Chapter 865

In 1024 years of the empire’s calendar, the continental pattern that had been calm and relaxed was completely broken.

The “coup” initiated by the regent of the empire, Yuzan Augustine, not only made people within the empire panic, but also all forces outside the empire, such as the Western kingdoms, were very concerned.

If the empire under the ‘lead’ of Ornest and others was a sleeping lion, not only was it dying, but also surrounded by many wolves, tigers and leopards, just waiting for the lion to fall down so that they could share a piece of the pie.

So now the empire after Yuzan came to power is a lion that has woken up from the second spring and gradually got rid of the’illness’.

Although the current empire is still not too stable internally, it is still scary, especially the “jackals” around it.

Before, they only dared to wait for the lion to fall completely while it was asleep, but now the other party has not fallen, but has a tendency to re-emerge. For a while, those surrounding the empire such as the eastern island country, the southern island kingdom, the western kingdom, and the western alien The nation immediately trembled.

There may be people who don’t understand Yuzan, but they also understand something. For example, foreign nations in the West have been neighbors with Yuzan for many years. The suffering brought to them by the other party has made them hard to speak, although they have long forgotten. They were the first to invade the western part of the empire in an undeclared war…

Three days have passed since the ‘coup d’état.

At this time, the imperial capital was also completely free from the tense atmosphere when the Western Army entered the city on the day of the ‘Coup D’etat’ and fought against the Imperial Guards and the Central Army Corps in the inner city.

On the same day, after Yuzan defeated two 10th-level powerhouses from Huangquan Temple, the first emperor saw that the situation was gone. He originally wanted to perfuse Yuzan and then escape, but in the end he was defeated and captured alive by Yuzan and Midnight, because the opponent was a creature. Yuzan had no choice but to use the “Xingchen” magic sword to seal the opponent’s soul…

After this, Yuzan also revealed his’wisdom’ side. Although he deprived most of the rights of the party members of Ornest and Bud who would prefer to die, he did not take the other party’s life. Instead, he returned. To these people and other high officials…

Yuzan’s approach also eased the atmosphere of horror in the high-level circles of the entire imperial capital. Everyone wanted to come to the regent. Although this man said to do things’unscrupulously’, he did not dare to risk all those who dissatisfied him after all. clean……

The imperial capital, the imperial palace.(Read more @

Yushufang Neilan asked unexpectedly:

“His Royal Highness, dare you to ask what you call here?”

For Yuzan, Lan was very impressed.

He admired the courage of the other party, and also admired the other party’s methods and ideas. If it weren’t for his girlfriend and those students who couldn’t let go of him, I’m afraid he would have gone to the West a long time ago.

But what happened afterwards, all his students were brutally tortured among Yiye, which immediately made him fall into’crazy’. Although it is not obvious on the surface, everyone who knows him knows that his There is a’crazy beast’ hidden in his heart, waiting to erupt at any time.

And this time, he was originally ordered by the imperial capital to not use it. After all, his girlfriend is a local prefect. In the current empire, except for the West and the North, it’s hard to say that there are other places, especially the South. The decree of the imperial capital is completely useless here.

But Lan, in order to find out who the murderer was that cruelly murdered his lovely students, in order to realize his dream and to make this empire no longer have so many tragedies, he resolutely chose to listen to the edict. When he arrived in the imperial capital, he joined the special force Jaegers headed by Esders. He was just to be able to rise to a high position in the imperial capital, even by unscrupulous means, and then later to realize his dream.

However, a few days before he came to the imperial capital, there was a great upheaval in the imperial capital. The regent of the Quanqing Empire launched a’coup’, and even his opponents were the Secretary of State Ornest, General Bud, etc. A group of people headed by people waited to kill them all, which also made his mood very complicated, and also a little bit of joy, the empire was finally saved…

But he couldn’t think of it. Today, the Regent summoned him to see him. He really couldn’t figure out why. He asked himself that although he had some talents, it seemed a little unlikely to make the Regent pay special attention to him. Especially after seeing the regent, he unexpectedly discovered that the other party was only summoning himself at this time.

Lan felt a little regret after asking the question, regretting that he was too reckless, who was the other party, that is the real master of the empire now, he…

But before he could think about it, Yuzan’s voice reached his ears.

“Your name is Lan, right! I know you have a lot of questions now, but it’s okay, Ruyao prefect Dia, I think you should know you!”

Yuzan looked at the other party confidently and said.

“Tia? Your Highness, you?”

Lan really didn’t understand. He understood that if the other party wanted to investigate himself, it would be impossible to keep some of his details from the other party, but what made him puzzled was how a character like the other party would treat him. A little person is interested…

Seeing Lan not speaking, Yuzan smiled slightly and continued:

“The prefect of Ruyao, Tiya, is one of the rare prefects in the central part of the empire who still listens to the edict of the imperial capital, and I have also investigated her. Her prefect is hereditary from her own family and her own efforts have come to the present. The position is considered to be one of the rare talents in the empire today. However, when Jaegers was founded, I asked people to investigate the information of all members of Jaegers. Among them, I am most interested in you!

First, because you were just an ordinary teacher in the Ruyao area before, you entered the officialdom after something happened, and Tia is your current partner. I am right! And according to my people’s survey, many interesting decrees in Ru Kiln in the past two years are actually your suggestions to Tia! This also indirectly proves that you are a talent, and I am very eager for talents, especially your governance talents. Of course, if only this is the case, it will not make me value you so much.

Secondly, because of your strength, although your Digu was given to you by Tia, your own strength is not weak, which just proves that you are both civil and military! The most important thing is that I discovered an interesting thing when I was interrogating Ornest’s remaining party yesterday, that is, the WildHunt that Ornest’s baby son had done was the instigator of something in the past! ”

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