Chapter 898

In 1972, the Earth, a member of the Atlantic Union, the United States.

At this time, an event that attracted the attention of all parties around the world occurred in the United States.

Since the Eurasian united Russian astronauts became the first human beings to go to space in 1961 due to the Eurasian united Eastern project, they shocked the earth world of mankind. It seems that mankind has obtained a key to open Pandora’s box, and it is known as the world. The Atlantic United, which has the most comprehensive strength, also immediately opened their Apollo project. With their super technology and unparalleled economic strength, after ten years of hard work, they have now caught up with or even surpassed in the development of aerospace technology. Own rival Eurasian Union…

Now, what is happening in the United States, which is the dominant nation of the Atlantic, is their Apollo 17 project.

Apollo 17, this is the eleventh manned mission in the Atlantic Joint Apollo program, and it is also the sixth mission of mankind to land on the moon.


“Challenger, the command center calls the challenger…” (Note: The call sign of Apollo 17 is the challenger)

After a period of intermittent electric current, an urgent call from the electric current clearly passed into the ears of the three people in this small space.


“Command center, challenger everything is normal, please instruct!”

In the hall of the Command Center of the United Atlantic Aeronautics and Space Administration, listening to the voice of the commander Eugene Cernan that had landed on the surface of the moon and uploaded back from the lunar module, there was a burst of cheers in the hall, and everyone seemed very excited.

The sound returned from the surface of the moon combined with the somewhat vague picture displayed on the large screen of the command center now means that the mission this time was temporarily successful.

Although the Apollo project has been underway for nearly ten years, the Atlantic Union has gradually caught up with or even surpassed the Eurasian Union from the backward trend in the aerospace field in the past ten years, and since 1969, Neil Alden Armstrong became the first one. The Post-Atlantic Union, who landed on the moon, has successively carried out six missions to the moon.

Except for the current sixth Apollo 17 mission, one of the first five missions failed. Therefore, every successful landing on the moon is an improvement to the Atlantic Union and even mankind.(Read more @


“Command center, the challenger is requesting permission to carry out lunar walks and collection missions now!”

About three minutes later, another sound with intermittent current noise was transmitted back to the command center.


“Challenger, the command center agrees to your request…”

About three minutes later, the commander Eugene Cernan and the astronaut Harrison Schmidt in the lunar landing module looked at each other after hearing the information sent back from the command center on Earth, and then started. Implemented their moon landing plan.

Harrison Schmidt is the only scientist performing missions in the Apollo program. He is a PhD in geology. This time on the Apollo 17 mission, he needs to follow Eugene Cernan to collect geology during the lunar walk mission. The leading person who studies the geological exploration techniques that Apollo astronauts can use in the aspects of samples and surveys of the moon…

…Three hours later, in the Tauras-Litro Valley, southeast of the Sea of ​​Tranquility, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmidt in a lunar rover had already driven to Tauras—— In the Litro Valley.

“Challengers, where are you now?”

Intermittent voices passed into the ears of the two.

Since their lunar rover entered the Tauras-Litro Valley, the connection between them and the Earth Command Center has also been signal interference due to the terrain of the valley…

“Command center, we are now in the Tauras-Litro Valley, I…what is that? Oh, my goodness! This, my God, God, I can’t believe what I see now… ”

Hearing the shouts from the command center, Eugene Cernan originally answered seriously, but then, he suddenly became excited, and the expression of Harrison Schmidt sitting next to him was also shocked. …

1972 was a year that changed the pattern of the entire human world.

This year, due to the Atlantic United’s Apollo 17 mission, Atlantic United astronaut Eugene Cernan discovered an unknown relic in a basin in the Lunar Tauras-Litro Valley, according to Eugene. After performing a series of analyses on the geological samples brought back by Ernan and Harrison Schmidt from the vicinity of the ruins, they surprisingly discovered that the geological samples nearby turned out to be more than three Ten Thousand Years.

And the ruins discovered by the two were also analyzed by all top scientists in the world and found that it turned out to be a portal similar to science fiction. It is a portal that can allow life to teleport through time and space to greatly shorten two planets. Or the super-space gate of the distance between galaxies.

In the same year, due to the discovery of the Chrono-Space Gate, the entire human world on Earth temporarily put aside the confrontation and the Cold War. Both the Atlantic Union and the Eurasian Union knew that such ancient alien technological legacy could not be monopolized by either of them. The fast two parties and even a third party in a neutral country headed by China sent top scientists and astronauts to form a large-scale expedition to the moon in the Tauras-Litro Valley. Macross Gate Ruins…

In mid-1972, an expedition led by Dr. Religalia Lebaser from the earth arrived at the Chrono-Space Gate site in the Tauras-Litro Valley on the moon, and the expedition succeeded after research. Activate the Macross Gate and discover that the opposite of this portal is Mars, which is also located in the solar system, except for the Earth’s parent planet, which is the most suitable for human habitation!

At the end of 1972, after nearly half a year of research, the representative of the Earth’s joint mission, Dr. Religa Lebasser, successfully discovered a substance called Aldnoah in the remains of ancient alien civilization on Mars. To awaken it, Aldnoah technology came into being…


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