Chapter 885


A light green streamer across the sky, even though it is daytime, the streamer across the sky is still as dazzling as the stars.

However, this dazzling streamer is just like an ordinary meteor in the eyes of ordinary people, although it is dazzling but short-lived.

However, if there is a strong person above level 10 who is extremely powerful at this time, it will be a different scene to see such a scene.

A human figure is faintly visible in the light green streamer. If you feel it carefully, the figure feels so magnificent and solemn, and the breath he exudes is quite different from ordinary mortals. Like Firefly and Haoyue, this figure seems to have a qualitative difference in life level from ordinary people from the top 10 powerhouses to the civilians who have no strength at all!

The streamer, which often drags the tail flame, flies across the sky and flies far away extremely fast.

“Damn, these juniors are really looking for something for this seat, and they have offended such a strong man… Originally, this seat wanted to work with this newly promoted demi-god powerhouse to deal with that god stick, so this seat doesn’t have to be right again. Oberger’s junior has just forbeared it…but now, alas, I hope I can catch up. It’s better to get rid of the previous suspicion with the other party. If not…you can only plan for the worst…”

The figure wrapped in the streamer is Mani, the demigod powerhouse who just learned about the recent situation in the mainland from the first Huichen of the current Huangquan Temple elders group at the back of the Huangquan Temple.

Don’t mention how aggrieved Mani was at this time!

In fact, it is the same to think about it carefully from his perspective. Anyone who has been sleeping for a thousand years just wakes up and knows that he is about to have an additional demigod enemy. This is indeed very depressing, especially when this enemy is still fundamental to him. I’ve never met before, it’s all because of my disciples and grandchildren!

However, as the ancestor of Huangquan Temple, he cannot completely ignore the Huangquan Temple he created. It is not that he never thought of completely ignoring the life and death of the other four elders of the Huangquan Temple during the flight. There was also the idea of ​​handing those four people to Yuzan to apologize.

But this idea was immediately rejected by him when he first appeared, because he is a demigod, he also has his own dignity, before he has fought the enemy, he immediately handed over his people to the opponent. This is not only a heavy blow to one’s own internal forces, but also makes outsiders laugh.

Powerful demigods are generally difficult to kill. At this time, in the material world of the mainland, the most is to be sealed. Therefore, their biggest purpose in life is the battle between face and spirit, besides becoming gods. It was also the real reason behind the Holy See’s holy war even when the original emperor was on the Western Expedition thousands of years ago!

Although Mani was already disappointed with his disciples and grandchildren in his heart at this time, he also understood that they were not to be blamed at all. Not to mention them, he himself completely felt that the rise of Yuzan was a’myth’ at all. Moreover, there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart. He can persuade Yuzan to let him join forces with him to fight against the powerful god stick in the West!(Read more @

Mani, who was thinking about this, had already reached the sky above the area of ​​Jerlock City before he knew it.

But when he rushed to this place, his face changed a lot when he breathed a sigh of relief before letting it go.

Before he was slightly relaxed and didn’t use his consciousness to monitor the movement in this area at all times, but the first picture that came into his mind after he rushed to his mind was from Huangquan Temple. There are only two of the four elders left at this time, and even one of the two has been seriously injured and is still doing the final struggle to escape, while the other has been killed by Yuzan in front of him. A finger that was full of heart palpitations suddenly made him a warning sign…

Without the slightest hesitation, Mani immediately accelerated again, and even used a little bit of his own origin to fly in the direction of Yuzan, blurting out his mouth:

“Little friend, please keep your staff!”

In fact, Yuzan had already sensed the existence of the opponent the first time Mani entered the area of ​​Jelock City, and it was precisely because of this that Yuzan wanted to solve the remaining two of the four elders of Huangquan Temple as soon as possible.

And after Mani said ‘pleasure’, Yuzan’s expression was also slightly wrong.

In Yuzan’s view, since this demigod is a member of Huangquan Temple, he and Huangquan Temple are not at odds with each other and want to completely obliterate each other’s actions. The other party shouldn’t be so polite to himself, and just for a moment. Before, he had killed the other two 10th-level experts in Huangquan Temple.

With the current relationship between the two parties, it would not be an exaggeration even if the other party came to yell at himself, and even if he didn’t do anything, he shouldn’t be so polite to himself.


But Yuzan was stunned and returned to the wrong stun. The movements on his hand were not slow at all. As if he hadn’t heard the other party’s words at all, his finger that made the semi-god power palpitations instantly penetrated and heard the same. After the voice, there was a little surprise and a little bit of amazement, and the eyebrows were empty!

“You! Oh, nothing, this is also the cause and effect between him and you…”

Rao is Mani, no matter how good his temper, and no matter how high his cultivation is, he can’t help but feel very angry at Yuzan’s behavior that is similar to face-to-face slaps, but he also knows that he can’t take the opponent out of it, even if the opponent is just a newly promoted demigod. I can defeat him but it is impossible to kill the other party. If I do something here, I am afraid that the enmity between the two parties will be even greater, and at that time I am afraid that the West will be able to pick up the advantage…

“Who are you?”

Although Yuzan also understands that the other party is also a demigod, and is likely to be a demigod of Huangquan Temple, but he is also very surprised that the other party can tolerate this behavior of his own, thinking that Yuzan here is a little bit towards the other party. fear!

After all, no matter how good the temper is, it is almost intolerable for such a thing, not to mention that the other party is still a veteran demigod, unless the other party has ulterior motives and has some ulterior motive…

Looking at Yuzan’s calm eyes, Mani didn’t know that his “abnormal” behavior had caused Yuzan to be wary. If he knew it, he would vomit blood.

“Poor monk Mani, Huangquan Temple was created by the poor monk, little friend, now the poor monk officially apologizes on behalf of Huangquan Temple for some improper behaviors in the temple before, I hope you and me will clear up the previous suspicion…”


The brief calm in the sky did not affect the influence of the weather within Jelock City that was caused by the change in Yuzan’s aura, and there were still lightning and thunder.

On the ground, the imperial army’s morale increased greatly after seeing the incomparable strength of its master. Under the command of Douglas and the leadership of powerful men such as Esders and Yuuki as sharp swords, the results achieved were also steadily. rising……


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