Chapter 904

Regarding Gilzelia’s approach, even though only a little politically minded person can see that he is shifting hatred.

Especially in Yuzan’s view, his actions are exactly the same as the purpose of launching the Battle of the Falkland Islands in his previous life, “Earth” Argentina, which is to transfer the hatred of the domestic people and to transfer to others.

Although Yuzan finds such a “little trick” very boring, in the highly centralized Visser Empire, those people even support this kind of nonsense, thinking that they are a good higher nation, and that the earth’s inferior people rely on it. What can have such a wealth of resources, and why the other party can live so well…

Sitting in the car equipped for him by his family, watching the Visser people holding slogans against the earth everywhere on the street, and watching the long queues lined up in the conscription places, Yuzan said to himself a little helplessly. :

“Human beings are indeed fickle. It slightly caused their dissatisfaction with the earth. They all forgot their original birth, and even forgot that their parents were born because they couldn’t live on the earth. Will come to Weisser, it is ridiculous that this group of self-righteous guys still think that they are an excellent high-level nation… Jealousy and greed are really…”

“My lord, we are here!”

Just as Yuzan was in a trance, the driver’s voice made Yuzan come back to his senses, only to see that his special car had arrived at the palace.

“Ah, I see, just wait for me here!”

The reason why Yuzan came to the palace is because Gilzeria has worked very hard in recent years, but the belly of the queen has always been quiet, and even for this, His Majesty Religalia has some doubts whether it is his own son or daughter-in-law. One of them couldn’t bear children… For this reason, he also prepared some women secretly for his son… But still so, this also made His Majesty Religalia very helpless.

The relationship between Yuzan and their family is too close to the royal family. In addition, his father, Leonardo Augustine, grew up in the house of His Majesty Religalia. Yuzan is also the grandson of an old friend of His Majesty the Emperor. This also led to the emperor’s extraordinary love for Yuzan. Of course, there was also the reason why Yuzan himself had a special purpose and went to “please” Leligalia.



Hearing footsteps, Religalia, who was doing gardening and pruning in his garden, planted flowers and plants by himself, put down the shears in his hand and gave it to the attendant beside him. After looking back, he saw Yuzan facing with a smile. When he walked by himself, a kind smile appeared on his face…

“Your Majesty, it’s me! Minister, Yuzan Augustine, see His Majesty the Emperor!”

Yuzan walked slowly to Religalia’s side and saluted respectfully.(Read more @

“Oh, you kid, really… why are you willing to see Grandpa today?”

Seeing Yuzan saluting himself like a ‘little adult’, Religalia’s eyes flashed with helplessness.

Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have a grandson, maybe it’s compensation for sacrificing his old friends to save himself. He loves Yuzan from the heart, and Yuzan also behaves very sensibly and intelligently. He can walk in five months. You can speak at the age of one, and even study independently at the age of three… But there is one thing that Yuzan is too respectful to himself, no matter what he says, he just doesn’t change.

“Your Majesty! This is a necessary courtesy for the minister. You are not only the founder of our great Visser Empire, so besides being Yuzan’s “Grandpa”, you are also Yuzan’s monarch, so…”

But facing Religalia’s helplessness, Yuzan still stubbornly explained.

In fact, the reason why Yuzan behaves like this is also very helpless. Although he does have a relationship with the other party in this world, he has lived for so many years, so that he is really like a child to teach adults. He really can’t do things like a kid’s temper…

“Okay, okay, I see, you kid… By the way, you haven’t said why you are willing to see Grandpa today?”

Walking slowly to Yuzan’s side, one hand took Yuzan’s little hand, and Leligalia took Yuzan and walked with him in the garden like this.

“The minister just thought that he hadn’t seen your majesty for a while, so today… and today the minister actually asked your majesty, and hoped that his majesty would agree!”

As he said, Yuzan said respectfully on one knee again.

“Ohhhhh, you boy, you can come to see me, I am very happy, as for you to ask me? Isn’t it all right for you to go to Jill? Now Jill is the emperor, and I have retired. Wouldn’t Jill still refuse to promise you no?”

Religalia asked with some doubts.

Yuzan’s position in the Weisser Empire, the whole Weiser doesn’t know, not to mention that he is the first or even the only heir of the Augustinian family, just to say that Religalia loves him, and Gilzeria almost treats him. Treated as his own child, such a little guy who is so beloved by thousands of people, today actually asks for himself, besides making Religalia doubtful, there is also a hint of curiosity…

“Please also promise the minister first, or the minister won’t get up!”

However, Yuzan turned a deaf ear to Religalia’s words and continued to speak stubbornly.

“You… well, I promise you that, you can get up first… you kid, really… you can talk now!”

Religalia had obviously understood Yuzan’s stubbornness in the past few years, and immediately reluctantly agreed.

Such a situation would definitely be stunned to outsiders, but the close servants around them all behaved very calmly. Obviously this is not the first time this happened, and in the Visser Empire, it was possible to Only the little duke of the Duke Augustin’s house had such a conversation with Religalia…

“Your Majesty! Actually, the minister wants to make your majesty promise to go to the earth circle. Don’t regret it first. You must know that you are the emperor. You have no jokes…”

Hearing that Religalia had agreed to himself, Yuzan said his purpose, and immediately caused Religalia’s face to change…

“No, Yuzan, I promised you, but you have to know that between the earth side and our Visser…and you…no, I don’t agree!”


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