Chapter 911

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“The First Armored Regiment, attack me, the target, the Martian armored cavalry two kilometers ahead, set fire to attack the black armored cavalry!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Om! Om! Om!”

With artillery fire, smoke, debris, and potholes, the moon’s surface at this time was located in the narrow strip of Tauras-Litro Valley and on both sides of the canyon, full of war.

Countless modified and reinforced armored vehicles, tanks and other heavy weapons are constantly bombarding the Martian armored cavalry in the direction of Macross.

Obviously, the Earth Joint Lunar Base has been ordered by the Earth Joint High-level.

At this time, in the Lunar Base, all the high-levels of the Lunar Base, including the commander, have gathered together.

“…The above is the order the headquarters gave us this time!”

After the stern-faced Lunar Base Commander had read the order given from the Joint Earth Headquarters, the entire conference hall was suddenly silent.

Everyone here understands the seriousness of the order issued by the headquarters this time and the consequences if it succeeds.

But this is also helpless, after all, although they are better than Mars in number, often they sacrifice an entire regiment of troops and they are not necessarily able to defeat the opponent’s armored cavalry.

“Everyone, what I want to say now is that since the headquarters has issued the order, and we, as soldiers, the duty of the soldiers is to obey. Therefore, I am going to carry out this order personally, and you don’t have to do it for… So, now I In the name of the supreme commander of the Lunar Base, order you all to leave the base!”

The silence was broken, and the Lunar Base Commander took the lead to speak, and his opening immediately made everyone in the entire conference hall look at him with an incredible look.

Although some of them had been timid after receiving orders before, but now that the top commander of the base is so “selfless”, they suddenly felt something stuck in their throats… Know the consequences of staying behind, and all know the seriousness of this kind of thing…A bad thing is likely to leave Ten Thousand Years…(Read more @

“No! Commander, we can’t be so selfish, you…”

“Well, no need to say more, remember, we are soldiers, and the mission of soldiers is to obey! Now I am not asking, I am ordering you to leave immediately, you are all elites of my earth unity, and you are all on earth Precious talent, I can’t selfishly watch you go…you go to prepare immediately, our time is running out, one more minute, our compatriots will die! So… above! Now, the meeting is over! ”

“This group of old humans on Earth are really weak and pitiful!”

A black Martian armored cavalry with a sturdy arm grasped the armored car he was holding in his hand, and the pilot in the cockpit looked at the opponent with disdain.

Dennis is a Martian knight. He is also a native of Weisser. He grew up in the Weisser Empire since he was a child. His family is also one of the first families to immigrate to Mars, although the reason for emigrating to Mars was also because of his father. After committing a crime on the earth, he became a seller and immigrated to Mars with his wife.

This situation was not uncommon back then. Later, Dennis and his father were lucky because he made military exploits during Visser’s “War of Li Li” and was later awarded the title of aristocratic “Knight”…

Like most of the Visser Empire, Dennis is also a guy who despises, despises and even hates the people of the earth. Since the beginning of the war, he has liked to torture and kill the people of the earth, especially from the cab to look at the enemy armored vehicles. Climbing out of the soldiers’ desperate eyes, his sick psychology was greatly satisfied…

At this time, he was about to squeeze the “ant” in his eyes-earthlings, but suddenly, he only felt his body vibrate. At first he thought his body was shot, after all, although he was also He was a nobleman, but he belonged to that kind of little nobleman, and his body couldn’t be compared with those big noblemen with titles, let alone special abilities.

But after he checked the general condition of his body, he found that his body was not damaged at all, and he suddenly became a little confused, and he couldn’t help screaming, “What the hell”… But then, he was caught The scene was shocked…

“Great Visser knights! The moment of our glory has come, listen to my orders, go forward at full speed, and invade the lunar base of the earth people. As long as the lunar base is taken, the earth is near!”

In his own body “Zeus”, Gilzeria is constantly inspiring the morale of the entire Visser Empire and directing the battle.

Originally, as the emperor, he should not have personally participated in this kind of battle, but he was a warlike person, otherwise he would not develop arms in the empire regardless of the life and death of the people, and take all the anger of the people. Dodge to the earth.

Moreover, the 37 Yanglu City in the orbit of the earth and the 37 earls of the city lord of Yanglu City are actually a hidden danger in his heart. After all, there have been too many things like the masters of high merits in history.

And even if the ruling foundation of the Visser Empire is Aldnoah, who can guarantee that Aldnoah will not be cracked or found loopholes!

Next to “Zeus” is “Achilles”, and the pilot among them is Gilzeria’s friend and courtier, Duke of Augustine, Leonardo Augustine.

Seeing “Zeus” who had no enemies all the way ahead, Leonardo was also very excited. Although he roughly guessed some of Gilzeria’s thoughts, he still followed the other party’s footsteps without hesitation. Not only did he grow up with each other’s best friends since childhood and he was fostered in the other’s home because of his father’s sacrifice, but he also admired each other very much. What’s more, he knows that regardless of whether the other party is on other Mars What kind of thoughts do knights and nobles have, but such thoughts will never come to him…

But when Gilzeria’s team rushed forward, near the Tauras-Litro Valley, an armored vehicle equivalent to a commando team appeared…

“Everyone, success or failure depends on this, for the earth!”

“For the earth!”


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