Chapter 912

“Stupid primitive old humans, all creep under the light of God!”

Looking at the heavy iron gates of the Earth Joint Army Lunar Base and other defense facilities such as the Earth Joint Armored Vehicles gathered nearby, several Martian armored cavalry of different shapes are constantly approaching here, from the sound of the armored cavalry communication. China also conveyed its disdain for the united forces on the earth.


The ground trembles constantly from afar. Although the gravity on the moon is only one-sixth of that on the earth, the Martian armored cavalry walking on the surface of the moon at this time seems to be walking on the local Visser and the earth…

“Your Majesty! Now that you have advanced to the general gate of the Earth Union Lunar Surface Base, do you launch a general attack!”

Listening to the voice coming from the communication, Gilzeria, who was sitting in the cockpit of “Zeus”, flashed a fiery heart. Finally, the lunar base was finally about to be taken down, and then it was the earth.

Thinking of this, he looked at the blue planet in the distance through the sensor.

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

“Your Majesty! There is a situation! The vanguard forces did not receive too much resistance when they broke through the enemy’s lunar base just now, and just now, it was less than 200 miles away from the Gate of Time in the Tauras-Litro Valley. Our troops found an Earth Union Army, they…”

Suddenly, just after Gilzelia was thinking about taking down the earth, the scene was interrupted by a burst of anxious Cu communication. At first, he could not understand the meaning of the voice from it, but repeated it to the other party. After this time, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

As a Gilzeria with outstanding military talents, he certainly knows what it means to find a united Earth army near the Tauras-Litro Valley at this time.

At this time, because the Visser Empire wanted to take down the lunar base as quickly as possible, there were very few defenders near the Chrono-Space Gate. Although dealing with this earth united army is not a problem, if the other party means it If you evade and only attack the Chrono-Space Gate, the consequences…

“Hurry up and stop them for me, at all costs!”

“Leonardo, you hurry up to contact the nearest base to us and ask them to send a transport ship, we have to leave the moon as soon as possible… These damn primitive people, how dare they…”

Gilzeria, which was reflected in an instant, was a little incoherent. All fools knew how amazing the energy contained in the super-civilizational technology as a’portal’ that could cross the planets was amazing. It’s okay that there are no surprises in normal times. But now this earth unity is actually pursuing the purpose of directly destroying the Chrono-Space Gate, then the moon appears to be not so safe, especially since Gilzelia has only been in the ranks for more than two years, but he still has a great life…

Tauras-Litro Valley.

At this time, fierce fighting was also taking place in the Tauras-Litro Valley.

“This group of damn despicable and shameless primitive people, kill me, you must not let them get close to the Gate of Time and Space!”(Read more @

The “death squad” personally led by the commander of the Earth Joint Lunar Base drove their armored vehicles full of ballistic missiles and headed towards the direction of the Chronospace Gate fearlessly and fearlessly.

“Everyone, although our missiles have precise guidance systems, the distance at this time is still too far. I think you must also know the power of the Martian armored cavalry from the information transmitted from the front lines of these days. In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it. , We must continue to move forward!”

The voice of the commander of the Earth Joint Lunar Base in the communication is so impassioned…



Over the sky above Tanegashima, as the two “meteors” with long fiery red tail flames approached at an extremely fast speed, the entire Tanegashima military base was now in a state of being a soldier.

“Please pay attention to the first and second air fighter groups. Now the enemy must be attacked by the vanguard forces. Be sure to annihilate the opponent before the enemy’s reinforcements arrive or Yanglu City. The first and second air fighter units will attack!”


An aircraft carrier in the aircraft carrier battle group near Tanegashima constantly flew out with extremely fast fighter planes, and quickly formed a formation in the air toward the direction of “Dios Curry” and “Deucalion” above. Fly away.

On the ground of Tanegashima, tanks, armored vehicles, and surface-to-air missile units are also rapidly gathering.

“Please note the self-propelled surface-to-air missile formation. The target is constantly approaching the base. You will carry out the first round of attacks, coordinates XX, XX, launch!”


After all the operators of the self-propelled surface-to-air missile armored vehicles entered the coordinates from the command center, the surface-to-air missiles were launched.

The speed of these missiles surpassed the speed of sound in an instant, and they were launched faster than the fighter planes and attacked the approaching “meteor” in the sky.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling light burst out in the sky and the bursting ‘fireworks’ with a poke, it’s really beautiful…

“All bullets hit!”

Through the images in the communication video, everyone in the Tanegashima Command Headquarters suddenly became excited.

In the eyes of these human beings on Earth who have not intuitively seen Aldnoah’s technological strength, no matter how powerful the opponent’s armored cavalry is, after all hitting almost a combat group surface-to-air missile, it is impossible to survive, even if the opponent resists it. Now, then it’s impossible not to be undamaged…

However, the image in the video immediately followed was like the loud slap on their faces.

In a few moments, the radar once again caught the approaching ‘meteor’, and from the heat pattern comparison parameters, the other party was completely unscathed…

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

“No, the enemy has not been wiped out, they are completely unscathed! Attention fighter group, the enemy is unscathed, start attacking!”

Listening to the slightly noisy voice in the command center, the fighter group leader who is driving the latest F-16 fighter jointly developed by the original Atlantic also has a little cold sweat on his palms, but as a soldier, he still shows his composure as much as possible. , Immediately opened the communication to give orders to the other fighters:

“Captain Delta notified each machine, and then began to attack!”


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