Chapter 858


If Yuzan’s people had the upper hand in the other battlefields, then in the battlefield between the two emperors at midnight, it was as if sparks hit the earth!

“Damn, what kind of beast is this!”

Despite the constant swearing, the first emperor actually chui coveted the powerful, dangerous, seemingly horse-like species on the opposite side.

Who doesn’t want to have such a mount of Shenjun, such a powerful mount, even if he is only in the literature and some legends have heard of the relevant ‘king-level dangerous species’ information!

He has always been scornful of these materials, but today, after he fought with that dangerous species for a long time, he has to believe in the power of this dangerous species, even with his’immortal body’, with his level 10 The high-level strength can’t help the opponent at all, that dangerous species is only a 10th-level elementary!

It just relies on its powerful body and the strange energy in its body to make itself helpless.

“Om… Om… Om…”

Just as he was thinking about how to tame or defeat Midnight, Midnight didn’t care so much, and launched another attack!

I saw that a single horn on midnight’s head immediately gathered a black energy ball exuding icy and corrosive aura and quickly shot out and flew towards the First Emperor!

At the same time, Midnight itself stepped on the four hooves of the “burning orchid flame” and launched another charge against the First Emperor!


After three consecutive shots, Tsukushi’s tongue-strike talent was no less than Main’s, and almost reached the state of no avail, but at this time she was facing Susano, who was in the state of manifesting evil spirits. With the opponent’s speed, strength, and even defenses all increasing, it was difficult for Tsukushi to hit the opponent! Not to mention that the opponent still has “Yata Kagami” who is attacking and rebounding!

“Bah… Bah… Bah…”

Cornelia is like an elf dancing an elegant dance, facing the attack of Susano, who is fully ascended, but still advancing and retreating freely, even she uses the hook on the longbow in her hand to be at the opponent from time to time. There are many scars left on the body…

“It can’t go on like this. Even if Mr. Xu has fully improved him now to deal with those two people, they are still a little reluctant. They are obviously delaying time until Esders or Absolute Sword come to support!”

With a loud shout, Tazmi seemed to have infinite strength. He was still a dead dog before, but now he is alive again, and once again put on the “evil-ridden operational armor”.(Read more @

“Tsukushi! Stop playing, Yuuki and Esders have already settled over there. I have given this biological Teikoku to me. Go and catch the other NightRaid members alive!”

While avoiding Susano’s attack, Cornelia spoke to Chikushi!

Then she didn’t wait for Chikushi to agree or not, but when she flew back after passing Susano’s attack once again, her fingers pulled the bowstring for the first time!


In the blink of an eye, several light arrows came out to attack Susanoo.

And Tsukushi could only stomped his feet when he saw this, wrinkled his little nose and snorted:

“Huh, sister Cole is too cunning! Really!”

Despite what she said, she still firmly implemented Cornelia’s battle plan!

“Don’t think about it!”

“My mother has also recovered, you little girl should go home!”

“Looking at your previous battle, you are also a tongue-tapping genius, so let this genius end you!”

Before Tsukushi launched an offensive, only Lubbock was the only one left in the Night Raid who could not recover because of his previous injuries. Tazmi was lucky enough. Leonai himself had a strong resilience. As for Main, he hadn’t been able to recover before. He suffered too much damage, but his mental power was consumed a lot and the gods had overheated until now!

“Bang! Bang!”

“Huh! It’s not ashamed! Although you do have a quantitative advantage in one-to-three, I am the least afraid of group battles! Even Black Eye has less advantage in group battles than mine! Let you look at my emperor. Have the power of “The Scarlet Rose Artemis”!”

With a sweet cry, Tsukushi’s speed was even faster. After evading Tazmi and Leonai’s respective punches, he raised his hand and shot out with two shots!

“Om… Om… Om…”

This kind of ordinary shooting Tazmi and Leo Nai didn’t care at all, and even accelerated again without evading, but at this time the silver pistol in Tsukushi’s hand suddenly changed its form!

The original exquisite rose carving disappeared, but Zhuzi’s right hand holding a gun was inserted with a rose vine!

“Blood Rose Artemis”, the reason why this imperial tool is called “Blood Rose” is also because of these rose vines. The concealment technique is to produce a rose vine with infinite tongue and n length, this rose. The vines can be rigid and flexible, almost invulnerable to fire and water, and extremely fast. If you are not a 9th-level peak expert who is good at speed, it is almost impossible to dodge! (The reason for invulnerability is that in addition to some imperial weapons, such as Taeko’s imperial weapons “Durandel”)

But as a price, every time you use Blood Rose, you need to draw the blood from the owner of the Emperor as a condition for activating the ability, and the larger the number of people you have to deal with, the more blood from the owner is drawn. This is the only drawback of this Emperor!

“call out…”

Before Tazmi and Leone could react, they suddenly found themselves bound by a plant like the scarlet rose vine that was inserted on the arm of Tsukushi, and at the same time, the vine grew even more. Many tiny sharp spikes pierced into their bodies and continuously absorbed their blood. If it weren’t for Chikushi’s intentional control, I’m afraid that the blood in the two bodies has been sucked out at this time!

At the same time, Najiexitan and Main who were about to attack and Lubbock, who was seriously injured and unconscious, were also quickly swept away by the purple vines!

This attack of Tsukushi came too quickly and suddenly, and suddenly even Main was captured by the opponent to launch his own powerful attack…


The movement on Chikushi’s side was not small, and Susano was also a little distracted in an instant. Just as he was about to use his’Sky Cloud Sword’ to rescue Najeshitan and others, how could Cornelia give up this great thing? Opportunity too!


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