Chapter 864

Especially now that the protagonist has knocked down all political enemies such as Ornest, the subsequent enemies are even stronger, such as Huangquan Temple, they have a lot of level 10 powerhouses, especially there are demigods behind them.

For example, the Oberg organization behind the Revolutionary Army. Although this organization is a killer organization, in the setting of this book it is a super underground organization that spans the entire continent of East and West. There are also demigods behind it.

For example, in Western kingdoms, although the overall national power is not comparable to empires, it is by no means comparable to the grasslands and foreign nations that the protagonist has faced before.

Finally, the Holy See, as everyone knows, most of the villains in various fantasy novels are the Holy See, and of course it is also in this book. There are also demigods in the Holy See.



There was no precaution that Yuzan had such a repulsive attack on the monk’s complexion, but before he could think about it, a space crack suddenly appeared in the sky behind him when he was knocked into the air, and at the same time, several waves were strong. Bone spurs with dark and corrosive aura flew out…


The sound of breaking through the air from behind immediately made the monk’s hair stand up all over his body, and the dangerous aura made him make a decision like a strong man breaking his wrist if he had no choice!


He suddenly turned around and swung the palm of his left hand toward the bone spur that struck him, and at the same time, he himself flew back with the help of the impact of resisting the bone spur!

But in the end, his Secret Art has not much time limit, and the previous battle has been very exhausting. Therefore, although this wave of bone spurs was resisted by him, his left hand was already scarred and scarred. The wound is still expanding and corroding…


A violent corrosive aura spread on his left hand. Seeing the expansion of the wound, a trace of determination flashed through the monk’s eyes, and he suddenly patted his left shoulder with his right hand!



With a muffled snort, the monk suddenly broke his left arm at the moment he saw the wound on his left arm expand, but Yuzan did not give him the slightest chance to breathe.

Just as the monk “abandoned the car to protect the handsome” abandoned his left arm, Yuzan also acted at the same time!

A huge gravitational force emanated from Yuzan’s body, causing the monk to fly towards Yuzan unexpectedly. At this time, Yuzan gave the monk the feeling that in addition to the previous fierce humiliation, there was also the darkness that swallowed all things. Yuzan is just like a black hole!(Read more @

“Ahhhhh! You bastard, I won’t make you feel better even if I die!”

At this time, the monk also knew that he would never be spared today, and he could not even escape, but he once again thought of the tragic death of his junior and his brother, and suddenly he finally aroused the last energy in his body, and his whole body was swollen. !

“Humph! If you blew yourself up before, it would be a little troublesome, now you should give me peace of mind!”

Yuzan saw what the other party was thinking at a glance, and snorted in disdain!

Immediately afterwards, before the monk could react, he suddenly realized that the place where he was at this time had completely changed its appearance, and even the previous Imperial Capital Colosseum had disappeared, but at this time he suddenly Appeared under a dim sky, a dry earth, hail and flames were falling strangely in the sky…

The entire space suddenly exudes endless power and oppression from all directions, and he can’t even explode himself, and Yuzan’s figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

At this time, Yuzan’s complexion was slightly pale. It can be seen that the other party should have spent a lot of time to get himself into this space…

Inside the Colosseum.

As the figures of Yuzan and the monk in the sky suddenly disappeared, Emperor Shi, who had never stopped fighting midnight, also found out that the situation was gone!

At this time, he was very clear that this was an opportunity, and if he didn’t leave, I was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

Not to mention the “beast” who has fought with him for a long time and never let the wind fall, but none of the other junior’s men are fuel-efficient lamps, let alone the time when the junior in the sky fought the two monks before. The power radiated!

“call out…”

Angrily screamed, and once again forced midnight, the first emperor was about to fly out of the imperial capital!

However, Yuzan’s figure, who disappeared just before this moment, suddenly appeared right in front of him, looking at him jokingly!

“His Majesty the Great First Emperor, where do you want to go?”

Hearing the playful words of the other party, the first emperor’s heart was furious, but he also knew that he was a fish and the other party was a sword at this time. There was no hope of singles out against him. Although the other party seemed to have a lot of consumption, the other party could Not alone…

“You junior, I really didn’t misunderstand you, that’s all, since you can achieve what you are today in such a situation, my empire must be…”

The next day, a news that shocked the entire continent came from the imperial capital!

The Empire State Secretary Ornest Green colluded with the Southern Revolutionary Army to launch a rebellion and killed Odysseus Augustine, the 100th imperial brother!

Although there were many civil and military ministers loyal to the empire headed by General Bud, but in the end General Bud was outnumbered and died, and most of the civil and military ministers also died for the country…

At this moment, the imperial regent Yuzan Augustine turned the tide and led the Imperial Forest Army, which was less than the enemy’s multiples, to counter the rebellion and successfully captured the king!

The thief leader Ornest and others were swept away by the regent or were captured or killed directly!

Although this is an official statement, Ornest has done all the bad things in his control over the years, and his madness has made many people believe that this is the truth!

However, the imperial capital and some of the top powers on the mainland know that all these are the methods of the regent. Just like what he did on the ‘coup day’, he finally chose to use force to achieve his goal.

An empire led by such a powerful leader is not comparable to an empire led by a faint emperor like Ornest and the little emperor, and the army under the regent is comparable to those in the empire in terms of quantity and quality. The army controlled by the guards and even Ornest is completely different!

At this time, everyone also knows that this day has changed!


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