Chapter 879

Jelock City.

At the head of the city, watching the large black shadows in the distance approaching, General Locke, the highest commander of the garrison in Jerlock City, seemed very arrogant and contemptuous.

That’s right, although the imperial army seems to be a lot under the city, in fact there are only 50,000 horses. At this time, there are more than one hundred thousand former imperial local garrisons in the city of Jelock.

The number of troops on the side defending the city exceeds that of the side attacking the city, which is an incredible thing.

As we all know, the attacking side of the fortified battle is more disadvantaged. At least the battle damage ratio is often one to two or even one to three. Now, even the 50,000 elite Central Legion under the city, they are facing more than The city of Jelock defended by 100,000 people, in the eyes of ordinary people, even if the commander of Jelock City is a fool, even if he can’t completely wipe out the Imperial Army, he can at least defend Jelock City.

If it were not for the imperial army to be led by the legendary regent himself, I am afraid that the army in Jelock has now come out to fight back…

“It’s really conceited. That kid doesn’t know where the confidence comes from. It’s fine if he leaves the Imperial Capital. He even dared to attack me Jelock City with only 50,000 people. I really want to see his frustration after his failure. Looks like!”

Standing beside Locke was Berlick, who had great power in Anning Road.

At this time, Berlick also lost the hesitation and helplessness that he had learned that Ornest and others had been taken care of by Yuzan. At this time, he was full of spirits.

Like Berlik, General Locke, the commander of Jerlock City, was actually a member of Ornest. He was also sent here by Ornest to monitor Anning Road’s every move in case of emergency.

Obviously, the incident of Ornest’s downfall did not only affect Berlik, but also affected him as well.

As one of the two nails that Ornest placed in Jerlock City to keep an eye on Anning Dao’s every move, the connection between Locke and Berwick is also relatively close.

But when the news of Ornest’s downfall came, he was caught in a dilemma like Berlik, but while he was still struggling, Berwick came to the door and convinced him and him. They switched to Anning Road and Huangquan Temple together, which made him come out of that kind of helplessness.

And when it came out that Yuzan would personally conquer Jelock, he also vowed in his heart to make Yuzan look good, after all, he and Berwick hated Yuzan no less than Warner.(Read more @

In the big tent under the command of the imperial army camp under the city.

Yuzan sat in the first place and listened to the reports of his subordinates.

“His Royal Highness, according to the intelligence of the spies in the city, the current city of Jelock is as strong as an iron barrel. There are many peaceful roads or troops deployed from nearby, or those lay disciples gathered by the Huangquan Temple. It is estimated that there will be at least more than one hundred thousand troops, and the residents in the entire city are all fanatics who have been brainwashed by Anning Road for many years. Although these people seem to have no power to restrain chickens, they have their fighting power according to our analysis. It’s not weak either. In this case, there will be at least more than half a million people in the entire city of Jelock!”

Nodding, watching the dignified expressions of the other generals sitting there, Yuzan’s gaze flashed with wisdom and said:

“Everyone, you all heard it just now. The Anning Road has been full of wings after operating in Jelock City for so many years, and the number of enemies is more than ten times more than ours. Now, I ask you again, you are confident to go. Will this war be won?”

Everyone, look at me and I will look at you. Although you can’t see the slightest change in Yuzan’s expression, none of them have the blind confidence they had when they first set out on the expedition. After all, the number of enemies is too large, and Even if they are the divisions of a hundred battles, they are very difficult to fight in this kind of large army-level battle with a ratio of one to ten. What’s more, it’s a tough battle now!

“What? What’s the matter with you? Are you all scared by the number of enemies? Or do you have no confidence that you can lead you to this victory?”

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Yuzan’s words continued to be heard, but this time Yuzan’s words revealed great confidence, as if everything was under his control.

“Your Highness Kei, General Yuuki, General Asdes and others have arrived, and they are outside the big tent!”

Just as Yuzan was holding the final military deployment meeting, the final preparations were also being made in the Anning Road headquarters in Jelock City.

“The army of imps has arrived and will launch an offensive soon. Everyone talks about how we should respond?”

The first to speak was the elder of Huangquan Temple.

Although everyone felt that Yuzan was a failure this time, he was only doing the last struggle.

But as the battle approached, Level 10 master Lekong had a trace of anxiety in his heart for no reason, although he himself didn’t know where this anxiety came from.

“Brother Likong, you are too cautious. Don’t you think that kid can turn around this time? He doesn’t have any hole cards. Even his 10th-level king-level dangerous mount has been confirmed. According to the information, this time the little devil is doomed to escape, and our Huangquan Temple can also capture a 10th-level king-level dangerous species!”

When Leak Kong just finished speaking, one of the other three Huangquan Temple elders who had been closing his eyes and rested beside him also spoke.

The confidence in his words immediately inspired the two of Berwick and Locke, who were a little drummer in their hearts because of Yuzan’s great fame, but his words also made the haze in the hollow a little bit more, but he also knew it. At this time, our morale should not be undermined, so I didn’t say anything.

“Hey, maybe I think too much, I hope so! Master leader, although our preparations for the enemy’s invasion this time are not too adequate, but I believe that the enemy is more anxious than us. Tomorrow’s battle is the key, as long as we To be able to hold on for a few days, not seeking merit but not demerit, then wait until the army from the eastern part of the area under our control arrives, and finally encircle the regent, so as to be foolproof. Although the time may be a little longer, it is also the most The safe way, after all, the regent’s previous series even more than ten years ago were always the last comebacks…”

Although others disagree with Kong’s words, he is the person in charge of Huangquan Temple this time. It is not easy for everyone to say anything. The Taoist Master Anning himself fully agrees with his strategy, and he is also researching. Those who have been to Yuzan, he understands that a hero like Yuzan, who is the most vulnerable to the enemy, cannot relax unless the result is found…


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