Chapter 897

Endless starry sky.

This is a magnificent galaxy. This leucorrhea, which is faintly glowing like a Milky Way, straddles the starry galaxy, but it is full of peace, but from time to time there are shining rays of light passing from the horizon…

But it is precisely in this environment full of peace that is also full of danger…

This is because this endless starry sky is an extremely harsh environment with high vacuum, microgravity, strong radiation, and very drastic temperature changes.

If humans are exposed to the starry sky, they will face four major dangers: loss of pressure, hypoxia, high and low temperatures, and radiation damage.

Not to mention the weird cosmic hurricanes, black holes, and unpredictable meteorite belts…

In one corner of this vast and boundless universe, there is an area including 100 to 400 billion stars, a large number of star clusters, nebulae, and various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust, with a diameter of about 150,000 light years. , A large galaxy with a thickness of about 12,000 light-years in the center and bound by gravity, because it looks like a strip of light covered with jewel-like gleams of light, as if it is beautiful at night reflecting the moonlight The river in the starry sky is named the Milky Way by the intelligent creatures living on a beautiful blue planet in the inner small galaxy solar system.

The solar system is located on the inner third spiral arm of the Milky Way, and its interior contains nine planets including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and a large number of dwarf planets and the solar system in addition to the sun itself. A small galaxy where small celestial bodies revolve around R proudly. (Note: Although Pluto was no longer a planet in 2008, this book is still based on previous data and therefore is still the nine planets)

The solar system is a special galaxy. The reason why it is special is because it has born within it a species with life and even evolved extremely intelligent human beings.

In the solar system of this universe at this time, there have been two intelligent creatures that have been born, and each of them seems to be destined, and they also named their own race-human.

First of all, before the tenth Ten Thousand Years of the Earth’s calendar, ancient humans with Aldnoah as the core technology were born on Mars, one of the nine major planets in the solar system, and they named their planet-Visser.(Read more @

They call themselves the Visers, their technology is highly developed, and they even created the ‘Chrono-Time Gate’, a fantasy technology that only exists in fantasy, realizing their gradual expansion of the Visers to the entire solar system, even the Milky Way, and the universe.

However, just as their civilization reached its peak, all the Visser people who originally spread throughout the solar system and even expanded into the Milky Way before the third Ten Thousand Years of the Earth’s calendar disappeared overnight, just Remains left on rare planets suitable for human survival and their parent star Visser (Mars) to prove the fact that they once existed…

Then, after more than 30,000 years of Visser were not found in the solar system and even the Milky Way, they developed again on a blue and beautiful planet not far from the mother star of Visser. It has taken another group of human beings, and it is also taking the scientific and technological route. Although the time to rise to dominate this planet named Earth is not too long in the universe, it can still be in the cold weapon era in just a few hundred years. It has reached the stage of going out of the earth into space.

Although they are still very immature at this stage, their potential and prospects are very great, and they may even reach or surpass the original Visser.

Of course, the people on Earth now don’t know the past of the Visser, and it’s impossible to know their past glory…

Human beings are selfish, and human beings are also warlike. This may be Kei’s Pandora’s Box opened by wisdom, telling that human history is a history of war. In contrast, the reason why humans can develop rapidly Among them, the factor of war has played a key role, and it has to be said that it is the sorrow of mankind…

The earth, the earth at this time has returned to the long-lost era of peace after the war that swept the world nearly thirty years ago.

However, this peace is only because after defeating the original enemy, due to various reasons within the allied forces, the original allies began to suspicion and confront each other, and thus formed their respective interest groups headed by the two superpowers to compete for the world. An arms race for hegemony.

The two major interest groups are the Atlantic Union, a military alliance led by the United States, and the Eurasian Union, a military alliance led by Russia.

During this period, the people of all countries on the earth were panicked, for fear that a world war of the same scale would break out again, and this period will be called the Cold War period in later generations!

Since it is an arms race, it is obvious that the humankind on earth during this period has once again exploded with extremely powerful potential, and the scientific and technological strength has also increased rapidly after the original world war.

In 1961 AD, something that shocked the world happened. Eurasia jointly launched a manned space program to send people into earth orbit space. The Eastern project succeeded. The Russian Yuri Gagarin successfully landed in space on the Eastern One. After returning safely, the entire human race boiled.

Flying is always the dream of mankind. Once upon a time, a pair of brothers named Wright invented airplanes to allow mankind to fly into the blue sky. On this day, mankind actually set foot on space, so would they go to other planets? It’s far away.

The success of the Eurasian United Oriental Project No. 1 not only made the entire human world boil, but also greatly stimulated the Atlantic Union. They always thought that the Eurasian Union group was inferior to them, but now they have let the other side one step ahead, and suddenly the Atlantic Ocean United also started Kei’s Apollo project…

Therefore, the two big groups have one more thing on this day at the same time as other conventional arms science and technology competitions, that is, their respective space programs. In this way, the wheel of time is slowly rotating while the two big groups are developing separately. It came to 1972 AD.


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