Chapter 878


The revolutionary army camp commanded the camp.

“Everyone, according to the latest information, the imperial capital has almost become an empty city. The little ghost has personally led fifty thousand Central Legion elites to the east, and there are only a group of’old, weak, sick’ and the little ghost’s men left in the imperial capital. The running dogs Solomon and Stockton preside over the overall situation. Now is our best opportunity. I propose that while we are attacking Bangshuiguan, we should also mobilize more troops from our headquarters. After all…”

In front of Warner’s book case was a piece of information that had just been delivered, and watched other high-ranking revolutionary soldiers in the big tent expressing their opinions in full vigor.

The information that Warner learned was the information sent from the spies in the imperial capital and An Ning Dao that Yuzan had left the imperial capital and took away most of the main forces in the imperial capital.

After careful analysis and combining with the actual situation on the front line of Boshuiguan, Warner gave his own suggestions pertinently.

But as the saying goes, there are fights where there are people. Of course there are factions and fights within the revolutionary army.

If the previous revolutionary army was monolithic, and they were united because of strong foreign enemies, then at this time, seeing the empire’s internal and external troubles, and the strength of its forces, some of the original contradictions or politics within the revolutionary army The concept and other reasons are exposed!

No, Warner was interrupted immediately before he finished speaking.

“Huh! To mobilize more troops, Warner, what you said is pretty good! Not to mention that there need to be enough troops in the southern part and the area we are fighting over. Even if more troops can be mobilized, those soldiers will be big. Most of them are recruits who don’t have the slightest combat experience. Do you want them to die?

And even with more troops, I think you may not be able to overcome Bangshuiguan! I am not doubting your ability to command troops, but everyone knows the defensive strength of Boshui Pass, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. What’s more, the forces in Boshui Pass are not much less than ours now, so even if our strength is no longer Double or even twice as many defenders in Baoshuiguan can at least hold us for a long time!

Therefore, I think that we are better out of Baoshuiguan! So I propose that we also divide our troops now. Of course, it is not to divide too many troops. As long as we can divide the troops that hold the defenders in Bangshuiguan, so that they dare not take the initiative to attack, as for the other people, it is a detour. The eastern part supports Anning Road! ”

The person who interrupted Warner’s speech was a middle-aged man who seemed to be about forty years old. He seemed to have a very gloomy temperament. He was also Warner’s main political enemy Marcus.

After Marcus spoke, other people in the big account who had not yet spoken on the same stand as Marcus immediately echoed.(Read more @

“Well, that’s right, that’s how it should be!”

“What Marcus said is true, there is no other way!”


Warner’s expression became gloomy since the other side interrupted him, and after listening to the other party’s words, Warner’s heart became even more furious.

He is indeed very angry.

At this most critical moment, there are still people who stand up and sing their own counter-tunes. Under such circumstances, there are people who are keen on internal struggle for power!

Although Warner also understands that politicians are like this, he still feels very distressed. He is about to succeed now, but at this time, if they have internal problems and finally give the enemy a chance to fail, then they will regret it. …

But Warner was heartbroken. He himself understood that from the current situation, it would be almost impossible to come back if the empire had no hole cards. After all, An Ning Road might say that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers would be much worse, but the opponent is behind. There is already the support of Huangquan Temple… so Marcus and other talents will dare to attack at this time, not just to prevent themselves from gaining the great merit of winning the water gate!

Now that he knows what the other party thinks, and Warner himself also understands that since Marcus dared to attack at this time, the people of their whole faction must have communicated before, and now that the other party’s strategy is going to become a fact. Warner could not lose and lose again, so he retorted with a cold snort:

“Huh! Marcus, you are too naive! Is it the only thing you want to divide the troops? Although the two damn women in Boshuiguan have left, and they are still carrying most of their masters, now It is Goring who presides over the affairs of Bangshuiguan. He is the man who has ruled the West for almost more than ten years, and he is also an extremely good commander. Wouldn’t he think that we would divide our forces?

True, as you said, even Goering could think that we would divide our forces, but the Western Legion, which has our main force to contain him, would not dare to go out directly, but what if he made dangerous moves? To know the soldiers, there are also tricks, the real is the imaginary, the imaginary is the real, and the imaginary is true. Can you be sure?

And even if he did not send troops cautiously, our current position is too far away from the location of Jeloc City in the east. Maybe Anning Dao has already attacked the Imperial Capital by the time your reinforcements arrive at Jeloc City. The imperial capital is here, and you must know that they are not blocked by the Xiongguan such as Baoshui Pass. If Anning Road takes the lead in breaking through the imperial capital, do you still think they will let us fail? ”

Several rhetorical questions immediately caused several people in Warner’s line to have reasons to refute.

“Marcus, it’s better not to make trouble if you don’t understand military affairs!”

“Marcus, we all said that Warner was solely responsible for military affairs, and Warner did not let us down. You are a little bit…”


After everyone in the Warner family began to refute in the big tent, of course everyone in the Marcus family did not want to fall behind. For a while, the verbal battle in the big tent began…

In the end, seeing the two sides arguing, no one was willing to admit defeat. After the final voting decision, the neutral group of three people who had always had a key number of votes before weighed and made eye contact and gave their votes to Marku. Slovakia made the other’s resolution passed and ended…

In the afternoon of the same day, there was a small-scale commotion in the revolutionary army barracks. A team of about 100,000 people slowly left the formation and withdrew towards the distance…

This team is personally led by Marcus, one of the top 13 members of the revolutionary army. At this time, he seems very proud…

“Huh, the three neutral fools are still playing a balance between our two sides. Do they really think they can become the new emperor? And the brat Warner, who was so easily fooled by me, could it? He really thinks that I will support Naan Ning Dao? Of course, it is most important to preserve one’s own strength at this time, and what other storms can be revealed in the current empire? He really looks at that kid… …But it’s none of my business, now I just need to wait for the master’s arrival to help them re…”


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