Chapter 866

After listening to Yuzan’s words, Langdon looked at Yuzan with an incredible appearance, speechless for a long time.

Ran really didn’t expect Yuzan to value himself so much.

He asked himself that there was no such thing as an emperor like Yuzan who could spend so much time investigating himself, but the facts were in front of him and he had to believe it.

At the same time, he did not expect Yuzan to be so clear about all his investigations. To know that all of his, especially the tragic deaths of those students and some of his own changes afterwards, can be investigated. Shock.

Of course, the one thing Lan cares about the most is the second point Yuzan just said. WildHunt actually has the real culprit of that year. This made him very eager to know the real culprit of that year. Who!

“Who is it? Please tell your Highness!”

Lan, who had been silent for a long time, thought about it for a long time, and after many considerations, she still didn’t guess why Yuzan would investigate so deliberately and even show her okay. Since she couldn’t think of the answer, Lan’s heart was ‘sealed’. The beast finally escaped from the’cage’ due to the’opportunity’ that Yuzan said. He looked at Yuzan with red eyes and asked.

“Relax, don’t be so anxious. That person is now being held in a heavily guarded prison. If he can’t get out, even if he wants to die, he won’t be able to die! Well, that person is Shangpu from WildHunt, that clown! Alright, you Now you don’t have to look at me like this. Since I have specially summoned you and told you all this, I have already made plans to hand that guy to you. As for whether you kill or torture him, it doesn’t matter to me. It’s just a little bit. I can leave him to you, but you can’t take him out of the prison! Well, let’s go ahead!”

Looking at the angry flame of hatred in the opponent’s eyes, a smile flashed across Yuzan’s eyes, and then he waved his hand and said lightly.

“Yes, Your Highness! Here, I still want to thank Your Highness for giving me this opportunity, and I also ask your Highness to be respected by Lan!”

I was grateful and glanced at Yuzan. Lan immediately bowed and bowed to Yuzan, and then quickly left the Yushufang. It seems that he was already a little impatient after learning that he had been looking for an enemy for many years and wanted to get revenge. Up!

“His Royal Highness, please forgive your subordinates for their rudeness. Your subordinates really don’t understand why you are so concerned about him!”

Watching Lan left the Imperial Study Room, after the whole study room became quiet again, a gloomy voice came from the side hall next to the study room, and then I saw bald Hughes slowly walking in and asking Yuzan slightly suspiciously. .(Read more @

“Hughes, do you know why I have kept you in charge of the intelligence system for so many years?”

Glancing at Hughes, Yuzan asked rhetorically and then continued to look at the documents submitted from various places these days and ignore the other party!

“Your Highness, forgive your sins, your subordinates know your mistake!”

Suddenly asked by Yuzan such a rhetoric, a trace of horror flashed in Hughes’s eyes, and then he suddenly crawled and said nervously.

“Well, do you know where you are wrong?”

Facing Yuzan’s question, several possibilities flashed in Hughes’ mind instantly, and he looked back one by one whether he had done anything wrong over the years or if some of his own small actions made the other person dissatisfied!

Time passed by, Hughes knelt on the ground profusely, and kept thinking about where he was that made his master dissatisfied, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn’t want to understand it. , Hughes had to bite the bullet and whispered:

“His Royal Highness, Subordinates, Subordinates, no, I don’t know, yet, please, Your Highness…”

At this time, Yuzan just finished reading a document in his hand and put it aside, slowly raising his head to look at Hughes and sighing:

“Hey, Hughes! The reason why I have kept you in charge of our intelligence system for all these years, besides you are very loyal and I also trust you, you are also very clever, very interesting, plus your curiosity. Very strong… but I don’t know if I indulged you so much that it made you feel a little overwhelmed! Did you know that curiosity can kill people sometimes!”

It’s all for the sake of it. If Hughes doesn’t understand anymore, then he will live for so many years in vain.

It was only then that he knew that he was a bit’excessive’. Although his master was much more kind than most masters, his identity ultimately determined that he couldn’t let himself go and ask about everything, what happened to him. It’s okay if outsiders don’t know if they’ve been to ask, let outsiders find out that it just proves that the other party is not strict, and even people of his own identity can’point to him’, then he will negotiate to control this huge empire!

At the same time, Hughes also knew that this was not because the other party deliberately beat him. Since the other party has reached this level, some things are involuntary, even if the other party doesn’t want to do that…

“Okay, let’s forget it this time! In fact, it’s nothing to tell you. Do you know where our biggest disadvantage is now? It is that although there are many generals in the area we control now, there are too few civil servants. You must know how to fight the world. It’s useful, but it’s impossible to rule the world without civil servants! So this is why I let him learn those things when I taught Nahasiu! And that Lan, for the time being, although he is still a bit’naughty’, he does. A lot of potential, and when Esthers formed Jaegers, I asked you to send someone to do a detailed investigation of everyone in Jaegers!

I also know the information of this person. Originally, I didn’t care too much. However, when I was going to investigate some deeds of Sheila and others, I knew from Champ’s memory that he was the murderer of that incident. , And since he is already in my hands, then why don’t I give my personal love to Lan as an investment! Since someone like Lan has been investigating for his students for so many years, he can see that this matter has become his obsession, and now I go to help him solve this obsession, he will definitely be grateful Mine, I haven’t lost anything too!

In the end, if Lan can really get out of this matter, then I can express a gesture to the entire empire while using him. I don’t use people to account for each other’s origin, which can also make a lot of money. The unwilling “bad houses” take refuge in us, and break the current “monopoly” of the wealthy and nobles who are not convinced by me on the upper circles of the empire! Do you understand?

Okay, let’s go down. In addition, give me a message to Goering to prepare him for the Western Legion to go to Pianshuiguan. The fellows of the Revolutionary Army have been jumping for too long! Remember, what I told you today I don’t want a third person to know! ! ”

Hearing this, Hughes was already sweating coldly, his whole body seemed to come out of the water, and now he really knows what a companion is like a tiger…


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