Chapter 832

“Why, depending on how you look like, do you wonder if I will take you out so late?”

In the empty carriage, besides Yuzan, there are Yuuki, Cornelia, Kuro Hitomi, Taeko, Tsukushi, etc., except for the always cheerful Tsukushi, Kuro Hitomi and Taeko who don’t care much about anything. In addition, the other two women seemed a little puzzled.

“His Royal Highness, tomorrow…”

“Okay, Yuuki, I know what you are going to say, but it doesn’t matter. I have arranged everything for tomorrow, and our people are already on their way to the imperial capital! Tomorrow is absolutely foolproof, and, Yuuki, you It’s been a while since I came back to the imperial capital. I think I haven’t revisited the imperial capital. Let’s take advantage of tonight. It will be very busy after tomorrow. It just so happens that the night view of the imperial capital is still good…”

Before Yuuki could finish, Yuzan waved his hand and said with a smile.

Outer city.

As the political, economic and cultural center of the entire empire, everything in the imperial capital is the vane of the entire empire, and this is the same in the ‘fashion world’.

In the imperial capital, it is also a kind of ‘fashion’ for the people of the imperial capital to appreciate opera. Of course, this ‘fashion’ is also passed down from the nobles and nobles.

Close to the inner city of the imperial capital, there is an opera house that is still well-known in the entire outer city of the imperial capital. There is a sloppy opera troupe in this opera house.

Usually at this hour of the night, people come and go at the door of this opera house, and there is an endless stream of people who come to enjoy the opera.

Today, however, it seems very strange. The gate of the entire opera house is closed, and at the gate there are two teams of imperial guard troops blocking the gate. At the gate, a group of people who originally came to watch the opera are gathering and pointing. point……

“what happened?”

“Why is the opera house blocked?”

“I heard that the troupe has committed an incident, and the newly formed secret force is searching.”

“Hmph, what can you commit? It’s that Commander Tim didn’t honor those ‘blood sucking worms’…”

“Hush, don’t talk nonsense, it will hurt others and yourself…”

Words such as these were whispered in this bustling crowd.


Everything seemed very strange. Suddenly, the door opened, and a trace of blood wafted out. Then, six figures walked out slowly, it was Sheila and his group…

“Hey, Your Highness Sheila, you really deserve to be the Imperial Capital, I really like it here!”

“Well, the handsome guys here are also very good…”

“Cut, there is only one little angel…”

“There are so many research materials in the imperial capital, it’s really inexhaustible…”

“Sure enough, it is correct to follow Master Sheila to the Imperial City. Only here can I feed my’Jiang Xue’ with blood…”(Read more @

As soon as they came out, the newly established WildHunt Yanxin and others began to flatter Sheila. Obviously, after what happened in the opera house just now, all of them were very satisfied, even Izang and Dotya were not. exception……

“Haha, that is, rest assured, as long as you follow me wholeheartedly, I promise you will be satisfied!”

A quarter of an hour ago, at the gates of the outer city and the inner city.

“Mr. Polus, is it really okay with so many of us?”

Will looked at the masked muscular man Porus carefully and asked.

It turned out that several people from Jaegers had been invited by Liva to go to dinner, but Polus refused because he was concerned about his wife and daughter.

But he felt that he had rejected the kindness of his new companions, so he simply invited a few people to his home, which could be regarded as a closer relationship with his new companions.

“It’s okay Will, my wife is very nice, it’s too late for you to appreciate her happiness, and the food she cooks is delicious!”

He patted Will on the shoulder, and Polus replied.

“The Polus family looks very happy! I really envy it!”

“Yes, Mr. Polus’s wife must be very virtuous…”


Seleu, Lan, Niu and others also started booing, and Polus just touched his head and smirked ‘hehe’…

At the same time, on the street not far from the Sloppy Opera House.

“Mom, hurry up, if it gets slow, maybe the smelly dad is gone…”

Little Guy Li was walking forward leaping forward, as if dissatisfied with the current speed, pursing her little mouth to teach the young man.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, who said before that she should make her stinky dad wait a little longer.”

The daughter who looked at with a smile, the young Shaofu teasingly teased.

“I…Oh, my mother is bad too, hurry up!”

Without the embarrassment of being’exposed’ by her mother, Little Guy Li immediately ran to the young Shaofu’s side and pulled her into a quick trot.

However, little Guy Li and her mother obviously didn’t know that their mother and daughter had been targeted by a group of desperate and lawless scum…

“His Royal Highness, this emperor is really big, where are we going next…”

The Yanxin and others who just came out of the opera house are obviously awkward guys, and their group of guys are not ordinary wicked people, and they started to continue after they just committed heinous crimes. Their’guilt journey’.

However, as soon as Yan Xin asked her words, the voice of Little Guy Li in front of her suddenly came and attracted the clown Shang Pu’s eyes.

It didn’t matter at all, the clown Champ slobbered immediately.

“Little kid, really cute kid, much better than the kid just now!”

He walked quickly toward the front as he said.

And Champ’s actions obviously also’alarmed’ the others, his eyes looked forward again and again, and just at this moment, little Guy Li’s mother was talking and laughing to her and immediately made Yan Xin and Sila Er. People’s eyes light up!

“This, the best, the best…”

“Ah, this is really surprising. You can still meet such a superb beauty in a place like an outer city. As expected, you still have to come to the outer city occasionally to try your luck!”

After Yan Xin and Sheila looked at each other, they quickly followed Champ to catch up and stopped Little Guy Li and her mother.

“Then, that, you, you guys, yes, what’s the matter?”

Suddenly seeing three weird men stopping her mother and daughter, little Guy Li’s mother hugged her daughter quickly and stammered in her question.

“Of course, I want to turn you into my new toy!”

“You have to feel honored, beauty, you are now seen by the son of the secretary of state!”

The voices of lewd laughter were uttered from the two people of Sheila and Yan Xin, which immediately caused the heart of little Guy Li’s mother to sink…


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