Chapter 899

1972 was an exciting year in the history of humankind on the earth, and it was also because what happened in that year completely changed the pattern of the human world…

Since astronaut Eugene Cernan discovered the relics of ancient Martian civilization before the three Ten Thousand Years in the Atlantic Union’s Apollo 17 project-the Chrono-Space Gate, all forces on the earth have abandoned their previous enemies as never before. We all know that such things are not monopolized by each power, so each sent its own team of experts. The delegation headed by Dr. Religia Lebasser of the Atlantic United became the first group to enter Mars through the Chrono-Space Gate. Of humans.

Although the environment on Mars is very poor and there are too many dust storms due to the thin atmosphere, these factors are led by scientific and technical personnel such as the expedition team with the help of the humans who are continuously sent to Mars under the cooperation of various countries. With the help of the military of various countries, human beings quickly took root and survived on Mars.

Later, at the end of the same year, the head of the human expedition, Dr. Religia Lebaser, discovered the sleeping Aldnoah in the ancient ruins on Mars, and became the first to come into contact with it and activate it. Of humans.

The discovery of Aldnoah’s super-civilization technology has greatly excited the human world, and the application of this technology has also made the development of the entire Mars faster and faster. After about five years, the entire Mars can allow humans to survive. Also greatly increased.

The only thing that makes the Earth feel a little pity is that the Aldnoah technology can only be used on Mars, and the samples taken back can not be used at all, which also makes the senior officials of various countries greatly depressed.

However, what they don’t know is that Aldnoah, as the technology that reached its peak before the three Ten Thousand Years, has spread all over the solar system or even half of the galaxy, the peak technology of the ancient Visser people. How could it be so easy to be taken by other civilizations? Available.

Although all the ancient Visser people have disappeared for unknown reasons, their senior leaders seemed to know their fate and took precautions in advance to prevent their civilization from disappearing. Therefore, they added genetic related genes to Aldnoah. Technology…Although they may know that in the future, they may not inherit their civilization after the collapse of their entire civilization, but at least they can ensure that their civilization will not disappear in the long river of time because of the passage of time. This is also the entire universe. Measures that many advanced civilizations will do.(Read more @

Although the ancient Visser had various protection measures, they also knew the power of Aldnoah’s technology. In order to prevent this technology from being overwhelmed, they also made the creatures capable of awakening sleeping Aldnoah 70% similar to themselves. Because they are a kind of human, they also understand the characteristics of humans or creatures similar to this life form, that is, ambition and belligerence…

Therefore, in order to prevent the creatures that got Aldnoah from fighting against each other in the future many years, they destroyed their home star Visser (Mars), so they added that only the first one touched and activated it before letting this Aldnoah fall asleep. Creatures can have the authority to move Kei, and no one after that has the authority, and when the first creature with the authority to move Kei appears, the Kei action factor will directly affect and be added to his genes to be passed on…

These things are all the information that Dr. Religa Lebaser got from Aldnoah after he successfully awakened Aldnoah, but he concealed this at the beginning, and then after a series of small actions, it was even more weaved. The lies that Aldnoah can only apply on Mars…

This is Dr. Religia Lebasser. He is not only an authoritative scientist, he is also very capable of politics and other aspects.

He knew that if he truthfully reported the news he had received from Aldnoah, it would bring him more than just glory.

Afterwards, he is likely to be used as a mouse by various countries or major forces to become a test subject to study his DNA and vital signs after obtaining Aldnoah. At that time, he will not only lose his personal freedom, It is also possible that even one’s own life and safety will be affected.

Of course, if the researchers from all parties on the earth cannot decipher the Aldnoah Kei motility factor sequence in their DNA, then their life may be preserved, but the final result is at best the fate of a breeding pig. These, None of what Dr. Religalia wanted.

In fact, the main reason is also related to Dr. Religalia’s family affairs.

He was born in Germany in 1944. His family’s ancestors were actually noble lords for generations. After the First World War in the early twentieth century, because of the defeat of the Allied Powers headed by Germany, his family quickly declined. And the year he was born was the end of the Second World War. As a noble family that had gradually declined since his father’s time, his father has been educating him to rejuvenate his family as his mission…

However, after many years, he did not see any hope of rejuvenating his family, and even his father renamed him Lebasser. This was a protection to prevent others from knowing his family background. Later By mistake, although he failed to rejuvenate his family, he has made amazing achievements in the scientific world. He is an authoritative figure in the Atlantic Union and the whole world. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to become a member of the Mars expedition. principal……

But the appearance of Aldnoah not only made him see the political stakes in it, but also made him see his own rejuvenation of his family and even let his family achieve the hope that even his ancestors have not achieved glory… But he also knows that he is on Mars at this time. He is still too weak, so he has the hope that he patiently waits for the opportunity to appear…


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