Chapter 824

The trick that Liwa calls the “Snake of the Abyss” is actually just a giant python formed by the compression of a high-density water column.

Don’t underestimate this giant python, which is just formed by a water column. Although water is generally not very lethal in the eyes of ordinary people, no matter what it is, as long as it is formed in a certain amount, it will be Cause a qualitative change, and this giant python formed by the water column is one of the representatives.


The speed of the’Moncler’ is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he dives from mid-air to Brand’s eyes. If it is in a normal environment, with Brand’s strength and speed, he can completely avoid the attack of the’Moncler’. of.

But at this time he was on this huge ship, and the huge ship was sailing on the bottomless Grand Canal. At the same time, because of Niu’s sound before, at this time, except for the three Yuzan and Yuzan on the ship. Except for the four people fighting on the deck, everyone else has fallen asleep. If Brand dodges at this time, then the’Python’ will undoubtedly sink the giant ship that is under trial.

With Brand’s strength, even if the ship was hit, he would be fine if he was alone on the Grand Canal, but after all, he didn’t want to affect the innocent. If the ship was sunk, then the passengers on the ship… and more importantly, Levata’s Teigu has the ability to control water. If he doesn’t have a foothold on the Grand Canal, then…

Therefore, combining all the reasons, Brand was very decisive and chose to take the initiative to attack, his knees bent slightly, his hands clasped the spear “Red-backed Shrike” in his hands, and he waited until the python was approaching and even he could feel it. When the high-density water column formed the’moncler’ to bring a sense of oppression, both legs suddenly kicked!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”



Brand, who was constantly shouting angrily, raised his body quickly, but the’moncler’ formed by the extremely high-density water column was directly torn apart by him using the’red-backed shrike’ as a’sharp knife’. When I opened, the current of’Wow…wow…’ poured down on the deck like a heavy rain.

“Hmph, Brand, I know you will not dodge but choose to defeat my’Snake of the Abyss’ head-on. After all, if my’Snake of the Abyss’ hits the ship’s hull, it will cause a lot of casualties! However, if you are on a boat, maybe I don’t have much to do with you, but now you have reached the immovable mid-air, so you absolutely can’t avoid my next move! !”

Just as Brand knows Liva, Liva also knows Brand well. From the beginning, he never thought of defeating Brand by conventional methods, even if the environment in which they both fight now is his’home court’, so From the beginning of the match, Leva set a trap for Brand and waited for the opponent to get in. Even if Brand saw through his intentions, he believed that Brand would definitely follow the script he wrote, because What he used was a conspiracy against Brand’s character!


However, although Liva had calculated almost everything and successfully calculated Brand, he did not know that there was a third party on this ship besides the Three Beasts and the NightRaids such as Brand and Tazmi. power.



Just when Liwa thought that he could win the victory by defeating Brand with his own calculations, and his turbid flow gun was just released, suddenly, he felt a murderous aura that made his heart palpitations enveloped. At the same time At the top of the giant ship not far away, a light arrow swiftly struck!

The timing of the appearance of this light arrow is just right. If it is a minute slower then Liva will have enough time to attack Brand while using the water column to block the light arrow attack. If it is faster, he can also use the water column. While blocking, attack again while Brand has not landed!

But now, because of the opportunity that this light arrow seized, he was also temporarily caught in a dilemma. If he saves himself, then he can only give up this great opportunity. If he does not save, the consequences will be even more…

“This is… damned!”

He screamed and was disrupted by others, and then it would be difficult to create this kind of opportunity. Liva obviously saw the origin of the attack, but he finally chose to save himself. After all, his turbid gun seemed to be swift and violent. , But that’s just for ordinary people. For a player like Brand, especially if the opponent’s body is still very strong while wearing the imperial armor, it is impossible to kill the opponent in one shot, at most it will only injure the opponent!


When Liva chose to save himself, Brand also discovered the anomaly. After all, his grasp and observation of breath is still above Liva!

But just as the light arrow penetrated the heavy water column, Brand was also secretly anxious in his heart. He had recognized the origin of the light arrow. Although he could not figure out why the other party saved himself, he would not believe that the other party would do that. Kindness has no purpose at all!



One after the other, Brand and Liwa landed on the deck separately. After both sides looked at each other, apart from seeing the surprise in each other’s eyes, there was also a touch of doubt!

“Master Cornelia! Is that you? Why interrupt me!”

At this time, whether it was Brand or Liwa, neither of them knew what the hidden third party meant, and both of them had guessed the identity of each other, but the other party had no relationship with either of them. What’s the intersection, you can even say that you have hatred with both of them!

“call out…”(Read more @

“Liva, what’s the matter?”


The abnormal behavior of the two after landing immediately attracted Niu’s attention, and after hearing Liva’s call, they came to Liva’s side and asked vigilantly.

He had been fighting Tazmi before, and because he was slightly injured by Brand’s elbow before, he didn’t just knock down Tazmi after Brand and Liva landed.

At the same time, Brand also saw Tazmi who had been knocked down to the ground also swiftly came to Tazmi’s side.

But before Brand asked about the situation of the other party, he was immediately attracted by the appearance of a few footsteps and applause.



“Wonderful, it’s really wonderful! It’s a worthwhile trip to think that you can meet such a wonderful battle when you are alone and relax! Liwa, you are quite smart, you will be recognized by just interrupting your attack. This is Cornelia’s attack, yes, you are good!”

A clear voice accompanied the sound of footsteps from the huge cabin behind the deck. Then, Yuzan and the other three appeared in the sight of the four present!

“His Royal Highness the Regent!”

Liva didn’t expect Yuzan to be on this ship.

When he was attacked by Cornelia before, he just thought that maybe Cornelia was only sent by Yuzan to deal with him and Brand and others. This is because Yuzan wanted to kill himself and Brand and others. The reason Interrupting yourself to’kill’ Brand may also be because the opponent feels proud and arrogant that she can kill everyone on the scene with her strength!

At the same time, he also thought that maybe he didn’t know Cornelia, it was possible that Yuuki was here, after all, Yuuki was the only one who could kill them and Brand at once! But he really didn’t expect Yuzan to come in person!


Even though Liva uttered Yuzan’s identity aloud, his voice still spread throughout the deck, suddenly shocking Brand and Tazmi who had fallen to the ground with injuries!

“You, you are the regent! Then, then, then Hill must be where you are, right!”

Hearing that the person here turned out to be the legendary regent of the empire, in addition to surprised the two of Brand, Tazmi asked with excitement.


“Okay, Cornelia, this kid actually wants to know the situation of his companion! Your name is Tazmi, right? I am the regent of the Empire, Yuzan Augustine! The Hill you are talking about is that Purple-haired girl with eyes! Yes, I do know where she is, but why should I tell you? What can you give me?”

Tazmi’s impulsive appearance immediately caused Cornelia to be yelled at, and even she was dissatisfied with the quirky Tsukushi that was always next to her, but Yuzan stopped it in the end. He walked towards Tazmi and smiled.

“what do you want?”

Hearing Yuzan’s question, Tazmi was about to speak but was interrupted by Brand, watching Yuzan seriously and saying with caution.

“Hey, it’s actually nothing, Tazmi, I have some appreciation for you. Why don’t you do things for me, and I will take you to see the little girl named Hill. How about you!”

“What! This, how is this possible, the reason why the empire is as dark as it is now, it is all caused by you people, how can I do anything for you! Don’t be delusional, one day our revolutionary army will overthrow it. You from the decayed and dark empire! If you are acquainted, you better hand over Hill!”

Yuzan’s words immediately made Tazmi who was ‘righteously overwhelmed’ furious. Now in his impression, as long as the empire is in power, it’s a rotten guy, and Yuzan is no exception!

“Boy, I think you are tired of your life! How dare you speak to His Royal Highness like this! Don’t look at your current situation!”

On the other side, Liva and Niu, who had been silent after Yuzan had spoken just now, were a little nervous after seeing Yuzan throwing an olive branch to Tazmi. The other party agreed to escape with this, then their mission could be…

Suddenly hearing Tazmi’s arrogant words, Niu couldn’t help but sneered, and slowly approached both Brand!

“Huh! Do you think that the number of people can determine the victory or defeat! Even if Tazmi has no combat power now, but even if I am alone, don’t you think you will win! Liva, this time I won’t do it anymore? It’s yours, and there are’big guys’ on the ship now!”

Seeing Niu approaching the two of them, Liva also moved slowly with his eyes brightened at the same time. At the same time, the two powerful men under the mysterious regent also had a faint tendency to surround him, Bran De stood up while worrying about Tazmi, his whole body exuding an extremely powerful war spirit!

“Huh! Brand, even if I don’t use the strategy like just now, do you think you can stop us? And don’t forget that your companion has no fighting capacity! I advise you not to resist, of course, It would be even better if you could throw away the dark and cast the light!”

Listening to Brand’s heavy-handed “big man” three words, even though the corner of Liva’s eyes twitched slightly, he still didn’t have any episodes after all. Instead, he looked like he had a chance to win!

At this time, he has made up his mind to join Yuzan’s subordinates to kill the Brands first, and then if Yuzan wants to disadvantage him, he will make plans. Anyway, he is on the Grand Canal, and he has a’home court’ advantage!

“Liva, it’s not that a large number of people will definitely win! As for Tazmi, he has realized since he became a member of NightRaid, even if one day he died in battle, he will not succumb to you! And I will too! Take revenge for him! As for “abandon the dark and cast the light”, I should have told you this sentence! Okay, stop talking nonsense! Let us see the truth under our hands!”

Brand is also a decisive guy, he has already acted before this sentence is finished, and his goal is of course Yuzan!

At this time, Yuzan did not exude any strong aura. Although Main said that Yuzan saved Hill after returning home, and also slightly described Yuzan’s strength, in Brand’s view, Ma’in’s own strength She is not strong. She mainly relies on Tegu’s abilities, so she can’t tell how strong Yuzan is, and even if Yuzan is strong, he doesn’t think the opponent is better than Esdes. If that’s the case then why so many years The reputation of the other party is not obvious!

His strategy is very good. He takes Yuzan as the target and controls Yuzan for the first time. Then things will be easier to do afterwards, and he is also confident that no one on the court can stop him, even if Cornelia praised him at the beginning. There is also a gap in the strength shown in the K incident compared to him!


“Stop him!”

Brand’s strategy Liva also guessed, but at this time Yuzan is too close to Brand, and although he is not the boss of Liva and Niu, the two still do not want the other to be on their own eyes. If something happened next, if it really happened, then the two of them would have caused Esdes!

“You can’t stop me! The regent, right? Your biggest mistake is that you are too close to me! You too believe in the strength of these two little girls!”

With an angry cry, in the blink of an eye, Brand had already arrived in front of Yuzan and the tip of the spear “Red-backed Shrike” in his hand had reached Yuzan’s throat!

“Oh? Really? But Gu doesn’t think so!”

However, just as Liva and Niu were ready to give up their mission and want to negotiate with Brand again, Yuzan’s voice suddenly came from behind Brand…

“Huh? Can, afterimage! How can this be possible!”


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