Chapter 833

“Stop, stop! Don’t bully mom!”

At first glance, the three weird people who stopped herself and her mother are not good people, especially the two who talked. Their evil eyes while talking to her mother made little Guy Li even more scared, but she didn’t know how to follow. Where did the courage arouse, forbearing her tears from her eyes, she ran out from behind Shaofu and stopped in front of her, crying loudly.

“Guy Li, come back soon!”

“Oh, what a brave little girl, Sir Sheila, hurry up, there are no handsome guys around here, Kosmia has to look for a handsome guy!”

Seeing his daughter’s bravery, Young Shaofu was more worried while moved, and immediately pulled her daughter back, looking at the three people who stopped him with fear, thinking about running to the rear. Shi’s rear voice made her look a little desperate…

“I see, you ‘greedy’ woman!”

The three of Sheila also heard Kosmia’s words. Although Yan Xin was a little dissatisfied with the other party’s interrupting his own’sex’ interest, he also knew the other’s temperament and said perfunctorily.

“You, you, don’t mess around, this is the garrison in broad daylight, and, besides me, my husband, he is a member of the newly formed Jaegers police force…”

Young Shaofu was terrified. Obviously, she thought of what she was about to face, she was very incoherent in her words, and she kept her eyes on the surrounding ‘for help’.

“Oh, Jaegers, she actually said that her husband belongs to Jaegers, ah, hahahaha! I’m so scared, let your husband come and catch me, what about Jaegers, it’s not Esther’s dog, Ai Staces is still my father’s subordinate! I am the son of the Secretary of State, and if you give your husband a hundred courage, he will also obediently dedicate you to me. How about, beauties, just be my new toy obediently. Hahaha, I have never played a woman with this background…”

Sheila laughed suddenly when she heard the other party’s trembling ‘threat’ words, the laughter seemed so rampant, and she replied loudly.

As soon as his words came out, he immediately dispersed some of the people with a sense of justice who had slowly gathered around here, joking, the son of the minister of state, in the current imperial capital, is even better than the emperor or except for the regent. Other royal family members besides the king have more capital!

With that, Sheila and Yan Xin walked towards the mother and daughter with a lewd smile.



“Which bastard dared to disturb me!”

But at this moment, an urgent and angry voice suddenly came from not far away. Then, after the crowd separated, I saw a tall man with a strange mask on his head and a naked upper body running quickly. In three or two steps, I came to the little Guy Li and her mother blocked in front of them.(Read more @

Although it was hidden by the mask, from Porus’s slightly trembling body, it was possible to see what kind of anger Porus was in at this time.

Although the usual Borus looks like a good man in front of his fellow Jaegers or his former burning comrades, but as the saying goes, the clay figurines still have a three-point fire. Borus cares most in his life. It’s not himself or the empire. What he cares most about is his family, his wife and daughter. At this time, seeing his wife and daughter almost being bullied like this, he was already furious!

“Boy, who are you? I advise you not to worry about my business, otherwise! The consequences are not something you can bear!”

Seeing the kind of’murderous aura’ exuded by the strong man in front of him, although Sheila didn’t think it was too much trouble, he also knew that although he could walk sideways in the imperial capital, the current imperial capital was not his father Ounai after all. Stere’s words, so it’s still “convergent”!

“Dad, woo…Dad and they are bad guys, they want to bully mother and beat them…”

“They are my wife and daughter, who do you say I am! I am Borus of Jaegers, and you villains are openly under this ‘broad day’…”

The ‘self-introduction’ made by Sheila before was very loud, and Polus, who had just arrived here, had also heard of it, so he also resisted his anger and killing intent and did not want to conflict with the other party too much…

But it’s okay for him not to reveal his identity. After saying his identity, Xi La’s face changed slightly, and then he burst into laughter!

As the son of Ornest, the most powerful minister of state in the empire, he has been accustomed to cultivating Syrah since he was accustomed to everyone’s flattery. In addition to having suffered a loss in Yuzan’s hands when he was very young, It has always been smooth and smooth, and he puts his own face more important than anything else. Although the opponent is Esders’s subordinate, although this matter was originally his fault, he obviously didn’t realize it. He just thinks that since he has already said his identity, since the other party dared to fight against himself, he obviously didn’t put himself in his eyes…

“Hahahaha! Well, I can’t think that a guy like you can marry such a beautiful beauty. Now I give you two choices. Either you die for me, and then I snatch the beauty as a new toy, or you Take the initiative to offer the beauty to me obediently!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh! What a lovely child! Come and play the love game with me in front of your father!!”

Before Borus made any other reaction, Shang Pu could not care so much. His mentality to change Tai was even more vivid at this time. He quickly came to the little Guy Li, the fat, disgusting big hand. Touch directly towards Little Guy Li’s face…

“You! You deceive people too much!”

Borus really did not expect that the other party would be so confident and bold, and suddenly, his hostility that had accumulated when he burned the troops all exploded in this meeting!

Before Champ’s fat palm touched Little Guy Li, Borus raised his fist and hit Champ’s head directly…

(Note: Although Porus is a long-range attacker, his strong body still reaches the level of 6)


“It seems that you guy is seeking his own way! You catch this guy for me, don’t kill me, I will come in front of him…”

Seeing that Polus even dared to attack first, although Champ blocked him, Sheila was irritated by Polus’s actions, and immediately gave orders to several others, and he himself smiled scornfully. Walked towards Porus’s wife and daughter!


However, at this critical moment, when Porus was temporarily dragged by Champ and Yanxin and was already in despair, Porus’s wife and daughter were watching with fear and walking slowly. When Sheila came, watching her husband and father being dragged by the culprits and trembling and trying to retreat, suddenly, a gunshot sounded in the distance…

“call out…”

The moment before the gunshot appeared, Sheila already felt a trace of murderous aura, and decisively dodged to one side, but a blood stain was still wiped out on his cheek, and he did not wait for his anger to make other reactions. , A voice mingled with contempt, playfulness, disdain and other emotions came over!

“Hey, isn’t this our Minister of State, the’great’ Sheila’Sir’? You won’t blame me for interrupting you, Sheila’s Lord! You know I just came out on a whim, but I don’t want to meet friends I haven’t seen for many years here. This is really where I don’t meet in life. Sheila’s lord, I have to say, you really can’t change eating shit. It was like this back then, but it is still like this now. You don’t have a long memory!”


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