Chapter 886



In the sky, while Yuzan made great efforts to fight Kamui alone against the four top 10 powerhouses of the Emperor Fist Temple, the battle in the city of Jelock below showed a weird trend!

Fortunately at the beginning, although the soldiers of the Imperial Army have an overwhelming advantage in cooperation, individual combat, and even the strong, at any rate, General Locke, the commander-in-chief of the Anning Road in Jerok City, is not a rash, he is calm. The command down also resisted the previous waves of the imperial army’s offensive!

However, Locke is not the leader of Anning Taoist after all, and his voice in Anning Road is not enough, which makes him insufficient control over the army. This consequence has led to some of his strategies that originally went out of the city to play against his own quantitative advantage. It can’t be realized at all, although this is mainly due to the’cowardness’ of some high-level people in Anning Road!

However, it was originally in Locke that even if the high-levels did not agree with their strategy to stick to the city and wait for the four 10-level powerhouses of Huangquan Temple to defeat or kill Yuzan, it is not unfeasible to cooperate with them, even this is rather conservative. The method is indeed more secure.

But what made Locke and many other high-level officials on Anning Road did not expect that the imperial army seemed to be less than a multiple of its own, and even the siege party, but they displayed the fighting power and the fearless spirit. It really shocked Locke!

At the beginning of the battle, because of the fanatical beliefs and unparalleled worship of the leader of the Anning Taoist churches, they did exert a tremendous fighting power, and they were even able to fight with the imperial army.

As the fighting time became longer and longer, the enthusiasm of the Anning Taoists gradually faded, and their spirit was gradually worn away in this high-intensity battle, just like a Tano card, and this emotion was rapid. The spread among the army on Anning Road made the barrier to the imperial army’s offensive step weaker and weaker!

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

At this moment, the loud horn in the distance suddenly sounded, making General Locke’s indifferent and gloomy eyes, who was sinking in thought, gradually becoming hard to look.

It turned out that although the Imperial Army had a strong offensive force, their 50,000 army only invested 20,000 in the battle. Seeing that the fighting power of the Anning Road in Jerok City became more and more neglected, Douglas, the commander in the rear of the Imperial Army, finally tolerated it. Unstoppable giving orders for a full-scale offensive!

At this moment, Locke couldn’t help but start to worry. Since the opponent launched the general attack at this time, the opponent no longer cared about the damage to the personnel, but he couldn’t figure out why the opponent would launch the general attack at this time!

Doesn’t their commander know that even if our individual combat power and cooperation are not as good as theirs, our number is ten times as many as theirs. Is the imperial army commander so confident that he can eat half a million people in one bite? You know, even if our half a million people stand still and let them kill, it will be soft enough for the other side to kill!

But in the face of the general offensive of the Imperial Army, these distracting thoughts of Locke can only flash in his mind. If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it, and respond to the changes without any hesitation. Locke is decisive. He ordered the herald next to him:

“According to my order, everyone is ready for a decisive battle. The enemy has launched a general offensive! In addition, I tell everyone that our reinforcements are already on their way. As long as everyone can withstand the opponent’s attack this time, then we will be peaceful. If we can enclose these fifty thousand elites of the empire in this Jelock City, this big victory will belong to us, please don’t give up!”

At this time, since all the tactics and other preparations that can be used have been used, all that can be done now is only to boost morale. This kind of moment is also the time to fight for strength with real swords and guns.

At the same time, in the imperial army’s camp, following the sound of the strong ground horns, a muffled roar came from the imperial army’s main line, and then the army also filed through the camp gate. Out!

With spears glowing with cold light, groups of imperial troops quickly arranged formations on the wilderness in the distance, and the black square arrays were quickly arranged!

At this time, amidst the black imperial army phalanx, a huge banner was picked up high. This was the banner of the imperial family!

“Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!”

“Empire! Empire! Empire!”(Read more @


Seeing that banner, all the empire soldiers screamed into the sky, and slammed their shields with their spears, making noises soaring into the sky!


At the same time, I saw Douglas riding a tall black horse and wearing a set of mighty general armor to the front of all the phalanxes. At the same time, he drew out the long sword in his hand, and the shouts in the entire phalanx followed. Disappeared, quietly waiting for Douglas to speak.

“Dear soldiers of the empire, today is a great day. On this great day today, a new chapter in the history of our empire will usher in!

Today, we will follow in the footsteps of our great regent to level the opposite city of Jelock, let the evil, tricky, mean and shameless traitors know that the majesty of our empire is inviolable, and let the ignorant and depressed people know. , Could it be Wang Tu in the whole world!

Ahead, our brothers are fighting, and now, the time has come for us to launch a general offensive, the soldiers of the empire, for our great regent, for the empire, kill! ! ! ”

Douglas is a strong man of level 8, so his voice is extremely loud. All the imperial soldiers in the phalanx are full of enthusiasm. At this moment, whether they have not yet fought or are fighting with the defenders of Jelock The troops in front of the regiment are very excited!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“For the Empire!”

“Long live the empire!”

“Long live the regent!”


Although the shouts of tens of thousands of people were not as loud as the 500,000 people in Jeloc City shouted to the Anning Taoist Master in unison, they still spread throughout the battlefield in an instant, and even the soldiers and civilians in Jeloc City could hear them. Hearing changes.

Moreover, the astonishing momentum displayed by the shouts of tens of thousands of people even changed the complexion of Locke and others on the head of Jerlock City.


Following Douglas’s orders, all the imperial troops in the rear began to move. At the same time, at the forefront of these phalanxes, there were several figures in casual clothes standing neatly. They have one characteristic, that is, they are young, the most of them The elders seem to be a little over 20, but no one in the Imperial Army dared to underestimate them, because they are all masters trained by Yuzan, and they are also the most critical one in the battle for Jelock. sharp knife!

“General Douglas, then we’re on board too, but I can’t let Sister Yuuki and Sister Esther wait too long!”

After Douglas’ final mobilization was announced, Naha Xiu, who was already a little impatient and wanted to participate in the battle, spoke directly to Douglas.

Seeing the arrival of the imperial army’s entire army launching a general offensive, the officer on the wall didn’t wait for the command of the boss to give it, and immediately turned around and shouted:

“The enemy is always coming! Keep everyone on me! The Musketeers get ready!”

On this city wall, the highest general on duty today is Locke’s confidant general. The soldiers on the city wall who have just repelled the enemy are already very tired. At this time, this unit will step on the city stomping, coldly. He looked at the enemy in the distance, then drew the long sword and raised it high, roaring with a powerful and mighty voice:

“Prepare to fight, soldiers! Fight for Anning Road! Fight for Lord Master!”

His metal armor reflected light in the sun, and a ray of sunlight shone on the top of the city and fell on him. Under the majestic command, his whole body was glowing with golden light like a god.

Beneath the inner city wall, groups of heavily armed Anningdao soldiers and congregations ran up one after another, lined up the formations closely, and held their weapons tightly.

“Fight for Anning Road!”

The minister roared loudly.

“Fight for Anning Road!”

“Fight for the leader!”

“Fight for the leader!”

Above the city wall, countless imperial soldiers made the same voice.

“Hmph, all the traitors who resisted the stubbornly deserve to die, die for me!”


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