Chapter 876

As Yuzan suddenly changed his original decision and turned to give orders to everyone in the entire Yushu room except Hughes, it was also startled at first, but then everyone’s expressions became serious.

Although Yuzan did not have any other expressions, it can be seen from Yuzan’s decision that something big should have happened, otherwise Yuzan is absolutely in an emergency if they don’t know about Yuzan. When you don’t change your decision or hesitate on something, you will never make a decision so quickly!

Seeing the appearance of the people under his command, Yuzan continued, as if he didn’t even startle people to death.

“In addition, the order continues. During the expedition to Anning Road, the surrounding forces of the Imperial Capital were fully reduced, and all the forces in the four cities of David returned to defend the Wei Imperial Capital. Moreover, for this conquest of Anning Road, I decided to conquer Stockton and Solomon! The two stayed behind in the imperial capital!”


“His Royal Highness, can you consider one or two more…”

“Your Highness!”

Everyone was shocked to hear that Yuzan actually said that he was going to be recruited in person this time!

Although everyone knows Yuzan’s strength and commanding ability very well and even admires them, Yuzan at this time is no longer the powerless and powerless prince who was sent to the north at this time. At this time, Yuzan was called the regent. , But in fact it is no worse than the emperor’s rights, at most it is just a difference in status.

And at this position of Yuzan at this time, it can be said that it affects the whole body. Not to mention the security issue. After this coup, everyone has a more intuitive understanding of Yuzan’s strength, just that sentence. “The Lord is worried about the minister, and the Lord is insulted to death.” Suddenly everyone’s heart is very uncomfortable…

How could Yuzan know the thoughts of everyone under his command, but after receiving the information just now, Yuzan has made up his mind and will never waver in this matter.

“Enough, this matter is set, I don’t want to hear other voices, all go and prepare, the matter is urgent, the whole army will leave in three days! Okay, go down, Hughes stay!”

Waving his hand, Yuzan decisively issued an order to leave the guest before everyone could persuade a few words!(Read more @

“Hughes, immediately send my order. The Northern Army must rush to Minas Tirith as quickly as possible when transferring from Northern Xinjiang. Northern Xinjiang will leave behind the Southern Army of Asides! In addition, recall the excellent for me. Ji, Esdes and others, this time I will not only solve Anning Dao, but also wipe out the malignant tumor of Huangquan Temple forever! Goring sent Barbara and Chelsea to protect them. By the way, let Barbara tell Goering to tell me that he doesn’t have to enter Baoshuiguan, as long as he sticks to Baoshuiguan. After I solve Anning Road and Huangquan Temple this time, I will solve the revolutionary army!”

After everyone left, Yuzan immediately issued a series of orders to Hughes.

Although Hughes had recovered from the astonishing information before, there was still a faint worry on his face.

After listening to Yuzan’s order, Hughes couldn’t help but asked:

“His Royal Highness! You, you really decided to ask for it?”

“Huh? Why, Hughes, do you have any questions about this? You must have seen the information. If the problems within the empire cannot be solved quickly, then how should we come to the menacing West and the Holy See! Of course I know that it is personally conquered. There are too many constraints, but now there is no other way. The foundation of our forces is still a little worse. Compared with the great forces that have been passed down for thousands of years, such as the Holy See, Huangquan Temple and “Oberg” There are still too few masters who can determine the real success or failure. Although Yuuki and Esters have great potential, after all, their strength at this time is still a little worse!

And the step-by-step plan I made before, although the victory lies in a steady and steady fight, it is also the most beneficial for us, but now and then, since the Holy See has been involved in this matter, I now have no regard for my own losses. Up! What’s more, if the problems within the empire are not resolved quickly, when the Holy See and the Western kingdoms are fully prepared, I am afraid that we will be more passive. By then, we will be enemies from many sides! ”

With a light sigh, Yuzan’s tone was also slightly helpless.

Although Yuzan’s strength at this time has almost reached its peak in this world, in terms of his forces, its background is indeed better than that of the Holy See,’Oberg’ or even Huangquan Temple, which has been passed down for thousands of years. The big power is still more than one thing worse.

“I understand, but your Royal Highness, in case the news of your personal conquest goes out, the Anning Road and Huangquan Temple are ready… even if the revolutionary army divides its forces to bypass most of the empire and go to the east to support…”

Hughes still had some concerns in his words, but he was interrupted by Yuzan before he could finish his words.

I saw Yuzan shook his head slightly after listening to his words:

“Hughes, you take it for granted! Not to mention that the’Oberger’ behind the Revolutionary Army is not in harmony with Anning Road and Huangquan Temple, and they will not do what you say. They are really anxious. The opponent can consume more strength to make his own fisherman profit! And even if they share the same enemy because they have a common enemy like me, as the high-level revolutionary army on the front line of Bangshuiguan, they will never divide their forces!

Now the revolutionary forces in the area of ​​Bangshuiguan are not much superior to our forces in the area of ​​Bangshuiguan, and they are still on the side of the siege, and the proportion of battle losses is definitely higher than that of the defending side, plus the revolution. Soldiers in the army are not as powerful as the soldiers of the Western Legion. If they divide their forces, not to mention that they need to go around half of the empire. Maybe when their reinforcements arrive, our battle with Anning Road may have been finished, and how would Goering release it? After such a good opportunity to defeat them, they will lose more than the gains by then, so as long as the front-line commander of the Revolutionary Army is not a fool, then they will definitely not divide their forces!

Okay, go down and get ready! Oh, yes, tell me about Fashion and Dotya at last, let them set off with Barbara, and tell them that there are a lot of living experiment materials on the front line of Bangshuiguan. Of course, they are not allowed to use imperial soldiers. The experiment, the object of the experiment can only be the rebellious group of revolutionary army! ”


“Hey, I didn’t expect that I would make such a decision one day. I must first settle in the outside world. It’s really…”

Looking at the back of Hughes slowly withdrawing, Yuzan sighed softly again.


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