As everyone expected, Hinata once again finished first, and she only took about 8 minutes to run with a weight of 200 pounds and 1200 meters, and she looked very good.

Not even a drop of fragrant sweat flowed from his smooth and fair forehead.

I didn’t even take a big breath.

As if there is still a lot of spare energy…

It’s incredible.

And like other people, it is different, it is completely two, completely different painting styles.

Even the usual, very cold Uchiha Sasuke, at this moment, is panting, his back is already wet with sweat, and he has only just finished one lap, and there is still the last lap left.

His feet felt slightly soft, and both strands trembled slightly.

But that’s barely affordable.

Looking at Hinata Hinata, who has already completed two laps.

His face was a little shocked, a little amazed, a little unwilling, a little unyielding.

Struggling to carry a 200-pound load.

Step by step.

Running ahead.

The person closest to Uchiha Sasuke is not Naruto Uzumaki, but Akimichi Dingji, the future heir of the Akimichi clan. Among the many families in Konoha, the Akimichi family is a family that attaches more importance to physical skills.

Although Akimichi Dingji seems to be obese, his physical strength is not inferior to Sasuke.

It’s just that I can usually eat a little…….


Well, is it generally edible.

Of course, the gap is very large compared to Hinata.

After all, Hinata was able to easily kill more than forty bowls of Ichiraku ramen in half an hour, a record that was enough to sweep the entire Konoha, and no one else could match it.

What made Iruka quite helpless was that many students were very unbearable.

There are even a few guys who are not very good at physical skills.

Already crawling with both feet and hands.

“It seems that you have to find time to train, these little guys’ physical skills, although most of the ninjas fight with seals, but if the physical skills are not good, it is difficult to absorb enough chakra.”

Iruka nodded thoughtfully, and made a draft in his heart.

As a teacher, he is also very responsible.

Treat the students in your class like children.

Even if he is still a humble single dog………

I don’t know how long time has passed, this exam took ten minutes, and finally the last person in the chapter, hard to “climb” to the finish line, Iruka clapped his hands and said: “The second exam is over!” ”

“Now the score of the results is announced, the first place: Hinata Hinata 100 points, the second place two people: Uchiha Sasuke and Akimichi Dingji 79 points, the third place Nara Shikamaru 68 points……..”

Only a third of them had a passing grade, thinking of Haruno Sakura, Naruto Uzumaki, etc.

It’s all failing grades……..

They all “climbed” to the finish line.

But fortunately, everyone passed the first exam, even if the second one failed, it didn’t matter, isn’t there a third exam! As long as they can pass two items above the passing line, they do not need to repeat a year.

Hinata, on the other hand, is safe and does not need to repeat a grade, after all, both exams are the first place.

This achievement is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

And Iruka even felt ……..

Hinata can skip to sixth grade.

If it wasn’t very in line with the rules, he could have crossed Hinata directly to the sixth grade, because Hinata had such strength.

And even many sixth-graders may not be Hinata’s opponents.

It is indeed a genius of a hidden person.

Gold always shines…….


The last exam is about to begin, but this one is a test of everyone’s intelligence gathering ability, and Hinata is confused about the content of this exam, because she has not reviewed these at all.

During these two months of vacation, she hasn’t even practiced ninjutsu.

Not to mention this kind of intelligence-gathering technique.

So what is surprising is that.

Hinata, who has always occupied the first position…….. He scored only 57 points.

Although only three points away can pass.

But in the end, I still failed……..

No. 1 is the oil girl Shino, who lives in the point family, and since he was a child, he has to sign a weird contract to take his own body, and then use his body as a nest of various parasites, and then control the bugs to fight.

Shino the oil girl who can control bugs, in terms of intelligence gathering ability.

It can be said that it is almost unmatched.

Easily won the 1st place.

After the exam, no one was brushed down, perhaps Iruka released water to many people, or maybe he did not release water.

“This concludes today’s preview exam, and the first place overall score is Hinata Hinata!”

“The 2nd place in the overall score is Sasuke Uchiha!”

“The 3rd place in the overall score is Nara Shikamaru!”

“The 4th place in the overall score is Sakura Haruno!”

“The 5th place in the overall score is Shino the oil girl!”

“The 6th place in the overall score is……..”

After the results of the list were announced, some people were happy and some people were lost, and it was not surprising that Naruto Uzumaki was still the tail of the crane.

After all, Naruto Uzumaki at this age stage has not yet opened his plug-in.

After he graduated from the ninja school…….

It’s time for him to open the hanging.

“After all, was it still pressed by more than a dozen points? Call…….. Hinata Hinata is indeed a very strong competitor, but this is fine. If I have a competitor, I feel the pressure, and I will grow faster. ”

Uchiha Sasuke let out a slight breath, he had already tried his best this time.

The result is the total score from Hinata Hinata.

It’s still about 17 points behind.

The gap of 17 points does not seem to be large, but for Sasuke Uchiha, this gap is very large, just like the difference between heaven and earth.

But he is not discouraged in his heart, he is not the kind of person who likes to be discouraged.

Hinata didn’t know what was going on in the minds of the others.

At this time, she was happily inviting the gong: “Brother Guardian Ling, I really won the first place in the preview exam!” Before…….. In the past, I basically did those preparatory exams…….. All in the bottom ten. ”

Indeed, Hinata’s progress is very great, which is inseparable from her physique.

Of course, the greatest credit is Liu Chen’s teaching.

If it weren’t for Liu Chen’s teaching…….

Her talent will only be wasted.

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