Chapter 859

“Huh! Even if you are not a human being but an imperial tool, you still have to understand that you are fighting with me now. When you are fighting with me, you have to pay a price for being distracted!”

Seeing that Susano was about to give up the battle with him to make a sneak attack to support Najiexitan and others, Cornelia snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly pulled the bowstring of the longbow, but this time she did not directly utter her tongue. Instead, there was a kind of constantly gathering Teigu’s own energy and her own mental power!

I saw an arrow shining with orchid light on the longbow in her hand. Although the arrow looked ordinary, but in the eyes of those facing it, the ordinary energy arrow appeared. It’s a deadly arrow!

The mental oppression of heart palpitations unfolded, even if it was not for Najiexitan and others who faced the blow head-on, Nagesitan and others who were only in this combat zone were all stunned at this time. change!

“Look at whether your Yata Kagami’s defense is stronger, or my “Solidar Star’s Fury” attack is sharper! Destroyed!”

With a soft drink, the faint blue energy arrow flew out the moment Cornelia released the bowstring, and in the blink of an eye it pierced through the void and reached Susanoo’s face!


Although the speed of this arrow of destruction was extremely fast, Susano had already controlled Yata Kagami to resist him when Cornelia gathered energy before, and at the same time he quickly backed away from his hand. The sky cluster cloud sword also slashed towards Cornelia with a vain movement!

(Note: In the original work, Susano’s Sky Cloud Sword is very long, which is equivalent to being used as a long-range offensive weapon!)


Seeing that her’Destroying Arrow’ had been absorbed but there was no sign of rebound, Cornelia’s heart was relieved. After all, she just guessed that the opponent’s rebound attack should also have a limit. !

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air came, and Cornelia was also extremely fast. While facing the opponent’s slash, she quickly dodged, and at the same time, the counterattack of “Solidar’s Wrath of the Stars” did not stop!


Because it is a long-range attack, although the Sky Cong Yun Sword also has this condition, it is not as flexible as melee combat after all. In desperation, Susano is preparing to use the speed of Hachi Chiaki Gouyu to deceive him into a melee battle with the opponent. Kagami suddenly heard a few crisp sounds, and at the same time a strong gloom was reflected on the surface of Kagami!(Read more @

“No, Yata Kagami is at its limit!”

The secret path made a bad sound, and Susano quickly withdrew and flew back. He knew that from the opponent’s attack that could surpass Yata Kagami’s limit, such an attack would enter Yata Kagami and finally turn Yata Kagami’ The strength of the smash and the broken explosion of Yata Kagami will never be less powerful than that of Yuuki’s attack on the other battlefield.

“Very well, without the Yata Kagami, the strength of this bio-type Tegu will have to drop by at least 30%, and I am not losing to him in terms of speed. Even if his melee ability is slightly weaker than the opponent, he has no turnaround at all. It’s possible!”


A huge roar and shock wave erupted directly from Yata Kagami, and the air wave visible to the naked eye instantly overwhelmed a few people who were very close to the center of the explosion!

“Oh, it seems that Yuuki’s sisters are not weak in the “little ghosts” you taught!”

Because the explosion was too close to Susanoo, even if he found out that Kagami’s situation was not right, he was about to withdraw and fly back, but it was still a little late!

At this time, half of Susano’s body has been blown up, and although he is quickly recovering his “flesh and blood”, at the same time, the voice of Esdes’s teasing Yuuki has already been heard!


Before Susano could take any other actions, Esdes slammed into Susano’s body and pressed a palm on top of his head, and instantly a huge piece of ice exuding an icy breath was placed on him. Susanoo froze in it!

“Najie Xitan, we meet again! I didn’t expect our reunion again to be on such an occasion!”

After doing all of this, Esdes gave a gesture to Cornelia and immediately came to Najiexitan and others who had been captured alive by Tsukushi, and sighed at Najiexitan.

“You running dogs of the empire, you better kill us, or one day you will also…”

“Okay, Main, stop talking! Esthers, yes, I have been thinking about how we will meet again, this picture has been thought of in my mind many times, but I Never thought it would be like today!”

After drinking the cursing Ma Yin, Najie Xitan also looked at Esders with complicated eyes and said.

She did think about the scene of reunion with Esther many times, whether she was defeated and humiliated by Esther again, or was killed by the other party, or she finally reported her shame to herself. The’hatred’ that she brought… She thought about a lot of things, and wondered if she would still be the same as before when she saw Esders again, she still couldn’t get rid of the original psychological shadow and was afraid of the other party, or she was swallowed by’hatred’ revenge……

“Hey, there are so many you can’t think of! Okay, Najieshitan, we are all old friends too. Although I don’t know why Yuzan wants to save your lives, I advise you not to think about resisting, otherwise it is Suffering!”

Seeing the unwillingness in Najiexitan’s eyes, Esders rarely persuaded her.

“Yeah, I did not expect too many things. For example, Chitong is the regent. Of course, this is not too unexpected. After all, Chitong was the regent before, but I couldn’t think of it. It’s you who is the regent, and he will let someone like you lurking for so long. Here I have to admire his courage, and at the same time I didn’t expect you to be a lobbyist! The same, I didn’t. Thinking of the fact that there are also people with the regent in the upper level of our revolutionary army, now it seems that the layout of the regent is really…I am convinced that I lose!”

The words expressed by a very complicated emotion made Na Jiexitan feel a little melancholy for a while!

“Esdes, you’ll relive the old days later, let’s go and help Crimson Eye and Naha Xiu first take down Ornest and others!”


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