat ……

“call out …”

“What ……”

can not wait He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but the sound of the axe whistling came from behind him again. The axe that had been avoided by him suddenly turned back behind him and continued to fly towards him like a boomerang. Come.

“Hey…” In the

end, Tazmi jumped to the side of his body before the axe cut his whole person in two, but the speed of the axe was a little beyond Tazmi’s expectation, and his abdomen was still A small blood mark was drawn…


“Oops, my body is a little bit because of the flute sound… If this continues, I will definitely be killed! Damn! You have to think of a way!”

Gasping for breath, although the two played against each other for a short time, it was extremely dangerous, and Tazmi met the strongest he has encountered since his debut. Opponents (previously did not count against Brand and others, he was almost useless in the battle with Taeko, here is the singled out of the fingers), in addition to the impact of the previous flute sound, it is especially psychological for both parties, especially Tazmi. The psychological pressure can be imagined.

At this moment, his back was soaked with sweat, but, just as he was breathing, Dajdala attacked again.

“Hey…” With his

head tilted, a bloodstain reappeared on Tazmi’s cheek. At this time, Tazmi also discovered some rules of the opponent’s axe throwing. For example, if the opponent’s axe missed the first hit, it would fly out. After a certain distance, Zhuan Xiang continued to attack him, as if he had eyes.


This word immediately appeared in Tazmi’s mind, and immediately became wise, and immediately had an idea in his mind…


Seeing that Tazmi had just turned and flew towards him when the axe turned towards him. He even rushed towards his sword, even the simple-minded Dajdala understood the other side’s thoughts, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly set up a defensive posture!


However, before Dajdala was happy for long, another tall figure suddenly appeared on the side of Tazmi’s body and knocked Tazmi away with a direct punch.

“Are you stupid! What have you learned from me during this period of time? Haven’t you noticed the other person’s confidence? He is obviously waiting for you to cast yourself into the net, how to look at the other person? The odds of winning are greater than you, and you are still rushing towards the opponent, do you want to die?”

Tazmi who was knocked into the air was also slightly taken aback. In the end, he lacked combat experience and was shortening it like this. It’s not bad that he can think of these within the time, but his idea is based on the premise that he is stronger than the opponent. Now he has listened to Brand’s words that hate iron and steel. I also want to understand, so I am a little embarrassed!

“Hey! You guy looks very energetic. Niu’s flute sound should have spread to every corner of the ship! Why are you…”

Brand’s sudden appearance saves Tazmi. In addition to his life, Dajdala was also slightly surprised. He didn’t think the opponent’s strength could not be resisted, but at least he should have been slightly affected like Tazmi, but now, the opponent is still alive… When he came down, he understood how the opponent resisted Niu’s flute.

“Is that kind of performance? That kind of thing should have no effect on me! The blood flowing in my body can’t be comforted by others!”

Although Brand said nicely, Daida Ra still saw the blood-stained bandage on his right thigh after Brand turned around!

…On the

lower deck, Brand and Tazmi are confronting Dajdala tensely. In the cabin on the top of the big ship, the three of them are watching the battle below with interest, as if the battle below. It was just a show for them at this time.

“His Royal Highness, that Brand is very strong. I feel that his strength is stronger than that of Red Eyes. Although I didn’t fight him directly last time, his aura and my observation of him during the battle at that time, he They are all a

strong enemy!” After Brand appeared, Cornelia, who was not very interested in the fight between Tazmi and Dajdala below, suddenly said.

“Ah? Sister Cole, is this true? Are you sure that the big man is better than Chitongchan? Chitongchan is regarded as the strongest fighting talent among the seven of us! Even though you and The boss is better than Chitongchan, but she has been away for so long, it is impossible not to fail to improve, right? Such a strong Chitongchan is not as good as that Brand, is he a strong sister Yuuki at the level Who?”

Cornelia’s words clearly surprised the curious Tsukushi, and it was rare for her to see her sister Kerr showing such a serious look.

“Well, this Brand is indeed very strong. He is indeed the disciple of that person back then. However, Cornelia, don’t worry. Although Brand’s strength is strong, it is at best with the red pupil. Between them, the two sides have never fought and no one knows which one of them is stronger. You don’t have to worry about Tsukushi. Compared to Yuuki, Brand’s strength is still lacking, and Chitto is actually not what you think. Simple, her “one cut

kills Muramame ” also has a trick!” While continuing to appreciate the battle below, she calmly explained to Cornelia.

“That person? Your Highness, do you know that Brand’s master? So don’t you?”

Suddenly hearing another person mentioned in Shang’s words, Cornelia immediately thought of a possibility.

But as soon as Cornelia’s question was asked, Shang shook his head slightly:

“Let’s not say that I don’t know his master. I just know it. That person was still well-known back then. He was a master in the empire, although It is not an official person, but it is stronger than Douglas in strength. In the entire empire, except for the former general Albert, almost no one is his opponent, of course, not including me and some other old guys! And even if I know him I have checked the information about Brand. Although he is a disciple of that person, he is blue and blue. It was only after defeating that person that he passed on from that person to the “Evil Ghost Entrapped Operation Armor”. Tegu’s! Okay, let’s leave him alone, Cornelia, what do you think of the kid next to Brand?”

Cornelia obviously did not understand why Shang mentioned Tazmi. Although Tazmi is a master among ordinary people, there are too many such existences for her and even the entire regent. Is your Highness interested in this kid? Or does he think that the little devil’s accomplishments…

“That little devil? Your Highness, do you have a good view of him? To be honest, he is a bit redundant for us, especially from some of his remarks. Impulsive guy, such a person is useless!”

Without even thinking about it, Cornelia replied like this, but Shang continued to shook his head slightly.

“No, Cornelia, I have an intuition about this kid, he will surprise everyone! Although he is still very immature, I don’t know if you noticed it. I remember the report that Taeko gave me. This kid has a strength of level 6 at most, but now, he has reached level 7. What does this mean… and you can only see the surface. Although he is a little impulsive, people with this personality are actually very simple and positive. It is his innocence that can be used by me. Do you understand what I mean?”

“But your Highness, I am still a little optimistic about him. Moreover, guys with that kind of personality are often tied up. If… …”

“There is no if, although I admire him very much, but if he is really ignorant, then I can only be sorry. Of course, I will give him one or two opportunities, depending on whether he can grasp it. !” After

seeing Shang, she was optimistic about the other party and wanted to take the other party under her command. Cornelia also knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, and she could only pray for Shang’s success. (Note: Shang is not a god, so everything will not follow his thoughts. This is not the abuse of the Lord. It is just that after the incident with Tazmi, Shang will not be so sure forever. The above is probably what it means!)

“Huh? These idiots, it seems that the simple-minded guy is doomed to die!”

While several people were talking, on the deck below, Brand had summoned and put on his own emperor’s “Evil-ridden Operation Armor”, and while he was wearing the god’s tools, except for Dayida, who was opposite him Pull, the figures of Liva and Niwu behind him also suddenly appeared. Obviously the three of them did not give each other a chance to breathe, and quickly resolved the opponent’s attention!

It’s just that this method is fine for ordinary people, but it is not enough to use this method to deal with Brand who is only inferior to Yuuki in the eyes of Shang!

At this time, Brad’s aura was completely introverted, which also caused Dajdala to think that the opponent is not much stronger than himself. Even if the three of them miss this shot, they will at least have the upper hand. , He himself would not have his life in danger, so he attacked directly from the front.


However, Brand’s experience in fighting is so rich. It is not once or twice that he is surrounded by people. The three beasts are hopeful that they can kill each other with this blow. At that moment, Brand suddenly jumped up, and that speed disappeared in his eyes before Niudu could reflect it.


There was no way for the three of them to dodge in the air. Just as he secretly made a bad sound and wanted to take defensive measures, Brand had already appeared next to him, and an elbow hit with great power. Niwu was knocked out immediately, and he was still secretly rejoicing, fortunately, that the opponent’s blow was not in the chest, otherwise he was afraid that he would be broken a few ribs!


Then, Brand in the air hit Niu’s reaction force with his elbow, and directly changed direction and kicked Liva, but Liva’s experience was better than the other two. When the opponent attacked Niu, he immediately guessed the opponent’s next move, and immediately crossed his hands to make a defensive posture, but he was still kicked by Brand’s powerful and heavy kick.


The change in the air at this moment not only shocked Tazmi, who was worried about Brand before, but even Dajdala stopped continuing to attack. After all, he was the farthest away from Brand before, so The strength and momentum displayed by the opponents when they hit Niu and Liva in succession immediately gave Dajdala the feeling that he was overwhelmingly challenging Esdes at the beginning… (Note: Dajdala’s strength is related to The strengths of Esdes and Brand are too different, so he has this illusion.)

Dajdala can only show defense or dodge at this time, but he also knows his shortcomings. To him, dodge is basically like a fantasy. In desperation, he can only pray that he can withstand the opponent’s blow…

Dajdala’s wish is beautiful, but the actual strength gap is cruel. Yes, I saw Brand kicking Liwa in the air, and again because of Liwa, he took advantage of the force to dive from top to bottom, so that this blow could not be blocked by a guy like Dajdala. Yes, even Chi Tong, if faced with this blow, they can only choose to avoid, rather than resist!


No surprise, Daj Dala’s sturdy body was directly split in half by Brand, and the blood was sprayed like flowers blooming, and the smell of blood instantly filled the entire deck.


Until Dajdala’s corpse, which had been split in half, both fell to the ground, Tazmi also recovered from the shock that Brand brought him just now, with a shocked expression on his face. Look at Brand.

“Tazmi! This is what I said before to always pay attention to the surroundings, whether it is people or breath!”

At this time, Brand’s voice rushed into Tazmi’s ears from the armor.

“While killing that big guy, he also repelled the other two people. This, this was all done in an instant! Although I had long thought that my eldest brother was very strong, but he was so strong. This is totally wrong. Humans!”

In Tazmi’s opinion, only the term non-human to describe Brand can be worthy of the opponent’s strength, and his mumbling makes Brand a little bit ridiculous, but he is very useful. Boasting:

“Ah, when I was a soldier in the Southern Army, I was called “Hundred People Kill Brand”!”

“To be precise, 128 people were killed. At that time, the opponents were all As for the special personnel who are difficult to insert, you showed off your skills at that time! That imperial tool, that strength! Is it really you, Brand!”

Suddenly, a thick but thick layer made Brand feel a little familiar. ‘S voice came from behind Brand.

“You are, General Liwa!”

The appearance of Liwa made Brand very stunned but shocked at the same time. He really did not expect that he would reunite with his former boss and friend in such a situation.

Judging from the fact that the opponent and the other two attacked him together, I’m afraid this time…

Sure enough, Liva’s eyes also had a bit of bitterness in the depths, but he was soon hidden by him, and said calmly:

” I am no longer a general! Since being rescued by a beloved adult, I now have only one identity left, and that is Master Esther’s servant!”

“…If we are still in the same camp, Maybe we should have a drink now to celebrate our reunion, but now you and I are in opposing camps, so in order to complete the task, we have to kill each other!”

Finally, after a long silence, Shen Brand took a breath and said quietly.

“Huh… this is my line. The task must be completed. Use the emperor that the master gave me!”

Liva, who also slowly exhaled a sigh of foulness, made up his mind like Brand, and He even slowly took off the glove on his right hand, revealing the emperor’s ring that he had put on his middle finger-“Water Dragon by Black Marlin”.


As Liva used his imperial equipment, all the buckets and wine barrels on the deck of the ship burst as long as they were the carriers of the liquid. The water column stands in the air.

“It’s really fortunate to be able to meet you here!”

Even if Liva didn’t talk too much about his imperial equipment, Brand still had a trace of understanding in his heart by relying on the explosive effect of the other’s imperial equipment. .

“Is it the imperial tool that controls water? This is really an imperial imperial tool that fits the ice-control imperial tool and a running dog!”

“No, no, Brand, you are wrong, Master Esthers can make ice out of nothing. Yes, and I, only in the presence of water, can exert the effects of Digu. There is no comparison between the two of us! Water bombs!”

Liva did not make any difference to Brand’s ridicule. He retorted hesitantly, and as a person who knew each other well, he was also the first to launch a surprise attack!



I saw that all the water currents that had abnormal behavior just now because Liwa exposed his imperial equipment were abnormally “restless” at this moment, and several water streams flowed from them. The carrier quickly flew out, and the formed high-density water column also slammed towards Brand.

And Brand, he seemed to have known that the opponent would take the lead in attacking, and he didn’t evade. The attached weapon named “Red-backed Shrike” in his hand also moved quickly, and the whole person attacked on the opponent’s water column. I didn’t even take a step back!

“Brand deserves to be Brand. Sure enough, you can’t beat you just by this little trick, then! Snake of the Abyss!”

Seeing that a blow is impossible, Liva also knows that he can’t fight with Brand, so Combining his decisive control with the water flow in the Grand Canal next to him, he himself was sent to stand in mid-air on the head of the giant python formed by the flow of water, and attacked again.


The giant python seemed to be real, and even opened its big hideous mouth and slammed it towards Brand who was on the deck.

The battle below was clear to the three people on the top of the big ship, but after Liva sent out his’Snake of the Abyss’, Shan suddenly spoke to Cornelia and said:

“Ke Bernelia, Tsukushi, we are ready to go, this person Brand still has some strength, instead of staying in the future to fight against me, it is better to send him on the road today, but after all, he is a real warrior. He is the real home of a soldier! Cornelia, ready to interrupt Liva’s next attack!”

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