Chapter 903

“Father, you see, Leonardo himself was raised in our parents since he was a child, and Uncle Augustine was also… so I wondered if our two families could be able to kiss and kiss each other, if in the future there are some of my children As for a girl, just with Yuzan…”

Seeing his only son actually proposed to marry Leonardo’s family, Religalia’s eyes were also bright, obviously he was moved by this proposal.

As the founding emperor of the Wisser Empire, His Majesty Religa Wisser, although he used Aldnoah as a cohesive force to gather the nobles around him to build this huge Wisser Empire.

But in addition to Aldnoah, his political vision and political skills are also quite good. This can be seen from the fact that Visser has gained the trust of the people of Visser despite being in a closed state over the years.

And now, when he suddenly heard his son Gilzeria propose to marry Leonardo, he instantly thought that this is the son who wants to completely bind the Augustine family to his chariot, and the deeper meaning is The reason is that at the beginning, the entire Mars was named duke and only the Augustine family.

Now, although the owner is Leonardo, and Leonardo grew up in his own home and grew up in foster care, his relationship with his family is extraordinary, but in the future, if there are any of his descendants… It is also a precautionary measure…

“Well, yes, Jill, your proposal is very good, Leonardo, what do you mean?”

Similarly, Leonardo himself saw the thoughts of his friends, but he also accepted it. After all, this kind of marriage between big families is normal. In addition, he grew up with Gilzeria since he was a child. After his father died, he was even living in Religalia’s home. For Religalia, he regarded him as his second father…

“Your Majesty, Leonardo and the Augustine family are all given by you, and your decision represents my decision…”

In this way, an inexplicable divine light flashed in Yuzan’s eyes. The Augustine family and the Visser royal family concluded a secret marriage that is not known to outsiders, and Yuzan, who has never met or even met The born fiancee…

…(Read more @

After coming to this world, Yuzan was very pleased to hear that it was actually the solar system. After all, after so many years, he himself never thought that he would be able to ‘return’ to the earth.

But after he fully understood the situation of this world, he immediately understood that this earth is not the other earth, and the cosmic space of the two may not be much different, but in fact they are two worlds.

In this regard, Yuzan also inquired about the “star” magic sword hidden in the spirit of his soul, but what he got was that this parallel world-like plane universe is as numerous as feathers in the entire world centered on the celestial realm. In the Buddhism, one flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi…

Now that he has understood that this world is not his original’hometown’, Yuzan also began to calm down, and when he came to this world himself, he used the power of the’star’ magic sword to break the crystal wall of space, and the purpose was also for luck. And faith…According to Demon Sword, only in this way can you achieve your desired strength in Ten Thousand Years by means of luck and faith. Otherwise, not to mention Ten Thousand Years, even thousands of Ten Thousand Years are difficult, and this is still With the help of the magic sword…

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it has been five years since Yuzan came to this dimensional universe.

In the past five years, Yuzan has gradually learned what kind of world this is.

In the past five years, the relationship between the Visser Empire and the earth has also become more tense.

First of all, in 1996, three years ago, large-scale terrorist attacks broke out in Atlanta, the former Gome, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Mumbai, India. This incident caused a total of 3,267 deaths.

And when the Earth united nations to investigate the leader of this incident, on the second day of this terrorist attack, a terrorist organization called Martians claimed responsibility for this terrorist activity, which caused an uproar on the earth for a while. .

At the same time, large-scale anti-terrorism and anti-Mars marches broke out all over the earth. This incident was also used by interested people and continuously pushed behind the scenes to bring the already hostile relationship between Mars and the earth to a freezing point.

On the moon’s Joint Earth Base, there has also been a continuous increase in troops. Visser is also a teleportation point for the increase in troops. The war between the two sides is about to start, and there are so-called expert commentators who blatantly declared that the war is coming…

However, to everyone’s disappointment, Religalia, the emperor of the Visser Empire, knew very well that Visser should not go to war with the earth. In addition to being greatly inferior to each other in terms of population, it was even more so in terms of supplies. Although a war is likely to be won, what you get afterwards may not be so great… Therefore, the talks with the earth unity were launched again… Such an approach is actually sensible in Yuzan’s view. But it’s a little too cautious…

And in the second year of this terrorist incident, that is, in 1997 AD, Visser’s power structure has undergone tremendous changes. First of all, His Majesty Religalia has long been branded because he was too exhausted when he was young. He got the root of the disease, so he passed on to the crown prince Gilzeria, and he abdicated the overlord to recuperate…

In addition to the enthronement of the new emperor, the old Earl Zazbarum, one of the 37 other influential nobles of Mars, passed away due to illness. His title was inherited by his only son, and his death made the Earl of New Zazbarum Even postponed the marriage date with his fiancee, Viscount Volleyin…

Since His Majesty Gilzeria, the second generation emperor of the Visser Empire, ascended the throne in 1997, he changed his father’s strategy of “compromising” the earth. He chose to believe in the power of Aldnoah and inject strength into industrial development blindly. The power of the royal family that dominates Aldnoah is absolute.

And because of the social environment at the time, the life of the people and the nobility in the Wisser Empire were completely two extremes. Therefore, in order to alleviate the stimulation of social conflicts, the people’s dissatisfaction was directed at the earth…


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