Chapter 875

Imperial capital.

“His Royal Highness, what should I do now!”

Except for Yuzan and his intelligence chief bald Hughes, almost all of Yuzan’s direct descendants, as long as they are in the imperial capital, gathered here in the Imperial Library.

It was Marquis Solomon who had been reinstated and even more advanced when he asked.

Because of his knowledge of current affairs and I am indeed very talented, and as the first group of civil servants under Yuzan to follow him, Marquis Solomon can be said to be proud after this coup. Not only did I once again take charge of the financial power of the empire, but also He was promoted to the Minister of State, and the financial power in his hands was not taken back by Yuzan. It can be said to be the most honored!

But just two hours ago, Yuzan’s order came out of the palace and ordered him to come to see him. At first he was still at a loss, but after arriving at the Imperial Study Room, he found that things were not trivial. Not only did he come, but the room was already Stockton, the Secretary of Military Affairs who officially came to power, was also present.

And after knowing the details of the matter, he was also very anxious!

It turned out that as early as when Yuzan took Hughes under his command, he clearly knew the importance of intelligence, whether it was applied to the military or other aspects, there is no doubt.

Therefore, as early as when Yuzan first took control of the West, he never gave up allowing his intelligence forces to infiltrate various forces in and out of the imperial and foreign countries. Although it is not long, it is still a slight success in the past few years. .

This time I got the intelligence. The eastern part of the empire has become the largest’religious’ organization in the empire. An Ningdao is plotting a rebellion and is preparing to respond to the forces of the revolutionary army. What is even more unexpected is the legendary king fist of the empire for thousands of years. The temple also vaguely participated.

Although he is really good at internal affairs, Marquis Solomon’s military talents are still slightly inadequate, which is why he is anxious.

But when he saw the room, apart from him and other civil servants, those generals didn’t respond much, which immediately made him a little embarrassed.

“What else, An Ning Dao in a small district dared to launch a rebellion and mix with the fellows of the revolutionary army. This is a big rebellion. Your Royal Highness, please let me lead the army to destroy them!”

“Yes, Your Highness, this area of ​​religious organizations is no better than the Revolutionary Army. Even the fellows of the Revolutionary Army have some talents inside. The peaceful group of gods besides praying every day. What else can they do, a mob, I only need 10,000 soldiers and horses…”(Read more @

“I only need eight thousand…”

“Five thousand…”

Before Yuzan could speak, the generals in the room began to scramble to speak, leaving Solomon, the ‘protagonist’ aside!

“Enough! Look at what you look like, how you look like! Although there are no restrictions in some sections under my command, but you are like this now… Don’t think I don’t know what you think one by one. Do you think that peacefulness? Dao is even worse than the revolutionary army. If one of you gets the mission this time, will he be able to win the battle?

Humph! You have been a general for many years, and each claim to have experienced hundreds of battles. Don’t you know the truth that the arrogant soldier will be defeated? Didn’t the revolutionary army in the south also have the same problem as it is now when it first emerged in the empire? Isn’t the lesson of the revolutionary army not strong enough? Although I know that you and I have fought with foreign nations for many years, whether in the West or the North, haven’t I taught you not to underestimate the enemy in everything? Even if you despise the enemy strategically, you must pay attention to the enemy tactically! ”

Seeing that this huge imperial study room is about to become a’vegetable market’ trend in an instant, Yuzan’s eyes are also shining with anger, and finally, Yuzan, who has been’unbearable’, can’t help but confront the many generals under his command. Let’s vent!

When Yuzan finished speaking, the generals in the entire Imperial Study Room looked at each other and lowered their heads.

For their master, the great regent of the empire, these generals are extremely convinced, and what Yuzan said is indeed true. Although some of them will feel that some of them are not completely true, no one will be the first bird at this time. Come out to refute.

“Well, now what I am considering is whether to wait for Anning Road to launch a rebellion before conquering them! After all, there is already a western army in the area of ​​Baoshuiguan, and although I have been secretly expanding the northern army for so many years, no matter it is The guarding of the northern border and the western land are also somewhat indistinguishable, and there is still a time difference in the deployment of troops…

And if the army is launched directly on Anning Road before the rebellion is launched, our preparations are not enough, and the strength of our troops can only be left behind in the Central Army near the imperial capital. In this way, the imperial capital will be empty and abnormal. Moreover, we are unnamed, and even if An Ningdao launches a rebellion, we can be said to be rebelled by us. Although I don’t care too much about these things in the sense of justice, they are a hidden danger after all. Solomon, I will leave it to you. Responsible…”

After a pause, seeing that everyone was silent, Yuzan finally spoke again.

However, this time Yuzan hadn’t finished speaking. Suddenly, there was a sound of anxious Cu footsteps. I saw a figure dressed up like a servant walked into the Yushu room and came to Hughes and whispered to him.

But after this person finished speaking, Hughes’s cold face changed suddenly!

“Hughes! What’s the matter?”

For Hughes, Yuzan can be considered very familiar after all these years.

This guy never showed such a look in front of others, and as Yuzan’s intelligence chief, other officials under Yuzan’s subordinates were afraid of seeing him. It can be said that he is a “fox fake tiger pretender” with a cold temperament. Guy, even if the other person has some other changes in expression, they won’t show it in such an occasion, unless something really happened!

“His Royal Highness, it’s like this…”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Hughes walked to Yuzan’s side and explained to Yuzan in a low voice immediately after learning the ‘dead’ information.

Although Yuzan’s expression did not change, everyone present felt like the rain was coming. As expected, after Hughes finished speaking, Yuzan immediately spoke:

“Now I issue an order to mobilize all the troops that can be mobilized to destroy Anning Road and the Revolutionary Army at the fastest speed. The Central Army of the Imperial Capital will take the lead as the vanguard to the east…”


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